Sunday, January 27, 2008

A very odd, yet still good week

This has been a good week for me and I shall get right into it rather than waste time with my traditional opening paragraph. That's right, this is all the intro you get today.

We had no more scheduled movies in Hollywood & History, so we watched this movie called Do the Right Thing. It's this really stereotypical movie about black people and civil rights and stuff. It reminded me a bit of Crash, which I never saw. The movie offered up some good quotes, such as "It is too hot to fuck!" and "Naw man the best piece o a woman I ever had was on a hot day!" Many other quotes from the movie as well. In Lifetime Sports, we went bowling. It was pretty fun. I'm starting to get better at it, being able to come up to around 110 consistently finally. After school, I skipped frisbee practice to practice my French Horn instead for my UW music program audition on Saturday. The way it works is that I have to try out to get into the program. I can get accepted into the program and still not at the school, but I need to try out either way and worst case scenario: I know I can at least try out again and make it when I eventually get in.

We had a 100 minute lecture in Physics about optics. I actually like optics, so it was nice to have Mr. Davis talking in the background while I took notes as he occasionally put something on the board and then went to play Quinn until Davis (not Mr.) got pissy about it and closed the laptop. After school, I practiced some more and then did some more homework.

We finished up Do the Right Thing. That was such an odd movie. In Lifetime Sports, more bowling. After school, I skipped frisbee again in order to practice.

We originally planned on seeing Meet the Spartans, then going to the game, then seeing Rambo. Davis had problems with scheduling though due to needing to be at a Jazz thing at 11 am the next morning. My audition was at 9:30, but I still went. We decided not to go to Meet the Spartans, which seems to have gotten favorable feedback. We need to see it eventually. I went to the game and Steven forgot, so I left right before the fourth quarter. I met up with Orion at his house, then Steven came. We went to the 10:00 showing of Rambo. There were some drunk people there we assume because when everyone got up at the end, we heard beer bottles clinking around. Oh and we saw a preview about this really dark kind of movie with a guy that butchers people in the subway. The title came up as "Midnight Meat Train." Everyone in the theater was laughing. You just can't get away with having a horror movie named something that makes people think it's some kind of gay porn movie. Rambo was really good, despite the lack of dialogue. The longest sentence was about ten words long, you could tell Silvester Stallone was directing.

I got up at 7 and left the house around 8 to get to my audition in time. We needed to leave early to ensure this. I siuted up because they said to dress nicely, not necessarily concert attire. I decided to not wear concert attire, I one upped it instead. That's how I roll. I hopped in a practice room for about half an hour to fine tune the horn and hammer out some minor bumps. As I was waiting for the audition, I heard someone trying out inside. Mom thought it was a horn, but I thought it sounded like a trombone. When that person's tryout was over, this girl who was very pretty by band standards came out just crying her eyes out. The group "leader" as I designated him came out after her to try to console her. She sounded pretty good, but did have a couple of really really rough spots in her song as I could hear through the door. The leader invited me inside and showed my my seat and told me to go whenever. There were six people evaluating me. I tried to get really realaxed after that girl had come out of there like that. She was probably just a perfectionist. Anyway, I played my two songs and then the leader guessed that I was on a Yamaha which I was. He also knew my former private lessons teacher. After I was finished, he commented on my sound which I had noticed. I think the room was just made really well because I noticed my sound quality had gotten much much much better in there. He complemented me on my playing and then said that I need to play louder and "That is one of the first things we will work on." I didn't get my hopes up much on that though. As we left, mom and dad told me the lady said that we would hear if I got in anytime between a week and the end of March most likely. That made me a bit nervous, but I figured I would just have to wait.

When we got home, we listened to messages and learned that our contractor was coming in 2 hours to demolish the kitchen. We moved everything out of the area. Kathryn's room became the new family room inheriting furinture. Downstairs became the greenhouse, getting all the plants. My room became the Pantry, dining room, and cabinets, inheriting all of the things in all of those things. On the plus side, I now have all non-refridgerated food in my room. Destroying the kitchen was fun. I got to kick out some drywall. The cats did not enjoy this, but they hid downstairs. Dad and I took most of the drywall to the dump and it was nice because hardly anyone was there.

We started our week with no appliances. We had a hot-plate for cooking water for hot chocolate. In the afternoon, we went to install this new desk at my aunt's house. It's really cool. It's a computer desk that has a built in power strip and you can press a button to turn off a certain aspect of your computer, such as the monitor, speakers, or cpu, etc. It took about three hours to figure out because of all the cords, but we got to see the end of Scorpion King in which the Rock jacks someone's bow and takes the arrow that was shot into his back and shoots the bad guy with it. The Rock is so manly that he doens't use a quiver, he uses his back. On our way home, my aunt decided to let us borrow her microwave, which is our microwave that we had before we got our newer one in 1995. We now have this one that sits on a table and plugs into an outlet, so it will be nice to have that to help cook some meals and we won't have to eat out as much. When we got back, I learned that I had been accepted into the UW music program. That was cool because we expected it to take much longer than that. They said they really liked my sound and looked forward to having me. Now here's hoping I get into the UW in general.

Peace out for now.

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