Friday, December 29, 2006

Leaving Tomorrow

Alrighty. I know I didn't play Starcraft since Christmas. I've been on a busy schedule:
8:00- Wake up
8:01- Prepare food and eat it
8:30- Play "The Godfather" on 360
12:00- Prepare and eat lunch
12:30- Play "The Godfather" on 360
6:00- Eat dinner
7:00- Family watches movie, move to computer and play flight simulator
10:00- Watch some random manly movie (Rocky, The Godfather 2, etc.)
12:00- Go to sleep
Then it repeats.
So far, I have played Gears of War for 2 hours; Oblivion for 1 hour; Call of Duty for 30 minutes; Blazing Angels for 1 hour; and The Godfather for 30 hours. Yes, I have almost beaten it 100%. It is SO fun and SO very addicting. So the point of this post is to let people know that I am leaving for California with ma famlily to see our friends that we see about once a year. I haven't seen my friend and her family since July '05 (see post for reference (don't really, it's boring)). I will get back on January 2nd. School gets back in on the 3rd, that's a Wednesday. I think that that weekend following the school getting back in, preferrably the Saturday, we should have a system link with Gears of War. Also, my 6 months are up on my liscence as of yesterday, so I can legally drive y'all. Other than that, I wont talk to any of you until school starts, so have a fun rest of the break. VIVA LA SNOWBALL WAWRS.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

In Memory of Gerald Ford

Games Update:

Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Turns out an Xbox 360 controller with a cord can work to controll the game. I got one, so now I have 4 360 controllers, one with a cord. With the controller, the game runs infinately better now and it is very fun.

Oblivion: Teh Secks, enough said.

Blazing Angels: I can see how the tasks get repetitive to some people, but I never get tired of flying around and shooting stuff.

Gears of War: Same as yesterday, same as it will be tomorrow. Greatest game ever.

Call of Duty 3: The one I've played least so far, from what I've seen, I like it.

The Godfather: Wow this one came out of nowhere at me. It's like an RPG adventure game intertwined with the story from the Godfather Trilogy. Actually, this game is pretty much Grand Theft Auto (there are "naughty" women, but no nudity even), but with a Godfather theme. It is so fun and the people look so real. I have about an hour and a half of time put in on it and the characters have dropped about 7 f-bombs so far.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Good Haul

Ok so I'll be honest. I didn't do anything this weekend. On Christmas eve, my family went out to Black Angus for a Christmas Eve dinner. I brought the cube with me because right before we went, I was playing pirates and doing well on the cube while my ship sailed around forever. I guess one thing I did was I beat Pirates 100% and was forced to retire. SAI: What happens is your health goes progressively down as you age. When you hit 42, you might be prompted to retire. I made it to 45. I divided the plunder and retired from pirating to be a governor with my wife. You get a job based on how many fame points I had. Obviously I had the most possible. So on Christmas day, I got a secksyness overhaul in presents. First of all, my Santa present was Microsoft Flight Simulator X, which I know you may think its nerdy (it is) but its really fun. I can even plug my 360 controller into the computer to control Flight Sim. Oh yeah speaking of the 360 controller, I got a 360. I have 3 controllers for it. Along with the 360, I got Blazing Angels (very good flying WW2 game), Oblivion (huge orgasm good), Call of Duty 3(bigger orgasm good), the Godfather (looked cool, haven't tried it yet), and finally, Gears of War (penis exploding of severe orgasm awesome secksness). My cousin came over for christmas and we played it for a while. It's hard with one person, but with two its really fun. So really, I don't know why I'm bothering to make a post, or why I'm going to put up pictures. Well I might eventually. Snowball wars this week, I leave to visit my friend in California and her family with my family on saturday. I wont get back until January 2nd. Peace and love(aww). OK whatever.

Friday, December 22, 2006

El Sicko es El Baddo

Well this school week was the hardest easy week ever. The problem was I had mentally checked out already because of the power outage. We had a math test on Monday that, uh, well let's ignore that subject. Now the Chemistry test was different. Thanks to studying with Steven and Sai, I felt more confident about that one. On tuesday, it was my easy day. No tests, a movie in APUSH, the day off from Harshman (omg yeah that really happened), and just hanging around in English. After school, Steven and I played some Snowball Wars. On wednesday the Snowball Wars marathon officially kicked off. Steven had a party, but I decided not to go partly because I am really sick, but getting over it today, and another reason because it was my Grandparents' 60th anniversary. Well it would have been, but my Grandma died, so we took my Grandpa out for a nice dinner so that he wouldn't be alone. It was a good dinner at Tony Roma's. Great steak. On Thursday, there was more Snowball Warrage (this is Starcraft for those of you that don't know). Also, I beat Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. That game was Teh Secks © by me 2006. So today, I am awaiting further Snowball Warrage. That's it for now.

Monday, December 18, 2006


Well it looked like we would actually get stuck with a 5er (5 day week) in here last week. That was, of course, until we had a HUGE FREAKING WIND STORM with 65 MPH gusts on Thursday night. I looked outside and the tree across the street was bent at almost a 45* angle. Somehow, our lights survived. So the power I guess went off at 11:00. I was asleep, but my mom said she was awake for it. Now since we have underground power, our power is not only easier to go out (we have like the monthly outage) and its harder to fix. Never get it. So there was a lot of damage. On the fence between the west neighbors, about 40 feet of fence fell down. On our east neighbors (the annoying ones) we lost about 10 feet of fence. The back fence is only held up by the many trees along it. Syre down the street got pwned by power lines. I will try to put in some pictures of the damage after school. Yeah I'm in healthy adult living now and we are going over some crisis or something, something I know how to handle. On thursday, I went to Steven's house to study for the Chem test with him and Sai. We learned some stuff and Sai made some pwnage remembering songs. I left before the storm got too bad. So on friday, I really didn't feel like going anywhere. Kathryn and I just played a ton of games all day. The power came on sometime Saturday morning between 12 and 8. Some people in this class only lost it for 4 hours and some didn't lose it at all. Wtf. Ghey. On saturday, hmmm. I don't remember, probably because I just sat around all day playing Splinter Cell. On Sunday, my Grandparents (mom's parents) came into town for an exchange of presents and because we hadn't seen them in a while. Oh yeah there was also that my grandpa wanted to purchase his new Cadillac Escalade (you won't catch him ridin dirty). So we went to F.X. McRory's in Seattle across from Quest Field, down the street from King's Street Station. They came in on the train so we could take them to their car. Their train was 1 1/2 hours late, so we got a table in F.X. McRory's (famous sports bar) arount 1:00. They got in at 1:50. We brought them in and ate lunch and finished lunch and left around 4:00. That was an interesting 3 hour lunch. I also am very tired of Pepsi after all the Pepsi I drank there. So we drove them to buy their new Escalade. It was really nice. It turned out to be Dale Chehuli (not sure of spelling(glass artist from Seattle))'s old car. It had a ton of cool features like an automatic raising and closing gate and a heated steering wheel. That is good because my grandparents need the extra help because they are getting old. So after they left, we took off to IKEA to pick up some frames that mom needed. We got done at IKEA at 5:45 and I remembered that I had to be at Confirmation at 6:00. I made it from IKEA to Shoreline in 30 minutes (new record!). I may have exceeded the speed limit at all times, but that is not important. So I was about 20 minutes late for Confirmation and Maddy wasn't there so it was awkward because I don't really know anyone else in my group and one of the girls is kind of crazy. So I watched the end of Survivor after that, which was actually pretty crazy. The guy that should have won didn't and whatever, its not important. Now I need to get back to ma studying for math.

Monday, December 11, 2006

I Hope I'm Not Overwhelming People With All The Updates This Week

Yeah so this weekend was kind of strange. It was the first short weekend we've had in a long time. So on friday, my parents had to go to a play with some friends. They ordered pizza for Kathryn and I. So I am later informed that the neighbor kids need someone to look after them. Kathryn is volunteered. Mom suggests that "Oh I should show them Lego Star Wars 2." I tried to tell her it was a bad idea by saying it only supports two people, but she insisted so it was bad. They played it forever and I haven't played Lego Star Wars since then because I'm somewhat mad at it for existing. I haven't beaten it 100% yet, so I will go back to it later. I have taken a liking to Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory though. There's something cool about shooting out more lightbulbs in a level than killing more people. On Saturday, I had the ACT. Steven, Jake, Katie D, Dan, and I were all in the same room. There were quite a few people from other schools there. The test didn't seem too hard, except for the math portion, where I had just learned a couple of the questions on friday in math class. The hardest part was copying this phrase saying I didn't cheat in my own writing, in cursive. Well I don't right in cursive, so it doesn't count I guess. Anyway, my attempt at cursive was like the horrible love child of Daedric and Cursive. I have only really used cursive three times besides this since I learned it in 2nd grade. Two of those three times, I had a cursive dictionary. So the ACT lasts 5 hours, but that is barely enough time, I found. I was able to guess in the instance that I didn't know though without being docked points. After that, Dad took me to Taco Del Mar for finishing lunch. Later in the day, my parents informed me that they were going to go out to a play with other friends (I know, WTF) and that their two youngest daughters were coming over. Well without their two older kids, a year younger and older than me, I saw no point in staying. I went and hung out at my Grandpa's house, putting up Christmas decorations at his house. On Sunday, I did some homework and played some Splinter Cell. For dinner, I was on my own again, because Mom and Dad had to go to this new restaurant that my Dad's bank financed. They didn't spend much time because they said it was pretty queer. Coming from my Mom saying that, it must have been the flamingest joint ever because she is really liberal about homos. Today was a short day and nothing much really happened. I might post more than once this week, but don't hold your breath. At least Sai updated.

Friday, December 08, 2006

I've broken the habit

I signed on to today to see the official time of the last Starcraft game I played. At exactly 8:30 earlier tonight, I completed a whole month without Starcraft. I am very proud of myself at times, being able to allow time for other things, like homework. I no longer feel compelled to sign on when I see that one of my friends is playng, mainly because the people I played with most also quit. I am looking forward to the marathon of Snowball Wars with Steven and Keir coming up, but that is tradition, so I promise to everyone and myself that it will not affect or bring back my addiction. You may see me on more now, but I will not let myself become a serious addict again.

Finishing the week of uber micrpwnage

Ok Sai, I will take off your last name from the last title as soon as your update your blog. Anyway, I was able to finish off this week with more pwning. On thursday, the APUSH John Brown groups presented and I think ours was the best looking. Joseph really did a good job on it and it turned out good, as well as the iMovie. In band, it was the day of the concert and Harshman was rightfully stressed to the maxxorz because we sucked. Eventually he became "depressedly enhappied" with us because we tried harder. So in Fortress, Zac has first part on that because I let him. Harshman got really mad at him and this happened.
Harshman: Who is second part on this?
David: I am.
Harshman: *sigh* David play your part there.
*I play it exactly the way he wanted it*
Harshman: Yes that's what I want, Zac play your part.
*Zac stumbles and falls over his part*
Harshman: David do you think you play Zac's part?
David: Ok
*David plays it right first try*
Harshman: David do you think you could play 1st part on Fortress tonight?
David: Sure
Harshman: Ok

Later, after the solo (the first time I ever played it):

Harshman: Thank you David, we have been practicing this long and this is the first time I heard that solo on time.

So basically, I continued to pwn Zac all of band. In english that day, we just watched the Crucible movie, which had a kind of sad ending that made all the girls (and Christian(faking it)) cry. It was awkward after that. On today, I didn't really do much in Healthy Adult Living, except I used this graphing program on my computer to graph two spheres and a cylinder if you catch my drift. I later graphed a couple of spheres as well. I think I will try to make a whole person now that I am getting good with that program and understanding complicated graphs. In Chemistry, there was an experiment and Eric Chan told me and steven to B A(be in the "A" group). We took his advice and got the best part. We first burned copper (kind of boring), then we got to burn Magnesium. When magnesium burns, it is like a flash grenade. It eminates a high intensity white light that hurts to look directly into (I learned this the hard way). That was really cool. My parents have something tonight and tomorrow night, so I will probably be home the whole time. I have the ACT tomorrow, and if this week's trend continues, I will pwn it.


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Sasha (censored since he updated) you have not posted in one whole month! For Shame!

I had to make a special mid week post because of many things that happened so far this week. They are good things, other than this being the one month anniversary of Sai not updating his blog. Ok so Monday, I played Lego Star Wars 2 in the morning, then went to Orion's house, where He, Davis, Steven, and I played Conflict Desert Storm 2: Back To Baghdad. I really didn't mind being the medic (bitch) character because it was a really fun game despite the graphics. I think that it would work well with Mercenaries physics and graphics. So we played it for about 6 hours and I re-learned that I suck at stealth, which is why I still haven't beaten level 1 of Chaos Theory. There are other reasons for that, such as Xbox failure a couple times. I am inclined to use my "boom stick" I guess. That was another good thing was the list of descriptions of the characters. They were all such bs, but the best one was Orion's guy, Foley. I put in some notes in parentheses about reactions to it. His description was that he passed at the top of his class in every sniper school (those exist?) he attended (there are more than one?). He also holds the distance record for a fatal wound in one shot, 2 miles (WTF NOT POSSIBLE). ON tuesday, in band, Orion and I got strange letters saying our teachers of math thought we were good at math and that we should join math club. I joined to be the token white kid. Davis and Sai joined as well with Orion, Wilfred, Dan, and I. Dan also convinced me to join Knowledge Bowl. I am in it now because I was in the picture. Today, I missed the FBLA picture, AGAIN, by 5 minutes, AGAIN. We (Davis, Orion, Steven, and I) also got the bright idea to crash the Gamer's club picture. We showed up with videogame stuff (gamers play board games) and none of them showed up, so we brought up Stefano, Jake, and Joseph in the picture with us, so Yearbook is going to have an interesting name figuring out the gamer's club page. The math meeting went well and that is about it so far. We made loud noises in chemistry with hydrogen and oxygen. I played too much lego star wars after school this week so far (9 hours in 2 days), so I'm stopping until tomorrow. That's it though.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Bananaoracle89: UPDATE; Bananaoracle89: UPDATE!!

Luckily for me, Davis reminded me to update yesterday. Hopefully I interpreted it right and he actually was referring to my blog. So this week was kind of like Thanksgiving week because we had a reverse half day on monday with a late start because of snow. On tuesday, we had no school because the roads were too icy. So I missed a lot of fun that day because I couldn't get up any of my hills to get to Steven's house. On Wednesday, there was another snow day because the ice was still around. I couldn't go anywhere that day either. Between the two snow days, I did 25 CIDs, Beat the Lego Star Wars 2 story mode, beat Mercenaries for the 3rd time, watched 4 seasons of Red vs. Blue again, and a lot of other homework and videogames as well. On thursday, the temperature went up and we were able to go to school after the delay. Friday was a normal day, unfortunately. As long as it wasn't a snow day, I was fine. On Saturday, I was around most of the day, but then we took my grandpa out to eat somewhere. Right now, I'm just finishing my last couple of CID's so I can fully enjoy being a medic with a shotgun.