Tuesday, November 17, 2009

On Fantasy Football:
Me:damn at least the seahawks are winning
but still i would rather be getting fantasy points here
O: i like how eric didnt even try and get another defense for this week
Me: yeah haha
im glad for that
it might close the field a bit
if i can make up the 50 point gap i currently have going
i dont think he was busy even
i mean his classes are monday and wednesday only
and he had wednesday off so....
O: yeah haha
oh well im fine with that
Me: same
of course i think chris johnson sure made up for the lack of his defense
35 points damn!
O: seriously
Me: i was wondering how tony romo has 91 yards but less than 1 point
3 sacks
aw nuts arizona touchdown
but not larry
now its 14-7
we gotta score more so that there's buffering room for larry to get some touchdowns
O: haha
the beauty of fantasy football
making you wish for specific and strange outcomes so that you can get hella points but still have your favorite team win
Me: haha
larry fitzgerald catches a throw
then a teammate commits a personal foul
so he made a good catch and still a loss of yards!
hooray for the absurd things i hope for!

Why tuba players are cool:
Euphonium Player (dickishly): Well are WE the only one's here with pianissimo?
Tuba Player: Yes.....Yes you are.

Me: a girl in my french class was wearing a shirt today that had four big hearts on it and one was only half full
and under it, it said "Hyrule four play"
Davis: OMFG
Me: you don't want me to do that, trust me
but i thought you would appreciate the shirt
Davis: is she crazy?
Me: i dont think so she's um
she's not very hot
but i told her her shirt was cool
because i knew you would have said something
Davis: well I can work with sane
and not hot
Me: haha
Davis: i can work with that
there's no fucking chance in hell
Me: i have to be careful too
you have a much lower threshold for crazy
but it leads to funny stories
like the crazy religious girl
Davis: yeah
I talked to her again today
she is so hot
Me: she isn't your new cleric is she?
Davis: no
that would be awesome though
Pretty sure she wouldn't choose evil
actually I think she might play
i was talking about starting an honors group with some of the guys
it would be sweet
Me: idk
she wouldn't dig the whole false idols thing
i can see the conversation now
"which deity do you support here"
"uh, can i just go with god?"
Davis: actually I would definitely let her go with God
if it was the difference bewteen playing and no playing
yes I don't give a shit
God is fine with me
Me: : O
Davis: all the "spells" can be like, "Extra Bread IV and shit like that
Me: hahaha
Davis: "King of the Jews"
you assume the aspect of Jesus for 2d4 rounds
Me: "everlasting oil" lamps last 50% longer or until more oil arrives
meh i liked yours better
what's jesus' hp?
Davis: umm
he has 999 hit dice
and they're d20s
999 AC
Me: haha
Davis:as a melee touch attack, he can convert any evil or neutral creature to Christinaity
Me: haha
so jesus is basically a really roxorz paladin?
Davis: yeah
Me: he must also have high alchemy skill too
he can turn water into wine and stuff
and when the effect ends and jesus leaves, he splits up into nice little wafers and wine that feeds your party for several thousand years once every week
Davis: yeah
also he can cast True Ressurection at first level
except that he starts play at 40th level
he saves at a +1000 bonus
Me: haha
Davis: yeah good stuff
I need to do homework now
we can finish this later
Me: i'll have to add this to my quotes post tomorrow too
Davis: we'll have to make a sheet for him
Me: indeed

lastredcoat: so i herd u like mudkipz
Me: huh?
lastredcoat: : 0
Me: oh
i mean totally
i would totally have sex with one
lastredcoat: ahahahaha
wait here...
ill brb
Me: haha
lastredcoat: http://media.ebaumsworld.com/picture/emericaskates/mudkip-1.png
Me: i am taking my pants off and having sex with this mudkipz
lastredcoat: there is more mudkip porn on the internet than you can possible imagine
i will resist sending you more
but that isnt the hottest
lastredcoat: so i herd u like mudkipzzzz http://i404.photobucket.com/albums/pp128/sedlor/mudkips.jpg
Me: hey
lastredcoat: http://rim.criminalflowers.com/nate/mudkip/37014%20-%20cosplay%20Mudkip%20Pokemon.jpg
Me: she didn't paint her ears
that girl is strange
lastredcoat: lol
dont call davis's future girlfriend strange!
Me: haha
that would be funny if davis goes out with her
cuz we could brag about how we've already seen her naked
lastredcoat: but he could brag that his penis ahs been inside her : (
and that he makes her dress up like pokemon for it
Me: haha
you know i think that would have a limit to how many times it would still be cool for
after like 3 years it would be "guys she won't stop dressing as mudkip when we have sex" "i'm beginning to think ill never see her really naked"
lastredcoat: although he can still see the ears
Me: psh
you can see someone's ears when they're fully clothed
lastredcoat: you dont read enough
ears are the most like vagina of any part of a female body that isnt the vagina
Me: hm
picturing a diagram of an ear in my head, i guess that makes sense
lastredcoat: layers and layers of skin
Me: its like it in terms of structure right, not size obviously?
ear infections are now called vagunior infections
lastredcoat: ewww


Oreo said...

i've seen those mudkip pics before. the boyfriend of Sarah, one of the chicks from my floor last year, posted the first pic on her wall last year suggesting it as her halloween costume. big lolz.

Davos said...

I really go for Chikorita, myself.

monsycle: exactly what that Mudkip lady wants after using Ice Beam! ALL RIGHT!

Eric said...

I was going to do my defense on saturday, but I worked till midnight and was busy in the morning and then overslept on sunday =(. luckily it didn't cost me too much.