Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Secksy Break

So this was a good break. Snowball wars until the 360 distracted me was great, thanks to Steven and Keir (maybe Davis too). So I went to Roseville (very close to Sacramento), California to see my friend and her family. The deal is that I met her in Kindergarden and our mom's taught together, so we have been good friends since then and they moved away because their dad got a job transfer when we were in 4th grade. We've been seeing them once or maybe twice a year since then. Their dad, Marc is this really smart geologist. The next Ken Jennings if he wanted to be. On the way to the airport, mom noticed that I was growing a goatee. Apparently, when it has light behind it, you can see it well. So we got into the airport fine and had a good tailwind, so the flight was like 1 3/4 hours long. We were picked up by Dainey (the mom), Rachel (the one I'm good friends with), and Shannon (the younger sister, Kathryn's friend). Marc didn't come because he had just gotten back from his flight the morning before and was still a bit tired. They took us back to their house and we had dinner there. In California, its wierd because while they have a Gamecube, they prefer to just watch TV. It is that way with many many Californians. Also, they haven't gotten infected by MySpace in their town. On new year's eve, we all went go-karting. I took old pinky and totally pwned. I got so bored, that I had to let my dad pass me. My mom took pics, but mine is the only clear one because I slowed down for her since I had so much time to waste while dad caught up. After that, we went and played minigolf and I lost overall. I tend to overswing...a lot. So after that, we went inside and played arcade games. Dad and I played Rush. He beat me the first time. So you all know since I am left handed, I don't ever use manual transmission. Well i needed to redeem myself by beating dad the second time, but in manual. I schooled him. I also was one hole away in skeeball from being the machine champ (the 12,000 hole). That night, Rachel informed me that she and Shannon had been invited to party and were told they could bring Kathryn and I along. It was a bunch of their band people. As Orion said, I should have taken pics, but I didn't see a good time to whip out my phone and take one. I will say though that band girls in California are way way way hotter than Washington ones (8/10 in Calif.). Rachel, who had already showed support for my goatee, told all her friends and showed them what was there to see (not much). Many of the girls thought it was cute (that you can't see it well?).There was a kid that looked like davis at the party, but he seemed kind of gay, unlike davis. Davis can't be gay, he wouldn't know how to have sex. He is pretty ignorant for a liberal when it comes to that. There was also this guy that played french horn and also turned out to be left handed. He was also blonde and trying to grow facial hair so we are in the same boat. So when we went back to their house, everyone played poker. I was out first because I went all in on a king high flush and my own sister had ace high OF THE SAME FREAKING SUIT (we were using 2 decks). It was still frustrating. On new years day, we watched Arkansas(alma mater of Marc) get pwned by wisconson. As Marc said "Arkansas' weakness is passing and kicking). They had 359 rushing yards, while Wisconson had -5 and wisconson still won. Go figure. The fiesta bowl was extreme. A perfect hook and lateral, statue of liberty, and unbalancing the lineup on the line of scrimmage. Boise state completely deserved to win after that. In the afternoon, I sat upstairs with Rachel and watched a bunch of movies and this "Beauty and the Geek" show that was kind of funny to watch losers mingle with hot chicks. I think Rachel's band might be in Victoria, so if that is the case, we will have to at least say hi or something. We got back later on the 2nd and went to pick up the truck, then to see the sycamore tree that is about to fall on my aunt's house. I have Xbox live hooked up and its time to play some Gears. I will post all the pictures I have been meaning to post by friday, I promise. I have playoff tickets for the saturday game (I know, lucky) so Gears of War party friday night? I will check and see if that works. Peace out for now.


PK Dave said...



pronoob5 said...
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pronoob5 said...

shit dude no one is going to read all that... at least no one who isnt a gay stalker

David said...

like egregious or mr. rogers the substitute teacher.

Jack said...

dude i used to live in davis, CA which is super close to sacramento. my uncle, aunt, and 3 cousins live in roseville.

ltofgyho - lot of gay ho.