Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Sasha (censored since he updated) you have not posted in one whole month! For Shame!

I had to make a special mid week post because of many things that happened so far this week. They are good things, other than this being the one month anniversary of Sai not updating his blog. Ok so Monday, I played Lego Star Wars 2 in the morning, then went to Orion's house, where He, Davis, Steven, and I played Conflict Desert Storm 2: Back To Baghdad. I really didn't mind being the medic (bitch) character because it was a really fun game despite the graphics. I think that it would work well with Mercenaries physics and graphics. So we played it for about 6 hours and I re-learned that I suck at stealth, which is why I still haven't beaten level 1 of Chaos Theory. There are other reasons for that, such as Xbox failure a couple times. I am inclined to use my "boom stick" I guess. That was another good thing was the list of descriptions of the characters. They were all such bs, but the best one was Orion's guy, Foley. I put in some notes in parentheses about reactions to it. His description was that he passed at the top of his class in every sniper school (those exist?) he attended (there are more than one?). He also holds the distance record for a fatal wound in one shot, 2 miles (WTF NOT POSSIBLE). ON tuesday, in band, Orion and I got strange letters saying our teachers of math thought we were good at math and that we should join math club. I joined to be the token white kid. Davis and Sai joined as well with Orion, Wilfred, Dan, and I. Dan also convinced me to join Knowledge Bowl. I am in it now because I was in the picture. Today, I missed the FBLA picture, AGAIN, by 5 minutes, AGAIN. We (Davis, Orion, Steven, and I) also got the bright idea to crash the Gamer's club picture. We showed up with videogame stuff (gamers play board games) and none of them showed up, so we brought up Stefano, Jake, and Joseph in the picture with us, so Yearbook is going to have an interesting name figuring out the gamer's club page. The math meeting went well and that is about it so far. We made loud noises in chemistry with hydrogen and oxygen. I played too much lego star wars after school this week so far (9 hours in 2 days), so I'm stopping until tomorrow. That's it though.


PK Dave said...

that's an astonishing average 4.5 hours per day

blitzmoose said...

I am sorry God (David) for not posting. Please forgive my sins. Also, take my last name off of your blog or people might be able to find me with this real picture that I am using of myself for my photo stamp on blogs.