Saturday, February 17, 2007

I did it; at least one post every day this week

Ok so today I woke up at 9 and dad told me mom was having a lot of people over for an auction items organization meeting. Well that was ok and I just hooked up my 360 to the TV in my room. I would have played Majora's mask, but I needed an expansion pack apparently. I also would have played Resident Evil 2, but I simply didn't get it. So I went to Sai's party and it was quite good. So on the radio, I never hear my favorite song (Hitch A Ride) at all anymore. The last time I heard it on the radio, it was coming on as I got out of the car. Very enraging. So I put in a request for it in this weekend because the station was doing a weekend of 1001 songs and you just put in a song and they would play it sometime in there. I figured I wouldn't hear it, but soon after I got into the car on the way to Sai's it came on. Then more luck came when I just missed the Aurora light, then an ambulance came and triggered the light for my way again. There was some good Gears of Warrage. I think I may be closing in on Zack's skill level. He had a lot of good kills on me, but I was getting good ones on him as well. Also, Steven and I are too good on a team together. We should do a Steven and Me vs. Zach and Davis sometime. So we played some of everything, at least every nintendo system at Sai's place. There was also some frizbee with a wierd kid that started smoking after he left for some reason. There was a driveby shooting also. Also, Bodon played some COD3 and got this wierd phenomenon to happen with a dead guy's head spinning in circles. I took some cell phone video of it. Yeah, that just happened. Well I might not post for a while since I posted every day this week. Gonna play a lot of Majora's mask since Sai let me borrow his expansion pack. Peace out.

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