Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Things I Hate: 8

Hello and welcome to the first installment of things I hate where the title rhymes. A stupid anniversary, I know, but I was lacking in an intro today so I thought I would bring it up. I was about to delay this post, when I realized that there was something I needed to hate on this week just today. I shall now introduce you to the subject of my 8th things I hate: Pushy salespeople

I saw someone doing something along these lines today on campus at SCC. Now when I say salespeople, I am also talking about activists who basically just try to pushily sell their ideas to you. After seeing this lady, I remembered the people at Mexico and had to post about this.

Vendors in Mexico:
So there are ropes about halfway up the beach in front of hotels to keep the vendors that walk by out of hotel property. There are hundreds if not more vendors that go up and down the beach all day selling their wares because it is their livelihood. Unfortunately, between all those vendors, there are only 5 different products they sell and you have to say no to each person as they pass. After a while, you really want to flip out and deck one of these bastards. I caught myself almost yelling at one, saying "GOD DAMNIT, NO MEANS NO IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE YOU DAMN GRINGO." I had to restrain myself though because there were young children around. The stupid vendors just wait though at the ropes and pester you until you actually look at them and say no. It gets really annoying when two vendors selling the same thing pass you right in front of one another. When that happened, I would just say "Did you not hear what I just said to the last person?" It's like if this is their livelihood, you think they would understand how it works sometimes. Don't stand near people selling the same thing.

Another tactic they use is where poor, old women have their children go out and peddle their crap. Most often, the kids are trying to sell these stupid ass whistles. To demonstrate them as they walk by, they just play two notes (for example an A and a B) and they just alternate those notes over and over. I wont even consider buying one of those things unless you show me you can play a song on it. Since the thing's in your mouth all day, I assume you would know if you could, so I'm not interested. Shit, I can annoy my friends and family by doing that FOR FREE. It's called whistling.

I do like it when kids try to sell to me though because they only came up to my waist (the perfect age, Sai!) so it was easy just to look down at them and they would get scared and walk away because let's face it, I could easily be a serial killer for all they know. I had to laugh at how much their plan backfired there. That's why child labor is illegal in this country, because we know that kids don't have the educational background to sell things effectively.

Pushy Activists:
So this lady was at SCC today with a booth set up in the middle of the campus that said "Reject the stimulus package, jail the wall street scumbags." I don't know too much about the problem, but I thought that the stimulus package went mostly to the people whereas BAILOUTS went to the "scumbags." All inaccuracies aside though, it was really annoying to have someone in the way of a major traffic flow area to push their stupid opinion. Whether or not I agree with it, I don't care. It was throwing off my schedule having all the people clogging up my path. She even yelled over to me to get me to come "join the cause" so I just gave her a quick "There is no way" look and walked past. When will people realize that the busiest place on a college campus is not an open forum for ideas? That's the Student Union Building. Do anything you want in there, I only go in once a quarter to buy books.

I know, I'm sorry it was short, but this idea happened upon me today and these are really the only kinds of pushy salespeople I have encountered. I have yet to encounter the pushy car salesman, but you can bet I'll be ready to deal with him because if I yell at him, he will know what I'm saying because he speaks english.

Ok well that's it for now. I think I'll post pictures tomorrow. Orion, regrettably as I was looking through the pictures it turned out I had none of Paris. I thought mom had a picture of her playing volleyball with us, but it turns out just her arm was in it. If you were wondering though, I would say she was between a 618 and 718, but closer to the 718. I know, I just struggle with the lack of decimal places I am allowed to have in that rating system.


Davos said...

Remind me of the rating sysetm again...

Oreo said...

yeah, the lack of decimals isn't ideal, but it's all relative anyway.
@davis: face(1-9), would you bone(0-1), body(1-9)

scolop: almost scallop

Eric said...

haha serial killer or child rapist.... lol, too bad about the no pics, unless that arm pic is like really hot.... And if this rating scale is correct, then *high five* david.