Monday, October 27, 2008

Perhaps Mondays shall become my new post days.

I've been thinking and I realized that since I have to leave the house at 6:30 for band and since I get back too late to really get into any videogames, I should just sacrifice time to post on these days. This way, I can get more videogames in during the weekend and I don't feel robbed of time on Mondays, so look for my week posts on Mondays. Additionally, "Things I Hate" will be a regular Wednesday update, so look out for that too. And Davis, if you wanted to do a rant about grammar, go ahead. I have other topics that are more important to me than that right now and if someone tells people off about grammar, it will be good (please don't fix the grammar in this paragraph though, I know it sucks). Ok well anyway, I'll get into the week a bit.

New Phone:
If I've talked to you about my phone, you know it has been slowly breaking. I had the Motorolla Razer for 2.5 years and it was a good phone, but it is clearly on its last legs, what with the random silencing or random shutdowns. Mom and Dad, being in the same boat as me, looked up when we could get new phones and it turned out we were eligible now. Mom and Dad don't know exactly what they want yet, but Kathryn and I got new phones. On top of that *WE NOW HAVE TEXTING* so that means I will recieve and actually answer text messages now. No longer will I see a message from Chris and have to assume it means a frisbee game.

So Kathryn bought a sidekick and I was planning on getting something like a razer since I liked it, but then this cute (in the nerdy, shy way (which in its own way is even more attractive)) attendant at Costo (she was about 20, so it's not some older lady if you were thinking that for some reason.) showed me the new G1, the G-phone. It looked super awesome, so after learning more about it from other sources, I decided to spend some extra money from graduation to buy it. It was more than I had intended to pay for a phone, but it is mega awesome. It has internet, GPS, a really good camera, and even an application where you can scan a barcode and it tells you how much that item costs at nearby stores. Today, my accounting class was cancelled, so I learned more about the phone and I even got some solitare in. My number is the same, so don't worry about anything there. I do have to put in your numbers though, but I have them all written down somewhere and they are still on my old phone.

My math class has been starting to get challenging again. We got into a lesson that I didn't do so well on in the class last time I had something in that level and this was no different. I had previously been putting up some crazy numbers on tests and if there had been a curve, I would have screwed everyone over, but this time, I fell down to the class average, so the teacher said she recommends I try to pretend I have never seen the material before because the worst thing I could do is think I learned it already and be partially correct. I'm doing well in the class though. I have a 3.8. The lady next to me has a .8 and she seems to be on the ball (maybe not on tests though), so either something is off, or the rest of the class is down between 2.0 and 3.0.

Accouting is going okay. The teacher is extremely boring and everyone I've talked to hates the fact that she assumed we are all on the same level and she doesn't slow down at all to help anyone. One guy in my class finished the last test in 20 minutes. To put that in perspective, I was the second one to finish and it took me 40 minutes. I later found out that that guy had previously taken 3 accounting classes in high school, so if I have any quick questions, I know who to ask there.

Jazz band is fine. I finally remembered my plunger mute and we're getting some good songs going. Also, our trombone section finally showed up and they are pretty good players.

Symphonic band is fine as well. I kind of like being the youngest person in my section by at least 20 years. My section leader also reminds me a bit of Maddy (she is somewhat crazy) and the guy in the second seat reminds me a bit of Nathan (he's quiet, but says a lot of funny things).

English is going well also. It's not a big deal class because we just sit there and pretend we haven't learned about theses yet. I couldn't teach english because it would be repetitive to teach the same thing over and over plus a lot of the people in the class know the material.

Not much else has happened. Orion came back online and we marathoned Guild Wars alliance battles for a bit until we had 10,000 unspent faction, then Orion and I stayed up late (I got to bed 2 hours late) talking about this and that and whatnot.

The rest of the weekend was spent just doing random things around the house. On Sunday, we had a full family party for Kathryn including the relatives from Kent. I got to go down to SPU to pick up my cousin (actually first cousin once removed, but she is part of the family now since she lives so close, so I'm upgrading her because I don't want to type all that crap out when I reference her). It's cool to have her around because she is more like me than the rest of the family. Also, we are the two kids with blonde hair in the family, so I don't look out of place amongst black and brown and even red hair of the rest of the family.

Ok well that's enough for this week. Look out for "Things I Hate 2" this week. Peace out.


Davos said...

Nathan who?

Eric said...

nice now you got the best phone and now you can be called a g man with the g phone.

Oreo said...

is your cousin hott?