Monday, October 12, 2009


Twas not intentional twas not! I know I promised you a "What's On?" segment last "Wednesday or Thursday, but knowing me, just expect Wednesday," but I underestimated how much time it would take me to find time to watch 4 episodes amongst the week of much business. I don't know if anyone cared or noticed because I have only had one post of that type to this date and I don't remember how well it was recieved. Anyway, I do promise (for sure this time) to post one this week. I'm not sure how long I expect this post to be, so I'll just spare you the details and I'll get right into it. Oh, and I'll be posting a couple pictures sometime after this post just for reference to things mentioned in the post.

The ceremony was nice and I even got to give a speech about Red which was cool because he's been a really cool guy throughout scouting and I thanked him on behalf of my generation of scouts and I could tell he was starting to cry. I was happy that I moved him because I spoke in monotone again without realizing it. Also, I had my first attempt at bugling going in cold after about a year and a half or more of not playing. Needless to say, I epic failed on the opening. The closing, I told the guy calling not to bring me in because I didn't want to risk messing up and the room we were in was so short, the flags would be in their final place by the time I finished the first measure of the song (actually not exaggerating that!).

On Tuesday, I spent the whole afternoon kind of studying off and on for psych. When I wasn't doing that, I was studying some new parts Doug had me doing for Jazz Band. He puts the songs we're playing online so we can always study them. It's been very helpful actually. I listen to them every day even when I don't have time to practice. It's good to just have the tune in your head.

Ok that was strange, a phantom "Tuesday:" just appeared below that last paragraph. I don't know why or how, but it did. Anyway, Wednesday was pretty intense. I had the psych test, which went pretty well. After class though I had a lot of homework. I was determined to finish all my micro homework (and there was a lot) that day so I wouldn't have any and so I could enjoy my home aloneness for the whole weekend. It took from 1pm through about 9pm, but I finally got it done and I suppose it was worth it, though I won't do that much on one day in the future.

We had the special "second chance" in psych where you redo the multiple choice section with all your notes and stuff for a chance to get 2 extra points if you get them all right. I worked with Steven and his friend from another class, Ben(Tim) and we got them all right, which was pretty cool. After school, I met grandpa for lunch at Costco, then I hung some stuff up at his place, then I went home to see my family off and then the aloneness began. I promptly moved my computer into the TV room and hooked it up to the TV. It didn't last very long because soon after I started some Starcraft, I alt tabbed out of it to see a gchat message and the TV no longer recognized my computer at that same second. After trying to get it back, I gave up and went back to my original plan of having the computer screen at such an angle that it seemed side by side with my TV so I got some cool duel screen action going. I got in 2 of the 4 remaining episodes for What's On, but then it was late so I went to bed.

I turned off my alarm in my sleep. It hadn't happened for a while, but now the streak of that is broken. We got our tests back in psych, but I didn't for obvious reasons. I did make it to French though, but the cute girl that sits in front of me was not there. After school, Steven and I went to the UW to hang out with the asians. Sai and I played pool for a while and I actually did better than I usually do. Eventually, Ben and Steven played some ping pong. During that time, Sai randomly disappeared for about 20 minutes only to later reveal it was because he had run across campus to tell Ahmad a story of a guy that he saw peeing like Starman. Eventually, Ben had to go to a Starcraft tournament. We stayed for a game, but then we went back home. I spent the rest of the night enjoying the peace and quiet.

I picked up grandpa again for lunch because he had the Troop 853 Eagle banner, which my aunt had had at her house to sew my name on it. Now I am forever immortalized right below Davis on that grand banner that still smells like old farts for some unknown reason (actually the reason is that it's probably never been washed and we've had it since at least 1977). We had lunch at Costco, then I picked up Sai on my way home. Well I was going to, but he was making rice cakes using A MORTAR AND PESTILE!!!11 It was not as extreme as it sounds, but he did make a batter that looked suspiciously like semen and had the same consistency. After he finished (heh!), we brought some old game systems to my house since he had to put a bunch of them in the shed because his father got mad. He's letting me borrow his NES cables to make the one I found at my grandpa's house functional. We played some Mario Bros. 3 before moving to Contra after learning my cartridge for Duck Hunt was messed up and we would be unable to use the light pistol. After that, we went to Zombieland with Steven and then the rest of the asians met us there. Sai forgot his ID, but managed to get in anyhow. Zombieland was actually surprisingly good. I found myself laughing more audibly at a theater than usual. I would totally recommend seeing it though. After that, we all went to Red Robin and ate a meal without claiming it was someone's birthday for once. It was also nice to see Josh because as Steven put it "There was never a lull in the conversation." After all of that, Sai and I came back here and we played some Halo until falling asleep, then the next morning we played some more. When we got bored of Halo, we did some Contra and got pretty far, then we had to go because I had to go to the Eagle ceremony. I picked up Bohdan on my way since I was dropping off Sai. I messed up one note on the opening and the closing was nearly perfect, so I was rather pleased. The ceremony was pretty nice, but I wouldn't expect any less from that family. Afterwards, I dropped Bohdan off at Syre to take pictures for his Eagle project while I went to get Sai's laptop that he left over, then I dropped Bohdan off. I spent the last few hours until my parents came back just playing some games and watching some TV.

I got to French and the guy that sits next to me (who's actually a pretty cool dude) asked me "So did you finish the homework?" Thinking he was putting me on (since I had forgotten the first 3 assignments so far), I said "Haha, you can't fool me that easily." As he persisted though, I gave in and asked which assignment he met. Turned out, he wasn't kidding. It was a 8 page packet we got on Friday. I'm now 0 for 4 in that class in case you're keeping count. It's getting to be really awkward. I guess now I'll get back to my onslaught of micro homework and then maybe I'll try to get ahead in psych by doing an assignment that's due next Monday or hell, maybe I'll get some French homework done for once. On second though, no I don't think I'll do that last one haha. I'll remember this time, righT?

Don't forget, I owe you a new segment sometime this week. Poke me with rusty cattle prods if I don't do it. Peace out.

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