Monday, October 05, 2009

This week will probably wind up being nice.

Howdy all. Last week was not bad, but this week (especially the end) promises to be very good. What's going on? My parents and my sister are going to some cabin on some beach on some lake somewhere with their friends. I would know more, but frankly, I really could care less. They asked if I wanted to come along and I was basically like most definitely not. So they leave Thursday immediately after Kathryn gets out, so I'll have the house to myself from Thursday afternoon to Sunday night. I have some big plans that include enjoying the lack of mom blasting Rascal Flats or some broadway show tune and I will also enjoy moving my computer into the TV room for the weekend. Ok, enough getting excited about that, I'll post on it next week. Before I get into this past week, I should tell you to expect a "What's On?" post this week as I am almost done. I have four episodes left to watch and after my test on Wednesday, I should have time to post. I would say expect the post to come on Wednesday or Thursday, but knowing me, just expect Wednesday. I'm going to post in terms of my classes for each week until I really start doing interesting things during the week.

I spent the whole week transposing jazz tunes during class. It was a nice way to keep myself busy when I wasn't taking notes (I listen in class, but don't take notes).

The girls are still hot. Another cute girl started sitting in front of the guy that sits next to me (next to that other cute girl), but she hasn't been there in a couple of days now. That guy that sits next to me is actually a pretty cool guy. Other than that, I'm making good progress with learning the language.

Jazz Band:
Doug had me doing all those transpositions for the pieces, but they are sounding really cool and he's happy with them. I talked to our piano player (who looks really familliar) and he did indeed know Davis and I think he said he lived near him on campus as well. I didn't catch that part as much. He's really nice though. Today, Doug played a clip of a song for us that had violins in it and the cool bass player (who was in it last year) leaned over to me and said "Sounds like another instrument we don't have, you don't happen to play violin too do you?" It was pretty funny. Actually, Jazz band has been fun this year. The people aren't as awesome as last year, but Doug for whatever reason is much happier this year and isn't a dick. We're all starting to notice.

Microbiology and Band:
Why did I put these two together? They haven't been interesting enough to warrant a post about. There's your reason.

It was the start of the bonus weekend for vanquishing in Guild Wars. Steven and I vanquished until 9:00, then we both watched Stargate Universe. I really liked it (because the background was similar to Mass Effect's background) and it was helpful to have Steven answering my (I'm sure many) questions. I'm going to keep watching it unless it gets really terrible, which I doubt will happen. After that, we vanquished.

I went to Joel's Eagle project. Danny McCoy came by during it and said hi. I hardly recognized him at first and I was surprised he recognized me, but it was cool to see him. Joel ran his project well and we actually got the whole thing done on time. After that, dad and I went and dropped off a rug at my aunt's house, then came home. That night, my family went to see the Informant, which was really funny. After that, I came home and vanquished.

I spent most of the day homeworking and watching football. It was really uneventful, but I was happy to actually get the Saints to play for once. I also popped above third place in our fantasy football league, but that is soon to change because Orion has 2 players playing today and one of them is Adrian Peterson. I had a bad week though since my best players were on a bye week, so I'm happy to have stayed in as much as I have through that all.

I woke up and realized I had forgotten to do my 17 pages of French out of the workbook (I can already see disastrous possibilities for this in the future) and I did them during psychology in time for French. In Jazz Band, we got through a couple tunes and got a new one (the orchestral one). Tonight, I'm skipping band to go to my last scout meeting ever. Red is retiring from the troop, which means dad and I will be as well. From now on, if I go to a scouting event, it will be an Eagle project or an Eagle ceremony.

Ok well on Wednesday, I'll give you a post. I'm also posting some quotes right after this post. Until later, peace out.

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