Monday, January 29, 2007

Sick and I'm still posting

All right, so this weekend went about the way i thought it would. About 80% of the time, I would rather have been sitting at home cleaning out my earwax with a power drill. Bare in mind, I'm counting today in the 100% of the weekend. It makes sense right? No school today. So on saturday, I had to get up early for the 6th day in a row to take the SAT. Our instructor scared me a little, but the test was ok. Not really hard, but not the easiest test I've ever taken(that means you, WASL). So anyway, after the SAT, I came home and ate lunch. Then dad dragged me out to the confirmation thing. Going there was cool because we got to the ferry and missed it by 5 cars. So that was a delay, plus only one ferry was going. When we got on the ferry, half an hour after we planned, it didn't move for another half hour for some reason. Case in point, we moved the car about 100 feet in an hour and a half. We got off the ferry at 4:00 and went straight to the place, which was some kind of christian retreat hotel cabin wierd thing. Like a nicer camp orkila. We got there at 4:50 and I hid my watch(they forbade them for some reason, but I would not go a weekend without time). So we got there as the whole group was coming up our way and when people passed me they would go "oh no another person." I found out it was because they were playing this game where everyone stands on some elevated wood planks and has to reverse the order of the line without stepping off. Lot's of personal violation, to paint a picture for you. So everyone had barely fit, much less add me. I was near the end, so I went second and then waited the whole time. I'll just say I got to know Josh behind me again(very awkward) and Julia in front of me. It was one of those don't get a boner times you know. Like what we all talked about with Keir. It would have been awkward. So that night, there was too much praying. Just as we were about to go to bed, Joy(leader lady) did this candle thing and people had to come up and say a prayer for someone anywhere. It took half an hour and it was really stupid. I finally got to bed at 11:30, but all the other guys went on an adventure and had a party in one room while I slept I guess. They woke up girls in their cabin, but not me for some reason. I guess I'm don't wake easily. Everyone complained about the food while I was there, but I have been to Parsons and lived off their food. This stuff was pretty good. On Sunday, we all packed up and went to this church for service and got there late. It was a nice church. In dad's car coming back from the retreat was Julia, Maggie, Alisha, Kathryn, and some other girl I didn't know and of course your's truly. They were quite loud. So the church was nice, but boring and Alisha says she saw some lady breast feeding in her pew. So when I got home, Orion and I fiddled around with BG2 and found a possible new way to hook up. So then today I woke up and was sick. I hate when this happens. So I'm sick now and I've been playing 360 all day.


zack0217 said...

Parson's food wasn't THAT bad. The meatloaf was really good.

Anonymous said...

i took the sat that day too!

Oreo said...

fyi david, you definitely used "case in point" incorrectly, which I am sure the grammar phr34k (in the pwning h4axx0r? meaning of the word) Davis can corroborate. Dictionary definition of it: "A relevant illustrative example." You would use it if you had like some generalization or idea of some sort, and then after you said it, you would say "case in point" and give an example that supports it. For instance: "David does not have good grammar. Case in point, he used case in point incorrectly."

David said...

By God you are right, I should have used point in case.