Monday, December 18, 2006


Well it looked like we would actually get stuck with a 5er (5 day week) in here last week. That was, of course, until we had a HUGE FREAKING WIND STORM with 65 MPH gusts on Thursday night. I looked outside and the tree across the street was bent at almost a 45* angle. Somehow, our lights survived. So the power I guess went off at 11:00. I was asleep, but my mom said she was awake for it. Now since we have underground power, our power is not only easier to go out (we have like the monthly outage) and its harder to fix. Never get it. So there was a lot of damage. On the fence between the west neighbors, about 40 feet of fence fell down. On our east neighbors (the annoying ones) we lost about 10 feet of fence. The back fence is only held up by the many trees along it. Syre down the street got pwned by power lines. I will try to put in some pictures of the damage after school. Yeah I'm in healthy adult living now and we are going over some crisis or something, something I know how to handle. On thursday, I went to Steven's house to study for the Chem test with him and Sai. We learned some stuff and Sai made some pwnage remembering songs. I left before the storm got too bad. So on friday, I really didn't feel like going anywhere. Kathryn and I just played a ton of games all day. The power came on sometime Saturday morning between 12 and 8. Some people in this class only lost it for 4 hours and some didn't lose it at all. Wtf. Ghey. On saturday, hmmm. I don't remember, probably because I just sat around all day playing Splinter Cell. On Sunday, my Grandparents (mom's parents) came into town for an exchange of presents and because we hadn't seen them in a while. Oh yeah there was also that my grandpa wanted to purchase his new Cadillac Escalade (you won't catch him ridin dirty). So we went to F.X. McRory's in Seattle across from Quest Field, down the street from King's Street Station. They came in on the train so we could take them to their car. Their train was 1 1/2 hours late, so we got a table in F.X. McRory's (famous sports bar) arount 1:00. They got in at 1:50. We brought them in and ate lunch and finished lunch and left around 4:00. That was an interesting 3 hour lunch. I also am very tired of Pepsi after all the Pepsi I drank there. So we drove them to buy their new Escalade. It was really nice. It turned out to be Dale Chehuli (not sure of spelling(glass artist from Seattle))'s old car. It had a ton of cool features like an automatic raising and closing gate and a heated steering wheel. That is good because my grandparents need the extra help because they are getting old. So after they left, we took off to IKEA to pick up some frames that mom needed. We got done at IKEA at 5:45 and I remembered that I had to be at Confirmation at 6:00. I made it from IKEA to Shoreline in 30 minutes (new record!). I may have exceeded the speed limit at all times, but that is not important. So I was about 20 minutes late for Confirmation and Maddy wasn't there so it was awkward because I don't really know anyone else in my group and one of the girls is kind of crazy. So I watched the end of Survivor after that, which was actually pretty crazy. The guy that should have won didn't and whatever, its not important. Now I need to get back to ma studying for math.


Unknown said...

haha, i apologize. and which one is the crazy one?

zack0217 said...