Monday, October 06, 2008

Well now that I have time...

Well sorry, I bet you were confused when you checked yesterday and found no post. Wait, what's that? You didn't check? Oh well...

Anyway, I was gone most of the weekend and then when I got back, I was supposed to do homework, but somehow wound up playing SC for 4 hours, which was fun, but then I realized I needed to do that homework. So anyway, I'm going to skip doing a day-by-day because since I don't really hang out with people now, I don't need to recount things as they happen daily.

The teacher is still really cool. He has not gone a day yet without a drug/alcohol or sex reference. He's good to have first thing in the morning because if he were a boring class, I would be asleep. Also, I found out that there are two guys in the class that play Starcraft. I don't think they currently play that much, but eventually I will need to ask their Bnet names. I also found out that one of those guys is left handed and the two of us have nearly identical handwriting.

This has become the new music theory. The teacher just lectures for an hour and then we go home and do homework. It isn't particularly hard, but I wish I didn't have to show up to class since every word she says is put on a powerpoint then onto the internet, which is way more interesting than listening to her telling me about it.

Jazz Band:
In case Orion was wondering, I met Dan the man from Stanwood and he's pretty cool. In the band, there are 12 men and of us, 9 have facial hair of some sorts. The other three need to get on the ball, though one guy looks like he would have trouble growing some. We're getting better at our songs and it's quite fun.

I love that this is a four day a week class. It's nice to have that extra hour off on Fridays. I'm doing well in the class. I am in the top 10% at least of the class, so it is working out well.

It meets once a week, so my third meeting is tonight, but I don't know how we are going to be ready for concerts in 5 rehearsals. It's scary to think about, but I guess if the program has had success in the past, we can do this.

School life:
Well if anyone has talked to me, they know I don't spend a second at SCC longer than I absolutely have to. Between classes though, I see a lot of people from Shorewood and it's cool to be acknowledged by people I have not spoken to since before high school or ever in some cases.

This weekend:
This weekend, my family and I went down to my Grandma's house, which was pretty cool. On Saturday, we went to the Saturday market, which is as I remember it: 50% jewelry, 25% art, 25% useless crap and 90% run by hippies. I also missed seeing Maddy due to her standardized testing or something. After that, we went to Powell's bookstore to get my english books for the quarter because they were cheaper there than at the bookstore. I got both The Alchemist and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (By Phillip K. Dick, it was the inspiration for Blade Runner evidently)

Also, my grandma is now trying to get rid of everything she doesn't want or need around her house and giving it to family members or charities that need the things. She gave dad and I a lot of new tools and means to keep them organized and she also gave me my grandpa's old laptop. It's nothing fancy, just an ALIENWARE, just kidding. Just a 2002 HP with a 2.6 GHz processor and 500MB of RAM. It's good enough to run Word Processing and Starcraft, which is all I need in a laptop. If I need to really game, I can use my computer of 1337ness.

Now I am back half an hour later realizing that I forgot to hit publish, so until next time, Peace out.


Davos said...

"She gave dad and I a lot of new tools..."

That would be "she gave and and ME tools (as in, she gave me tools)."

Just bein' a dick.

Oreo said...

i checked!

dan from stanwood, cool haha, i forgot about that mysterious guy drew had mentioned.