Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Me: "Rachel Sydow became a fan of YoVille and Falling asleep while cuddling."
O: well she's probably meaning falling asleep with you and cuddling with you
Me: haha
i must admire your optimism
if she was really a fan of that, she should make a fan page for "having sex with david"
in fact, i should totally make a page for that
O: i might become a fan
me: haha
i bet it would have more fans than my "grammar police" group has members
O: probably
Me: haha
O: lol
beaten to the punch
Me: well not entirely
its a specific group
but some of the stuff in it was funny
see now the danger in making my own having sex with me fan page is that i might never get sex
girls would be like eww he's gross
and since they aren't fans of it, i then have no chance
because everyone knows the only things you have/do/will ever like are the things you fan on facebook
since you can literally be a fan of ANYTHING
"not getting toothpaste on your foot"
O: "not spilling hot sauce on your penis while it's erect and about to enter a woman's anus"
Me: haha
i can't beat that one
O: win!
Me: i need to blog this convo
O: yay, +1 mentions on David's blog => +.00000001 internet fames
Me: hahathat's a very small number that you didn't have before!
^number more than you had before
and who knows
maybe that's the difference between having people being fans of having sex with you and not
O: well only one way to find out
Me: "Wow, Orion? I totally heard about that guy on David's blog! OMG Tara, let's have sex with him!!! I hope he likes my size 46DD breasts! OMG, they're so wet, here let me help you get that shirt off. kissing ensues No, let's save it for Orion! Tee hee, okay!"
ok wow after reading that, i got way too into character
but that's essentially how it would go down
pun intended ; )
O: hahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahaha
Me: im glad you enjoyed that
O: that was hilarious

Monday, October 26, 2009

I almost forgot to post today, but luckily I remembered in band.

Because you totally would have noticed my forgetting to post today and posting tomorrow instead. I think this post will be kept fairly brief because I'm hoping to get back to ToT bag farming in Guild Wars since I'm making good money off of that now.

Band was as usual, rather uneventful. Ken wasn't there, so I didn't hear anything of honor band. I didn't tonight either.

I spent most of the day doing some Guild Wars trying to learn the new Chaos Plains solo farmer or trying out the Assassin build for raptor farming.

Pretty much the same as Tuesday. We had a test in psych, which I did averagely on. After school, Steven and I had our first SWUF practice. There were four girls there!!!!! (zomgs, we already met our minimum for girls!!) and no guys, but one of the girls was our leading female scorer from Bottomless Stack Fries. Steven and I spent the practice teaching how to throw, doing drills, and generally realizing how out of shape we are.

Test corrections day, it was boring and most of the class was spent debating the answer to one really tricky question.

I gave Kathryn all the orange I had so she could wear it for the homecoming assembly. I guess Shorewood lost the game 52-0 (Kathryn called at 9:00 to say the game was over (for those of you that remember, band used to get let out early at 9:30)). I spent most of the day Trick or Treat bag farming. I would have been watching Seinfeld, but I was still waiting on the episodes to arrive, so I decided to watch Star Wars Episode 4. After that ended, Davis got on as I was about to sign off, so I took some haze mints and the three of us (Steven included) vanquished a bit. I must have been really quiet because I was really tired. All I remember about vanquishing was there was a boss with a really huge patrol path. After that, there is evidence to suggest I went upstairs, took a shower, and fell asleep in my own bed, but I have absolutely no recollection of doing that, so I guess props to tired me.

I was getting some Seinfeld episodes, but they were taking a while, so I left my computer on while I went to the Husky game and watched them get pwnt. When I got back, I did more farming. I decided to watch Episode 5 and then Episode 6 as well. It was pretty awesome, but once again, I found myself very tired after I was done with them at around 1am.

I spent some time farming, but I also went to my aunt's house to get another load of garbage. The truck has been taking out garbage from my grandpa's house averaging about 1/4 ton per truckload. So far, we're at 3/4 of a ton of garbage, all that he brought home by hand over years and years and years.

It was a pretty plain day. It was raining really hard, but other than that, nothing stands out. Band was uneventful and now the Seinfeld episodes are here, so I'm off to Rata Sum to farm some ToT bags. Peace out until next week.

Monday, October 19, 2009

I guess it didn't matter that there was a delay. Oh well, here's a new post. Will you comment on it? Well I hope so, but that's up to you.

Well howdy there. I don't know if anyone reads this blog currently as there are no comments *hint hint.* I assume you do though, so I will keep posting (ok to be honest, I would post regardless). Well now I have finished yet another week of classes. They went well and I guess since I'm already posting a vague emotional description of last week, that must mean I have nothing good for my intro paragraph, so I'll jump right into the week.

I came into band and Ken greeted me and asked me how the scout thing was the week before. It's odd because he seems to really have taken a shine to me this year. He also said I should apply for this intercollegit honor band that meets in Reno this year. When it was first announced, I thought about doing it (since Rachel is in Reno), but then it sounded like a thing for music majors. Anyway, with Ken saying I should go for this, I think I will definitely audition and hey if I wind up going, perhaps I can hang out with Rachel while I'm there, which would be pretty cool.

I tried to get a lot of homework done so that I could play some Guild Wars. I did get in some Guild Wars, but much later in the day because I was on a roll with my micro homework.

We found out in psychology we could turn in our papers early for 2 points extra credit. I decided to do that and spent 4 hours analyzing an article about old people. I thought the article would be funny and entertaining because the cover picture was funny, but the article was actually really depressing. After that, it was late, so I did some micro homework.

I spent the first part of the afternoon playing some Guild Wars with Steven, then we got a bit bored and signed off to do homework.

During psychology, we learned about sleep cycles and stuff like that. The majority of the class was spent listening to people describing strange dreams or sleep quirks they have, wondering what part of sleep it occurred in, the professor telling them it was REM sleep, and Steven and I facepalming at the stupidity. After school, I played a lot of AB with Steven until we realized it was 2 minutes to Stargate, so we afked through a whole ab without anyone calling us for leeching. We of course lost, but it was because the Kurzicks suck. After Stargate, we vanquished some southern shiverpeaks with Davis, which was pretty fun and pretty difficult at times. Theres a skill in Guild Wars called "Vengeance." It's actually not a bad skill for fights. Davis didn't know about it though and Steven had him convinced that if he fell behind the group, that was why he would spontaneously die. It was extremely hilarious listening to his reactions partly because Steven was getting so into it and partly because it was so late and partly because it was so damn funny. Eventually he figured it out, but not before Steven and I had many good laughs about it.

I went over to my aunt's house to help my dad's secretary's son get some stuff out of the pod for his new house. It was nice to see that we were not only getting rid of furniture we didn't want and that it was being used by someone who needed it. After that, Kathryn's friends came over. Originally, they were going to go to the zoo. Unfortunately it was raining, which actually turned out to be a good thing. While I would have gone to the zoo to see the baby snow leopard, since it was raining, they decided to go to the mall. That gave me the afternoon to myself, so I signed on and Steven and I played some Guild Wars. We accumulated more than the other 5 guilds in our alliance (that' right, we're in an alliance now! (they suck balls (Steven says its a bunch of one person guilds (so why don't they all become one guild??? (damn, that was a long chain of parentheses))))). So Steven and I played with this one guy for about half that time. He was pretty cool and pretty good. Like I said, we got a lot of faction. Soon enough, Kathryn and friends came back and took over downstairs, so I brought up the NES and the 360 to my room and played those for a while before going to bed.

I spent most of the afternoon doing dump runs because my grandpa had a ton of garbage (well actually .5 tons that we took away) at his house that we had to get rid of so the house could be painted. Luckily most of it was metal othewise it would have cost a lot more than it did to get rid of it. After that, I did a lot of French homework and then went to bed.

Psychology was rather uneventful except the professor announcing that due to the amount of questions on Friday, we were now behind schedule. In French, the three of us (the guy next to me, the cool girl in front of me, and myself) had a quick study session before the test. The test went pretty well and I got out early. At jazz band, the girl trumpet was also there early, so we talked for about 25 mintues before band started. I guess she has another year before she can transfer, so we probably won't have classes together anymore (although I might be doing jazz band next year because its fun), but we decided when we're seniors, we'll take a wine tasting course at the UW for elective credit (I didn't even know there was one, but hey if I need an elective, that sounds pretty excellent). Band was rather uneventful and now I find myself here at my computer making a post. I guess I'll see how this honor band thing pans out tonight. Until next week, peace out.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What's On? Star Trek: The Original Series

Sorry about the spacing, I tried to fix it, but blogger is being a pain in the ass and won't accept my changes.
Well first of all, sorry about the huge gap in posting. Truth be told, I watched 4 episodes over the summer. It was unfortunate because I had only the second half of the final season remaining going into the summer, so I should have finished it up quickly and moved on, but I did not. Though this was a short series, it did take much longer than I hope even longer series' to take.
The Star Trek franchise is one of the most, if not the most well known franchise in all of science fiction. It was originally cancelled after 3 seasons (the third which was due to overwhelming fan support writing letters to NBC to protest the cancellation of the show after the second season). Unfortunately, in its 3rd season, the show never fully recovered and it was cancelled after just 3 seasons. Today though, it has enjoyed a lot of success including inspiring 5 series (many of which experienced great success and ratings) as well as 12 movies (of varying levels of greatness).
While mostly corny, the effects in the original series were ahead of their time and the writers employed had great imaginations to have to create worlds for each episode. Unfortunately, the too often present cheesiness factor can really turn people off from this show. For example, the first half of the first season and scattered throughout the series are some enemies that can basically do anything with just their minds. The idea gets repetitive, but once you get through the first season, it becomes less of an issue. The characters are all interesting and they have cool personality quirks to bring to the table that spark up some funny dialogues at times. The characters are:
Captain James T. Kirk- The captain of the USS Enterprise, a headstrong leader and a great one at that. He values the lives of the people on the Enterprise over his own. He is basically a copy of an honorable captain of a sailing vessel from ye olde england. He always upholds the laws of the Federation and he is the strong kind of leader that everyone looks up to for guidance.
1st Officer/Science Officer Spock- Spock is half human and half vulcan. He really tries to reject his human side though in favor of the cold, logical vulcan half. It does make him useful though. More often than not, he is the calm boon that others look to when the situation gets dire.
Chief Medical Officer Leonard "Bones" McCoy- He's the southern doctor who is frequently arguing with Spock. They have a rather entertaining relationship that gives the show some funny moments in otherwise boring places. He's really thick-headed, but that's what makes him cool. He also has spawned some great quotes, such as "Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a [insert obscure profession here]!" and "He's dead, Jim" which is also an overused thing in the first season.
Chief Engineer Montgomery "Scotty" Scott- One of the two characters that has a pretty cheesy fake accent. Scotty is, in my opinion, one of the coolest characters. He is the second in command, which means when both Kirk and Spock are planetside (which happens more often than you would think), he is in charge of the Enterprise. He acts mainly on his feelings and for some reason, he has a much higher level of success with that than the other characters that do.
Communications Officer/Lieutenant Nyota Uhura- She is the stereotypical woman of the '60's. She is obsessed with her feminine beauty and she actually seems to suffer physically in one episode when she sees an ugly reflection of herself. She and Kirk actually experience an on screen kiss in one episode that was really racy at the time. She rarely leaves the ship, but nonetheless, she has become a popular example of how sexist (in a funny way) the series was.
Helmsman Hikaru Sulu- His character remains rather mysterious, but we do find out that he is kind of a ninja. He doesn't speak very much, but as far as characters go, he is kind of like a backup Spock in that his character is very logical, but can falter at time since he is human after all.
Navigator Pavel Chekov- He's the new guy. He actually doesn't arrive in the show until the second season, so don't be too confused if he isn't there. It is clear this show was made in the Cold War era because he has the cheesiest Russian accent I have ever heard. He still has good chemistry with Sulu though as they are both responsible for basically steering the Enterprise. His character is a bit more explained than Sulu's, which is fine by me because his character is often much more entertaining (hearing about stories from back in the motherland).
Nurse Christine Chapel- She's the kind, motherly nurse that is not in every episode, but makes frequent appearences. She is a kind person that is often too trusting, but she is also very professional.
Yeoman Janice Rand- She is only in the first season and the first couple of episodes of the second season. She resembles Chloe from 24 and she is not a very interesting character to be honest.
Unfortunately, it is often easy to call what will happen in an episode. For example, Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and some random guy in a red shirt will go down to the planet to explore. When something like that happens, it's pretty obvious that the unknown guy will be killed. I guess the expendable people are given red shirts so that the enemy knows who to shoot.
Probably the best part about Star Trek is that it doesn't really require you to watch all the episodes in order. I would of course recommend watching the early half of season one in order, but after that, go wild. The episodes are always contained within themselves (with maybe one exception throughout the series), so you can watch whichever one you want whenever.
The biggest problem with the episodes though is that the main plot of the episode takes about 15-20 minutes to get to (very slow build) and then in the last 5 minutes of the hour long episode, everything is suddenly resolved. By that, I mean that we go from them talking about the issue, and then in the last 5 minutes, there's all the action, then the closure for the episode. It gets a bit tiring to watch the episodes multiple ones at a time because of that.
All in all, it's a good show that you should definitely look into if you're into science fiction. It may surprise you how many references are made to Star Trek: The Original Series in other very famous science fiction movies.

Ok that's it for this time on "What's On?" Now, I will start watching shows that were around for much longer, but hopefully I'll avoid having such a large gap as this last one between postings. So yeah, tune in next time for more good watches.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The setup until the TV stopped accepting my computer. The post is below.
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Twas not intentional twas not! I know I promised you a "What's On?" segment last "Wednesday or Thursday, but knowing me, just expect Wednesday," but I underestimated how much time it would take me to find time to watch 4 episodes amongst the week of much business. I don't know if anyone cared or noticed because I have only had one post of that type to this date and I don't remember how well it was recieved. Anyway, I do promise (for sure this time) to post one this week. I'm not sure how long I expect this post to be, so I'll just spare you the details and I'll get right into it. Oh, and I'll be posting a couple pictures sometime after this post just for reference to things mentioned in the post.

The ceremony was nice and I even got to give a speech about Red which was cool because he's been a really cool guy throughout scouting and I thanked him on behalf of my generation of scouts and I could tell he was starting to cry. I was happy that I moved him because I spoke in monotone again without realizing it. Also, I had my first attempt at bugling going in cold after about a year and a half or more of not playing. Needless to say, I epic failed on the opening. The closing, I told the guy calling not to bring me in because I didn't want to risk messing up and the room we were in was so short, the flags would be in their final place by the time I finished the first measure of the song (actually not exaggerating that!).

On Tuesday, I spent the whole afternoon kind of studying off and on for psych. When I wasn't doing that, I was studying some new parts Doug had me doing for Jazz Band. He puts the songs we're playing online so we can always study them. It's been very helpful actually. I listen to them every day even when I don't have time to practice. It's good to just have the tune in your head.

Ok that was strange, a phantom "Tuesday:" just appeared below that last paragraph. I don't know why or how, but it did. Anyway, Wednesday was pretty intense. I had the psych test, which went pretty well. After class though I had a lot of homework. I was determined to finish all my micro homework (and there was a lot) that day so I wouldn't have any and so I could enjoy my home aloneness for the whole weekend. It took from 1pm through about 9pm, but I finally got it done and I suppose it was worth it, though I won't do that much on one day in the future.

We had the special "second chance" in psych where you redo the multiple choice section with all your notes and stuff for a chance to get 2 extra points if you get them all right. I worked with Steven and his friend from another class, Ben(Tim) and we got them all right, which was pretty cool. After school, I met grandpa for lunch at Costco, then I hung some stuff up at his place, then I went home to see my family off and then the aloneness began. I promptly moved my computer into the TV room and hooked it up to the TV. It didn't last very long because soon after I started some Starcraft, I alt tabbed out of it to see a gchat message and the TV no longer recognized my computer at that same second. After trying to get it back, I gave up and went back to my original plan of having the computer screen at such an angle that it seemed side by side with my TV so I got some cool duel screen action going. I got in 2 of the 4 remaining episodes for What's On, but then it was late so I went to bed.

I turned off my alarm in my sleep. It hadn't happened for a while, but now the streak of that is broken. We got our tests back in psych, but I didn't for obvious reasons. I did make it to French though, but the cute girl that sits in front of me was not there. After school, Steven and I went to the UW to hang out with the asians. Sai and I played pool for a while and I actually did better than I usually do. Eventually, Ben and Steven played some ping pong. During that time, Sai randomly disappeared for about 20 minutes only to later reveal it was because he had run across campus to tell Ahmad a story of a guy that he saw peeing like Starman. Eventually, Ben had to go to a Starcraft tournament. We stayed for a game, but then we went back home. I spent the rest of the night enjoying the peace and quiet.

I picked up grandpa again for lunch because he had the Troop 853 Eagle banner, which my aunt had had at her house to sew my name on it. Now I am forever immortalized right below Davis on that grand banner that still smells like old farts for some unknown reason (actually the reason is that it's probably never been washed and we've had it since at least 1977). We had lunch at Costco, then I picked up Sai on my way home. Well I was going to, but he was making rice cakes using A MORTAR AND PESTILE!!!11 It was not as extreme as it sounds, but he did make a batter that looked suspiciously like semen and had the same consistency. After he finished (heh!), we brought some old game systems to my house since he had to put a bunch of them in the shed because his father got mad. He's letting me borrow his NES cables to make the one I found at my grandpa's house functional. We played some Mario Bros. 3 before moving to Contra after learning my cartridge for Duck Hunt was messed up and we would be unable to use the light pistol. After that, we went to Zombieland with Steven and then the rest of the asians met us there. Sai forgot his ID, but managed to get in anyhow. Zombieland was actually surprisingly good. I found myself laughing more audibly at a theater than usual. I would totally recommend seeing it though. After that, we all went to Red Robin and ate a meal without claiming it was someone's birthday for once. It was also nice to see Josh because as Steven put it "There was never a lull in the conversation." After all of that, Sai and I came back here and we played some Halo until falling asleep, then the next morning we played some more. When we got bored of Halo, we did some Contra and got pretty far, then we had to go because I had to go to the Eagle ceremony. I picked up Bohdan on my way since I was dropping off Sai. I messed up one note on the opening and the closing was nearly perfect, so I was rather pleased. The ceremony was pretty nice, but I wouldn't expect any less from that family. Afterwards, I dropped Bohdan off at Syre to take pictures for his Eagle project while I went to get Sai's laptop that he left over, then I dropped Bohdan off. I spent the last few hours until my parents came back just playing some games and watching some TV.

I got to French and the guy that sits next to me (who's actually a pretty cool dude) asked me "So did you finish the homework?" Thinking he was putting me on (since I had forgotten the first 3 assignments so far), I said "Haha, you can't fool me that easily." As he persisted though, I gave in and asked which assignment he met. Turned out, he wasn't kidding. It was a 8 page packet we got on Friday. I'm now 0 for 4 in that class in case you're keeping count. It's getting to be really awkward. I guess now I'll get back to my onslaught of micro homework and then maybe I'll try to get ahead in psych by doing an assignment that's due next Monday or hell, maybe I'll get some French homework done for once. On second though, no I don't think I'll do that last one haha. I'll remember this time, righT?

Don't forget, I owe you a new segment sometime this week. Poke me with rusty cattle prods if I don't do it. Peace out.

Monday, October 05, 2009

::The post of the week is below::

(To the best of my memory)
*Steven, Davis, and I are deciding where to vanquish*
Steven: Ok, it looks like we can do Ice Floe or Tasca's Demise and Mineral Springs.
Steven: I don't really care what we do. David, what do you want?
Me: I don't really care either, let's have Davis decide.
Davis: I don't really care.
Me: Well pick a letter.
Davis: V
Me: ...Pick another letter
Davis: What? You told me to pick a letter, did I not do exactly that?
Me: Yeah I guess I should have been more specific, pick another letter.
Davis: X
Me: God dammit, pick a real letter!
Davis: That is a real letter! You're asking for a letter and I'm giving you that. None of the letters are what you want, what letter are you even looking for?
Me: Fine, fine, I'll be more specific.
Me: Pick a vowel-
Davis: U
Me: That isn't U!
Davis: Y
Me: It's a sometimes vowel! I don't want no bitch-ass vowel, pick a real vowel!
Davis: X
Me: You already guessed X!
Davis: Yeah, but since you didn't know Y was a vowel, I doubt your knowledge of our alphabet and for all I know, X might be a vowel to you!
Me: Ok, ok, pick a vowel THAT ISN'T Y OR U.
Davis: Ok, I pick E, the most common letter in the English language.
Me: Ok finally, shit. That was an ordeal.
Steven: Damn, I should have been recording this.
Davis: Yeah, David not being specific enough.

*later, after discussing aggro*
Davis: I pick another letter, it's D, which stands for David and Dick!

Me: did you watch the rvb?
Steven: ya
Sent at 10:23 PM on Monday
Steven: good chat
Sent at 10:26 PM on Monday
Me: thanks, i thought so too
it's like living out one of my dreams
Steven: hahaha

Me: but someday Bret Favre will retire
Me: he'll retire when john and kate plus 8 retire
Orion: that won't happen for a while
Orion: i mean hell they're divorced and they're still doin a show together or "separated"
Me: no didn't you hear?
Me: john got fired a couple weeks ago
Orion: really?
Me: yeah
Me: the headline today
Me: Jon Raids Bank Account? Kate says Jon left her with almost nothing.
Orion: how did he get fired from his own show?
Me: someone needs to assassinate these people and call CPS for their kids
Me: because he's not a family man and it's a family show
Me: and they're going to make a spinoff show called "John plus monthly visitation privileges"
Orion: lol

This week will probably wind up being nice.

Howdy all. Last week was not bad, but this week (especially the end) promises to be very good. What's going on? My parents and my sister are going to some cabin on some beach on some lake somewhere with their friends. I would know more, but frankly, I really could care less. They asked if I wanted to come along and I was basically like most definitely not. So they leave Thursday immediately after Kathryn gets out, so I'll have the house to myself from Thursday afternoon to Sunday night. I have some big plans that include enjoying the lack of mom blasting Rascal Flats or some broadway show tune and I will also enjoy moving my computer into the TV room for the weekend. Ok, enough getting excited about that, I'll post on it next week. Before I get into this past week, I should tell you to expect a "What's On?" post this week as I am almost done. I have four episodes left to watch and after my test on Wednesday, I should have time to post. I would say expect the post to come on Wednesday or Thursday, but knowing me, just expect Wednesday. I'm going to post in terms of my classes for each week until I really start doing interesting things during the week.

I spent the whole week transposing jazz tunes during class. It was a nice way to keep myself busy when I wasn't taking notes (I listen in class, but don't take notes).

The girls are still hot. Another cute girl started sitting in front of the guy that sits next to me (next to that other cute girl), but she hasn't been there in a couple of days now. That guy that sits next to me is actually a pretty cool guy. Other than that, I'm making good progress with learning the language.

Jazz Band:
Doug had me doing all those transpositions for the pieces, but they are sounding really cool and he's happy with them. I talked to our piano player (who looks really familliar) and he did indeed know Davis and I think he said he lived near him on campus as well. I didn't catch that part as much. He's really nice though. Today, Doug played a clip of a song for us that had violins in it and the cool bass player (who was in it last year) leaned over to me and said "Sounds like another instrument we don't have, you don't happen to play violin too do you?" It was pretty funny. Actually, Jazz band has been fun this year. The people aren't as awesome as last year, but Doug for whatever reason is much happier this year and isn't a dick. We're all starting to notice.

Microbiology and Band:
Why did I put these two together? They haven't been interesting enough to warrant a post about. There's your reason.

It was the start of the bonus weekend for vanquishing in Guild Wars. Steven and I vanquished until 9:00, then we both watched Stargate Universe. I really liked it (because the background was similar to Mass Effect's background) and it was helpful to have Steven answering my (I'm sure many) questions. I'm going to keep watching it unless it gets really terrible, which I doubt will happen. After that, we vanquished.

I went to Joel's Eagle project. Danny McCoy came by during it and said hi. I hardly recognized him at first and I was surprised he recognized me, but it was cool to see him. Joel ran his project well and we actually got the whole thing done on time. After that, dad and I went and dropped off a rug at my aunt's house, then came home. That night, my family went to see the Informant, which was really funny. After that, I came home and vanquished.

I spent most of the day homeworking and watching football. It was really uneventful, but I was happy to actually get the Saints to play for once. I also popped above third place in our fantasy football league, but that is soon to change because Orion has 2 players playing today and one of them is Adrian Peterson. I had a bad week though since my best players were on a bye week, so I'm happy to have stayed in as much as I have through that all.

I woke up and realized I had forgotten to do my 17 pages of French out of the workbook (I can already see disastrous possibilities for this in the future) and I did them during psychology in time for French. In Jazz Band, we got through a couple tunes and got a new one (the orchestral one). Tonight, I'm skipping band to go to my last scout meeting ever. Red is retiring from the troop, which means dad and I will be as well. From now on, if I go to a scouting event, it will be an Eagle project or an Eagle ceremony.

Ok well on Wednesday, I'll give you a post. I'm also posting some quotes right after this post. Until later, peace out.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Steven on a lack of people to pvp with in Guild Wars:
Steven: We need more gamers, less gaymers

Keir shows me douchey picture of himself:
Keir: have you seen this douchebag?
Me: His face seems eerily familliar.
Me: What did you write on your chest?
Me: I can only make out the word fuck.
Keir: Fuck bitches, get money.
Keir: Although, since I'm British, it should be:
Keir: Intercourse females, acquire currency!