Sunday, January 21, 2007

Gearing Up For This Week

I was watching an old episode of the Simpsons and I had to take this picture when I saw this happen because of what (mostly) Sai has been doing all this last week to (mostly) Steven. So the thing from the last post I wanted to remember was that I went to my Grandpa's house to fix his "broken" CD player, or at least to find out what he did to it. When I got there, the problem was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I opened up the CD drive, and what did I find. He had put the CD in upside down to hear what was on the other side(the cover art side). I told him that it doesnt work like cassette tapes. So this week, our third three day week in a row, was not too bad. I went to the basketball game on Wednesday. Unfortunately, I didn't know it was a girl's game. Really boring. On thursday, wait nothing happened. Well I went to the dentist and I was told my wisdom teeth haven't moved in the last year, so if they keep that up, I won't need them taken out. My parents said that they both had theirs pulled in college or in their mid 20's though, so I may just be waiting a long time for that. On friday, I went to another basketball game. Nobody cool was there, so I snuck away at the 3rd quarter when we got free time. On wednesday at the basketball game, we were locked out of the band room, so rather than wait, I took my instrument home. When I put it in on friday, someone had taken my case. So now I'm pissed, as Marcus Fenix would say. On saturday, I went to Steven's with Ben and Sai to do that math test of the take home variety. We did the test, or most of it at least. There was a lot of videogameage too. After Ben and Sai left, Steven and I set a couple highscores on double dash. Now I need to do my homework before confirmation. This week, we will have a shortish 5 day week with finals. We should study for the Chem final on thursday after school and the SAT friday after school. So this next weekend its a 3day weekend. I have the SAT on saturday, then I have to go to a camp for confirmation. It actually goes from friday to mid-sunday, but luckily I can come late because of the SAT. I'm more excited than nervous to take it because it means less time to spend with the pricks in confirmation. If Maddy reads this, then it was a joke. (but not really). So luckily, it's a 3day weekend, so I will get the second half of sunday and monday to weekend it up next weekend. So also, my mom got an email today from her cousins about how they are planning a family reunion. Since I rarely see the more distant members of my mom's family, the prospect of this reunion bores me. I really don't know or want to meet more of her family. I like the people I know and that's enough. I know a bit more of dad's family, but a lot of them are my age, so that is cool. Anyway, they want this family union in Branson, Missouri. Show me a reason why they think that's a good idea. I worra bout this thayng. I worra like Missoura. Seriously, BRANSON MISSOURI? WTF. I am not spending my spring break in hickville. I hope this bombs and we can go to Vegas or maybe just stay here instead. Whatever, until tomorrow, all.
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pronoob5 said...

yeah, that arm across the face thing really pisses me off. i dont even know why, its hit the anger spot for me forever. anyway i actually read the post and decided to read all long posts now. i still need to copy the rest of that math test. =)

blitzmoose said...

Your gandfather put the CD upsidedown to play the other side... I think that if Orion were pollinated by someone from your family, and he created a seed, and the seed was properly taken care of, then someone with a normal IQ would grow out of the seed.

Unknown said...

yes, i read peoples' blogs...i've learned to like confirmation though. it's really not THAT bad, is it?

zack0217 said...

yes, confirmtion is indeed, THAT bad.

ahahah that sucks. Missouri over spring break. I might be going to New York over spring break, which wouldl totally pwn boring ass missouri.