Monday, February 26, 2007

BEHOLD. The Sacred Order of Teriyaki logo.
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Yeah about last week.

I would have posted something interesting, but I didn't feel like it after my at least one post each day thing the week prior. I'm not going to link you since it is more than one post, so look for yourself. So last week, I played a lot of Majora's Mask, a lot of Link's Awakening, and a ton of Godfather so that I could get my achievements on my Xbox live screen name. It is above 2,000 now by the way. So last week, that's all I did and I also tried to clean my room, which failed miserably. I also learned that the tires on my truck are the original tires from 1992, so I went and ordered new ones. I am getting new mirrors too. Most huzzahulent. Zach's party was cool. We played a lot of Gears of War, Piano, and Trampoline. We also watched the Departed (sorry Orion). That was the only real interesting thing all week. So today, Sai played real hearts for the first time and before everyone started, I semi-sarcastically said "Watch Sai shoot the moon, but not know it." Then Davis leans over and tells me he gave Sai the queen. Sure enough, Sai shot the moon and didn't know it. Luckily, I wasn't in that round because I was doing some Chemistry notes that I had missed from my favorite teacher (Steven's notebook). There was a one question test in Chemisty. Ok well this is too much for me to post. I need to do interesting stuff so I can make somewhat longer posts again.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Curse you boredom.
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Here's a rare look at the product of that 5 minutes of boredom before I finally just go to sleep.
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For his sake, I hope he was kidding.
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Saturday, February 17, 2007

I did it; at least one post every day this week

Ok so today I woke up at 9 and dad told me mom was having a lot of people over for an auction items organization meeting. Well that was ok and I just hooked up my 360 to the TV in my room. I would have played Majora's mask, but I needed an expansion pack apparently. I also would have played Resident Evil 2, but I simply didn't get it. So I went to Sai's party and it was quite good. So on the radio, I never hear my favorite song (Hitch A Ride) at all anymore. The last time I heard it on the radio, it was coming on as I got out of the car. Very enraging. So I put in a request for it in this weekend because the station was doing a weekend of 1001 songs and you just put in a song and they would play it sometime in there. I figured I wouldn't hear it, but soon after I got into the car on the way to Sai's it came on. Then more luck came when I just missed the Aurora light, then an ambulance came and triggered the light for my way again. There was some good Gears of Warrage. I think I may be closing in on Zack's skill level. He had a lot of good kills on me, but I was getting good ones on him as well. Also, Steven and I are too good on a team together. We should do a Steven and Me vs. Zach and Davis sometime. So we played some of everything, at least every nintendo system at Sai's place. There was also some frizbee with a wierd kid that started smoking after he left for some reason. There was a driveby shooting also. Also, Bodon played some COD3 and got this wierd phenomenon to happen with a dead guy's head spinning in circles. I took some cell phone video of it. Yeah, that just happened. Well I might not post for a while since I posted every day this week. Gonna play a lot of Majora's mask since Sai let me borrow his expansion pack. Peace out.

Friday, February 16, 2007


Ok so luckily I just remembered that I hadn't made my post for today. Yesterday, I got my SAT score, 1750. Not bad, but not great either. So today was the boringage and the most exciting part was acquiring a certain thing on a certain technological device of which I can not speak. Anyway, Chemistry was the one period that wasn't really boring, and Chemistry was still kind of boring today. There was gonna be some Ultimate Frisbee after school, but Steven somehow wound up with Jack and for some reason, Jack didn't want to play it, so it would have only been 4 people or something. Whatever. Davis just came over and we played Halo 2 on legendary. We got through a really long and difficult level where we were almost always impossibly outnumbered. In 4 hours, we barely beat it. So he has lent me Resident Evil 2 and The Legend of Zelda, Majora's mask. Most excellent. Well I shall see you all at Sai's party tomorrow.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thursday's post for this week

Its only thursday in my week long event of at least one post a day all week and I'm already out of titles. Well today was interesting. First of all, there was a BSU black history month assembly. They seem to get worse each year. They were trying to make us act equal, but they were more counter productive than helpful. There was an imovie about black people that died and I thought they were going to list everyone that died that was black insignificant or not, but after they didn't talk for a while, Mr. Stuart cut it off. Of course, there was the hip hop performance. One of their songs had the n-word in it. That was smart, but then again, the girls in hip hop are really, shall we say, idiots. It was more sexual and ballet dancing than hip hop in my opinion. Also, there was the 10 minute of step team. They were so boring as usual. They made Tyson bring out fans (asian folding fans) and they barely used them, then he had to bring out sticks which they barely used again. Then there was an imovie about hurricane Katrina that made me, a moderate liberal, think very conservative things. They basically said that since Bush didn't get out to New Orleans quick enough for them that that means he hates black people. They also complained that New Orleans is still in some ruin because of the black people. They said that if it were Seattle hit with the same thing, we would have had the entire city restored by now. First of all, I think that the chances of Seattle getting anything similar to Katrina are slim to none. Secondly, New Orleans wasn't built in a day. It's been a year and a half yeah, but it's kind of hard to deflood your city when IT'S AT SEA LEVEL. They also said that 1/3 of all the displaced New Orleans(ians?) were black. Well you know what the other 2/3s were? Whites and Hispanics. Not to mention their weakness in arguments, the words in the movie were riddle with grammatical errors, such as "citizins." I swear, we are in high school, if you can't spell citizens, drop out now. It was a terrible assembly, then we had to talk about it in APUSH and we all made complaint cards (originally for feedback, but nobody liked it). They will be unpleasantly surprised to learn what smart people thought of it.

In band, Harshman had to leave early and our sub was Ms. Morris (healthy adult living). Braden conducted and he had to put up with our area because we were complaining about how he sucked. He actually started to get mad eventually. He did terrible though, Steven wasn't lying to me. We did terrible on Killyburn Brae and he couldn't hear it when it was obvious to me. He said we did perfect. I almost walked up and slapped him. Ms. Morris didn't help either when she cheered for us. NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT IS BADDD. So then we got Seagate Overture again, which we played last year. It's a really cool song, but I wanted a new one. I at least got my old part though, but I play first this time. So we played quick and Braden had tempo problems. He let us finish at 11:00. We needed to practice more. Then Anders tells him "I think you did really good despite what people say." Well Anders must be an idiot too. I thought he was nerdy, but now I know. Wierd, as I typed that, the song I am listening to is repeating it. (Prophet's Song by Queen.)

As for Queen, I hate people that sing Bohemian Rhapsody. If it is the only Queen song in your library, then go slap yourself. Try to have at least one Queen song that isn't found on the greatest hits album.

So the English was the boring. There was a funny speech video from the 80's that gave me many good stupid quotes.

"If you start your speech with "today I am going to talk to you about..." then your audience will be snoring before you start."
However that is possible.

At one point in the movie, a random dog appears and they talk about it. You never see or hear about the dog again.

The man talks about pros and cons by using smoking as an example. Some pros, it gives your hands something to do, its relaxing, it looks cool, etc.

"Do you know what rehearse means? Well here's how you know. Cross out this s and e and now you have "rehear" so now you know rehearse means to rehear something.

Randomly this guy's sister appears and is never seen again.

This lady throughout the movie training him to talk (not sure of relation to him) randomly walks into his room like its nobody's business.

When talking, try not to hang your head like "an inquisitive child"

"Blind People know when you are making hand gestures"

Also, the terrible camera angles were great.

That's all for now, new post tomorrow after teh freedom starts.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Posting Every Day is Quite Wierd

RunningInSquare3: wow, a real away message instead of the default one
Autoresponse from Zack0217: Apush is gay like you
Zack0217: mhmm
Zack0217: it fits well huh?
RunningInSquare3: yeah
RunningInSquare3: wait i mean no
Zack0217: hahaha
Zack0217: david comes out of the closet
RunningInSquare3: no that must have been my thing that i do
RunningInSquare3: if someone talks for a while and i dont want to listen
RunningInSquare3: i just determine whether it is a question or statement
RunningInSquare3: for statement, say yeah
RunningInSquare3: for question, say i dont know
RunningInSquare3: works every time
Zack0217: hahaha
RunningInSquare3: so if you have something important to say and i do that
RunningInSquare3: just repeat urself unless it isnt important then dont
Zack0217: i shall keep that in mind
Zack0217: i now know the way of the internet david
RunningInSquare3: well i do it in real life as well
RunningInSquare3: a lot more in real life
Zack0217: except now i konw how to annoy you quickly
RunningInSquare3: how
Zack0217: to just keep talking until you start saying
Zack0217: yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, i dont know, yeah
Zack0217: and then not stop
RunningInSquare3: yeah
Zack0217: screw you im gonna do cids now
RunningInSquare3: k
Zack0217 signed off at 8:21:29 PM.


I estimated my past GPA's and added in this one to make a cumulative gpa for now and it's 3.08. Barely enough to get the good student discount. Last night, dad said if my GPA dropped below 3.0, I couldn't drive anymore. It looks like I can, plus they don't check the GPA for a while to see if I am elligable. So I got to Mr. Harshman today to see about AP music theory. Davis and Sam are in it, so that class will be cool. As Mr. Harshman gave me my signature, he told me about how he thought I was putting out a really good effort and that he believes I can step into Wind Ensemble next year. I almost said "WELL IT'S ABOUT DARN TIME," but I decided not to. So I also found Ms. Morris later and asked her about how I could get A's in her class both quarters and get a C+ overall. Her answer was "that's correct." Then an awkward pause as I thought "Wait, did she just answer a question I didn't ask or does she think that was a coherent answer?" Then I decided to say I didn't get it and she elaborated. Well it turns out there is a marriage project that my partner and I did bad on and unfortunately, my partner has it. I hope he does at least. This still doesn't answer how I got 2 A's and a C+ overall. At any rate, these are the classes I signed up for next year:
Band (especially if there is an advancement in my future)
AP Music Theory (I had room, so why not?)
Geology 101 (UW Geology, Physical Geology, whatever it's going to be called. It's a college level course)
Accounting 1 (instead of math. it was dad's idea)
Senior Lifetime Sports (FTW!)
Contemporary World Problems (Mrs. Chertock so it will be good)
Hollywood and History (perhaps I will get an A in a Guthrie class finally)
Movie Genres (With Murray and Steven. Yeah I have 2 movie classes)
Essay Fundamentals (Was going to do AP Comp, but everyone ditched me)
I don't know my alternates yet. I'll wing em as I go.
Shooting for a post each day this week.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

So the game before this, Keir beat me 12 to 6 (2:1 ratio) so I had to repwn him with a 12:1 ratio.
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Yeah I had a pretty good round I would say.
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Ma bad.

The title will be explained at the end of this post. So today was the FBLA conference in Bellevue. I did Word Processing 2, Business Law, and C++ programming. The Word Processing had a bunch of grammar questions so I did pretty good on that test. The other two, I knew vitrually nothing about, and I got 32 and 33 on them (out of 100). That seemed to be happening to a lot of people. So Shorewood did really good in the awards, even though I didn't get one. Turns out my word processing pretest thing was staight zeros. Oh well, because not only did I not know the format in which to do them, I didn't know what I was doing. So I get home today and I notice Steven commented on my blog during school. It would have been a whatever thing, but it was during band I noticed. So I asked him about how he managed this. Turns out Harshman had to leave earlier this morning because he was sick. Ok now remember a couple posts ago when I mentioned Harshman being my spit buddy to tune my horn and I hadn't taken my medicine and that if he was gone, I would assume it was my bad? Well, now you know why that title is up there.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Unfortunately, I was the one thing that fort pownall didn't wind up "pown"ing.
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Ok so my question is what are these numbers on the left of my songs? Can anyone help me? It bothers me so that I do not know their purpose and that there seems to be no pattern with them.
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This is indeed a quote from Marcus Fenix, but it is also a quote from me after today. So I woke up today and it started out good. In second period, I noticed Jenni walking around to everyone. Then I saw Albert examining a report card. I realized what was going on. After recieving my report card and examining it with jaw-dropping disbelief, I realized my day was going to go downhill from that point. So let's break down the insanity:
Healthy Adult Living: A big wtf. A's in both quarters and a C+ overall?
APUSH: I tried my hardest, but it wasn't enough to save me. D, for Dear God David, what have you Done?
Math: C, I kinda expected this and I did try, but it wasn't enough to save it completely.
Band: A. Yeah I'd better have gotten that A.
Chemistry: A "B" in the second quarter, but the C- first quarter screwed me over, so C+ overall.
English: B-. Never recovered from that project. She said I had missing assignments as well for some reason.
Yeah that's right, a 2.41 GPA. Wow, I have never gotten a GPA below 3.00 exactly. It will never happen again. I am making changes that will be addressed after my day. So the rest of my day didn't go so well with fear of my parents and my own self. After English class, I got a little booster when Mrs. Gade said that I would like AP Comp and that I could handle the class if I wanted to. That was exactly what I wanted to hear and I am signing up for it next year. So I go out to the truck, and I see a sticker on my window. It was a warning for not having a parking permit. Well not only do I have a permit, but I had put it on my dashboard since I knew I would forget on monday. I know it wasn't hanging, but it doesn't have to be (plus its against the law to drive with it hanging) and you can put it in the dash to show it. So some idiot put the sticker on anyway. When I carefully tried to take it off, the sticker ripped. I tore off as much as I could and threw it on the ground. I am going to find out who is in charge of that and I am going to rip their head off over this because its the second time this has happened this year. Ok so mom had possibly strep throat today and was more sad sounding when she saw the report card. Dad seems to be taking it in stride for now, but he may have not seen it. I hope he has and he forgave me realizing its my life and punishing me is stupid because I need to take care of my own messes. So my neighbor just gave me cufflinks, so I can wear my new dress shirt tomorrow. Ok now for the new rules I set myself:
Xbox: No playing on schooldays, except friday after school. No playing after 12:00 pm on Sundays either. No exceptions.
Starcraft: Starcraft Free since December 23. I'm going to continue not playing at least until summer break.
Computer Games: Only after homework is done. Not just the next day homework, but all homework I have. This means I might only play every other day. The only reason I can still play computer games is because I can very easily tear myself away from them. I mean, my homework is right there, so I can stop after 5 minutes and realize that I need to do it if I get distracted.
My goal is a 3.8. That still may be setting the bar high, but I'm going for it. I also got a morale booster when I saw that the average UW GPA for freshman is 3.41. That was my cumulative GPA before this monstrosity of a semester. If I work my butt off these 3 semesters we have left, I might be able to pull this off.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Warning, Long Post Ahead.

And some slow cars on the freeway as well. Screw those people. I met a lot of people on the freeway this weekend that had lead feet. Unfortunately, those feet were put above the break pedal. So where to begin the post? Thursday seems appropriate. Well APUSH was cool, just some cartooning with Albert and some watching Rob look longingly at Penelope Cruz laying naked in some sand and showing him a donkey raping some poor guy that was just trying to take a dump in a field. In band, Harshman realized halfway through that my horn was way out of tune. I was having a lot of trouble getting it back in tune for some reason. So Harshman becomes my spit buddy to help me fix it and as he starts playing it to tune it, I realize I haven't taken my strep throat medicine that morning, so I am contagious. If Harshman is gone for a bad. On friday, it was my boring classes. After school, Davis, Joseph (rhie), and I as well as a bunch of less cool kids moved around piannies for solo and ensemble. It went a lot faster than the estimate because the three of us were good workers. At one point, Joseph and I were moving one piano and Wilfred came along and played a song as we were walking. We decided to run past this other group moving a piano, so Wilfred played us some running music as he ran along with us. After we all brought back our second wave of pianos, Carl and Anders (the losers with no friends (literally)) come up to me and say "oh, you're still in the hall?" as if they are better than me, to which I say "no, I actually did my job and brought back a second piano." They shutted up and walked away.

New paragraph time.

So after the piano moving, I went over to Steven's to pick him up. When I got there, they threw this deflated kickball at the truck, somehow readjusting my mirror so I could see out of it again. That was cool. So as Steven said, they were locked out. We got the idea to drag Steven along in the truck and I saw this oldsmobile on the side of the road parked, so I decided to pull out in the middle of the street earlier to allow for a slower turn. I forgot there was a manhole. All of a sudden, I see Steven go flying in the rearview mirror, along with Orion yelling "oh shit dude." It was a pretty sweet wipeout, I must say. Chicks dig scars right? So later, we all went inside and played Warioware. The three of us beat the jumprope record for 3 people and made the new one 60. When Orion left, Steven and I played it until we got the new record. I bet he will post it because he took a picture because it is uber. The new 2 person jump rope high score is, oh yeah, 69. So while Steven packed, I looked at Sai's blog and took this link to a youtube video featuring link saying "well excuuuse me, princess" over and over for about 5 minutes. Then I saw the PP lego video and Steven said we should make our own video.

So we came back to my house and started on the video. Let me just say, it's going to be uber sweet. We also beat Gears of War. Then the next day, we went to Taco Del Mar for lunch with grandpa and dad. Then since Sai cancelled his party, we had to drop Steven off at his mom's house so that his dad could pick him up. Then, our whole family set off to Kennewick. We were going to see mom's relatives and dropping grandpa off at his sisters who is on the way there. Bonnie and Harry, they are my favorite Great aunt and uncle. We stayed and talked to them for a few minutes then took off the rest of the way to Kennewick. When we got there, I realized that it has become overdeveloped. I remember when the tri-cities were seperate. Now it's just an ugly mush of overdevelopment and subcommunities and strip malls. Very depressing. It used to be such a nice place. So we went to my uncle who was my sponsor for confirmation's house. My stepcousin that is a year younger than me wanted to bring me to her school's play "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat." Man, that school is rich. But about her driving. I feared for my life. I almost kissed the ground when we got out, but it was all wet and dirty. We saw a bunch of her friends at the play. Their school may be rich, but the band must suck. In the pit, the flute which was her only friend playing in the pit sounded good. The clarinet squeaked like no other. You could barely hear the trumpet. The drummer was off beat, and the French Hornist missed a ton of notes. So my stepcousin and I went back to my uncle's house afterwards, btw don't see that play unless your high or it won't make sense. I was like WTF the whole time. Random hippies, french people. All in ancient egypt. Go figure.

So today, we went to see my great grandma at her retirement home. That place smells like fecal matter and death. She was sleeping when we got there, so she didn't really talk much with us. After staying for a while, we left and picked up Grandpa after going to miner's in yakima for lunch. Aunt Bonnie was told by grandpa that I was studying Holland, so she gave me a few books on it and she wants to quiz me next time she sees me. I guess I can read them since learning about Holland is always cool. So the rest of the ride home was mediocre. Lots of slow people once we got past the pass.

So about that family reunion in Branson, Missoura. It's starting to look better. For one thing, it looks like it will be in July, so I don't waste spring break. Also, I found out my mom's cousin has a daughter that is my age and I saw a picture and she is quite hott. I am saying that because technically, I'm not related to her because she is adopted. Heh heh heh. Adopted relativish hot girl. So yeah, it would still be in Branson though, because you know it doesn't make sense to go to the oldest family members' house so that they don't have to worry about travel. Oh wait, did I just completely overshoot their thought process? I think so. Well this week looks good. Hearts starts on monday at lunch. FBLA conference on tuesday. Sai's party on Saturday. Yep, things look good, so we are probably getting report cards this week (the bad thing). At least I'm prepared.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Error, does not compute

I knew that this weekend was looking like it was going to go too smoothly. Whenever this happens, something always comes up. Well tuesday was ok and wednesday was ok. Today, I got to transform into mr green so I could sign a paper for Orion to go to camp. So I get home and find out my great"gam gam" as keir called her. Is not going so great, again. What's more, mom says she might die in a matter of days. Mom says we will likely need to go visit her this weekend. That means Steven may still be good for friday night, but I don't know how long I can stay at or if I can even go to Sai's party. So also, Davis' one act is tonight, and I was going to go to that, but oh wait, Confirmation needed to screw me over one more time. It's over tonight. There is a party next sunday, but if you catch me at that, it's a mirage. I am not going back once they don't have control over me.

Monday, February 05, 2007

It's going to be a long semester

So this weekend, I did nothing on Saturday really. On sunday, I had this confirmation thing at noon because we were going to do a rehersal after the meeting that would get out at 2:30. From there, I would have to hurry to make it to my uncle's house in Kent for the superbowl. We were having it there because they were throwing a 21 birthday party for my cousin. They should have come here though, because more of our family is up north, plus the two oldest ones, and their northbound I-5 traffic was great, while ours was terrible. So back to confirmation and why I want to kill joy now. So we were supposed to end rehersal at 2:30. Cutting it close right? Yeah we didn't start until 2:15 and she took 15 minutes to explain it. So we get it then she decided to do the whole runthrough. We got out at 3:00. I got to my uncle's house at 3:35. I went very fast the whole way (don't do that you impressionable youth, you), but to no avail. I missed the kickoff and the bears had already scored. Well the colts won and that's all that matter. I wanted the colts in super bowl 40 with us, but this worked and they got a win to boot. So confirmation made me miss kickoff though. Very not cool. I put up with confirmation through a lot of things. A lot of annoying people in the class, making me go to a weekend with said annoying people on a bad weekend, making me sick on said weekend resulting in missing of a week of school, etc. This though is unforgivable. Also, is it just me or did it seem like there were hardly any commercials? I saw a lot of just CBS promoting its own shows, so I think that CBS doesn't get a superbowl for a long time after they did that. So I lent my cousin obilivion for the 360 because I'm not playing it right now and he is in college so he just goes to classes and plays xbox. In return I got hitman blood money from him so that looks like a cool game. I think I will play it now.
Well after I fill you in on my classes. Today, I got asked if I had just transfered into that class all day. It got old. Almost as old as having to ask "where do I sit" in every class.
Weiss Math: The people around me make me not want to play calculator games so this might be good. It's also a nice small class and josh and albert are in it.
Guthrie APUSH: So I was told Justin left, which was good because my greatest fear in the class was having to sit next to him. Well oh the irony because not only is he actually still there afterall, but I sit next to him. At least it's only for a quarter. It was a nice spot too, ruined.
Moreno Individual Sport Activities: Dear God what have I gotten myself into? It's a huge class full of gangsters and having my tennis coach as a teacher isn't as not boring as I thought it would be. The one person in the class I know is this foreign exchange student "mad" max that was on tennis with me, but I never played with him because he was bottom of the ladder. There is also a guy from healthy adult living that was a nice guy.
Harshman Band: Well it's the same, but he got more people to yell at thanks to the drummers. Harshman was the only one who noticed my return before class started, except for Weiss.
Nagy Chemistry: Well my seat isn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I think a vendetta on that fat girl is fair for taking my seat, although I would have liked anna ellersick's seat more because I could have read off Orion. I will also miss getting to look at people handing in their tests. The back isn't so bad though and Christine might help me get smarter. LOL.
Gade English: AHHHHH I THOUGHT I HAD KILLED IT BUT IT KEEPS COMING BACK. What's worse, we dropped a lot of the annoying people and got all the 4th period annoying people. What's WORSE I am the only guy at my table and 2 of the 3 girls are the two girls I would least like to sit next to and I have to sit across from Janelle (blergh she is wierd looking). The girl next to me is one of those social butterflies, so that get's annoying too. I guess what good would I expect when the only people I want to sit next to in that class are Bryce, Fritzie, or Kezia and when I sat next to Bryce and Fritzie last time. Well that only lasts a quarter as well. I hope this quarter passes fast. I wish I had good classes. I want my last semester ones, they weren't so bad now that I think about it.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Teh Anti-blergh

Yeah, I'm starting to feel better thank's for asking. So I can eat food besides rice now and I think I actually matched the calories I had between tuesday and thursday with the amount I had today. No more mucho hungry for me. Unfortunately, I have the feeling I am missing out on something good tonight. Hopefully I'm wrong and there is just a wait for some BG2?. Oh well, I should do a bit of homework.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


There, I finally got a chance to put the Warioware dance thing into a meaninful situation. So yeah obviously I haven't been at school this week, and I won't be tomorrow either. I should be back next monday though. On tuesday, I woke up and had a sore throat and fever of 101.2 so I stayed home and I didn't really eat anything. I got about 200 calories the whole day (huzzah anorexia from sickliness). So when people signed on Aim in the afternoon, they were wondering why I wasn't at school.
SGFshorty90: So y werent u at school today?
RunningInSquare3: I decided to skip so I could get Windows Vista
SGFshorty90: lol really?
RunningInSquare3: hell no

Sorry, but these convos are to the best of my memory. I am quite sure I got the one with steven right, but orion messaged me with his actual conversation. If I need a copy of a convo from sai or orion, I shall ask them since they have records apparently.
oreo2476: so why were u a noob and copped out of school
RunningInSquare3: i skipped school to get windows vista
oreo2476: lol yeahhhhhh
RunningInSquare3: it almost worked on steven

I was really sick. So on wednesday, I had the same thing, but 102.1 fever. The whole day, besides drinking, I ate one bowl of rice. Now that's filling, I wish. I went to the doctor and he swabbed my throat for a strep throat test and it was negative so he said I had the flu. He cleaned out my ears as well because they were full of wax from the sick. That was wierd because they shot water in my ear over and over until it fell out. Very uncomfortable. So today, I woke up and had to stay home again. I bet I'm missing something good at school by now. The doctor called a little bit ago and says that the long and more detailed swab test came back and I do have strep throat. I am not going to school tomorrow and I get medicine now. Starting bid is $3. Not really though, I need to come back to school. So our breeze is screwed now and mom took it to the repair place and they fixed it up a bit and say its a keeper, but we hate the car so maybe we can get a good price off it. Mom wants to get a Hyundai, but I know they are Hyungai, so I'm trying to convince her to get a five-hundred or an accord or something like that. Oh well I'm tired so I'm going to go lay down again.