Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Me: "Rachel Sydow became a fan of YoVille and Falling asleep while cuddling."
O: well she's probably meaning falling asleep with you and cuddling with you
Me: haha
i must admire your optimism
if she was really a fan of that, she should make a fan page for "having sex with david"
in fact, i should totally make a page for that
O: i might become a fan
me: haha
i bet it would have more fans than my "grammar police" group has members
O: probably
Me: haha
O: lol
beaten to the punch
Me: well not entirely
its a specific group
but some of the stuff in it was funny
see now the danger in making my own having sex with me fan page is that i might never get sex
girls would be like eww he's gross
and since they aren't fans of it, i then have no chance
because everyone knows the only things you have/do/will ever like are the things you fan on facebook
since you can literally be a fan of ANYTHING
"not getting toothpaste on your foot"
O: "not spilling hot sauce on your penis while it's erect and about to enter a woman's anus"
Me: haha
i can't beat that one
O: win!
Me: i need to blog this convo
O: yay, +1 mentions on David's blog => +.00000001 internet fames
Me: hahathat's a very small number that you didn't have before!
^number more than you had before
and who knows
maybe that's the difference between having people being fans of having sex with you and not
O: well only one way to find out
Me: "Wow, Orion? I totally heard about that guy on David's blog! OMG Tara, let's have sex with him!!! I hope he likes my size 46DD breasts! OMG, they're so wet, here let me help you get that shirt off. kissing ensues No, let's save it for Orion! Tee hee, okay!"
ok wow after reading that, i got way too into character
but that's essentially how it would go down
pun intended ; )
O: hahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahaha
Me: im glad you enjoyed that
O: that was hilarious

1 comment:

Davos said...

DEFINITELY making a group of "not spilling hot sauce on your penis when it is erect and about to enter a woman's anus"