Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ok this was actually going to be a Things I Hate because my teacher was a noob, but I looked at my quotes and there are a lot so I figured it was better to unload them.

Steve: There goes Doug out there.
Me: I thought he left to go get dinner.
Steve: No, he just left to go masturbate
Me: Man, he’s living my dream out there.
Steve: Haha, you’re pretty quick. You’ll make a good lawyer someday.
Me: Why? Because I’m quick with masturbation jokes?
If it please the court, I’m going to pound one out really quick.
Steve: Judge, sidebar?

Doug: Why the hell are you all the way up here? There was a chair back there in the corner for a reason.
Ian: Oh, I heard you say “The rhythm section can come up” so I figured you meant move forward.
Doug: Oh, well I didn’t you can go back now.
Ian: I see how it is, go back in your corner, guitar player

Steve Kim: Jazz improv is really different from classical composition. With jazz, you’re making it up on the spot for yourself. With classical composers, you have a guy that plays “composer’s piano” which is basically really crappy piano. They then take their composition and give it to some guy that’s really good at his instrument and say “hey, here’s my bitchin’ etude” or whatever and then the guy just takes it and practices it over and over.

Doug: We gotta have everyone loud in this part like we’re in a big orchestra playing for Star Wars or something when Luke off’s one’a those cats.

me: nice
i found it the other day and i liked it
i was glad i could reuse it
O: see?
everyone loves reusing your posts, even you!
me: yeah!
i can't help it, i just write so well!
O: lol
me: especially my earliest posts
my overuse of the word "tight"
i dont remember how long its been since ive used that
in that context at least
O: did you really use the word tight a lot?
i dont remember that
me: yeah i guess so
i used it in my early posts then abruptly stopped
i dont remember saying it that much though after 8th grade but my posts cannot lie
O: link me one
i think that was the last instance of using it
idk, i dont go back there very often
it was the boring years when i had nothing important to say
which i guess is similar to now
but now is interesting because
O: lol
me: it's recent
O: loll
me: you read it?
O: who was fink?
me: in it's paragraphy glory?
no idea
random person
O: those randos sure love you
me: excluding gregg, i've had 2 random ppl comments on my blog
and yeah
im just a stalker magnet
O: just think
if you get a six pack
and then post pics of it on ur blog
youll get so many stalkers
me: indeed
my female readers will finally leave comments
"fap fap fap"
that's what they'll say
ill let you take that however you want
O: haha..wait what?
i dont think thats really the sound it makes
if they're masturbating
me: it'll be "moosh moosh moosh"
O: hahaha
you gotta quote yourself on that one
me: i wonder if girls actually say that

me: wow
quote from my math book
" called the interquartile range. It's commonly abbreviated IQR (and pronounced "eye-cue-are." not "ikker")"
this is why i took stats online
otherwise i would blurt out all the time and the teacher would hate me
but i would have a lot of funny stories i bet
O: hahahah
not "ikker"
that's great
me: does my math book think im retarded?
congrats on taking stats! good for you! you're trying to learn!
O: "u r smrt!"
me: haha

1 comment:

Davos said...

@the fapping: No, it is exactly the sound that your female commenters would make. Why? Think about it.