Sunday, April 29, 2007

My Blog By The Numbers

Here's a fun idea to go with Steven's Binary Post(

Total Comments: 387
Total Number of Pictures: 128
Total Words in bold or italicized font: 5
Total Titles in a color other than green: 1
Total Number of Exactly Repeated Titles: 0
Total Number of Posts with no Title: 104
Total Number of Posts: 600

Yep this is my 600th post. That makes my blog a Sexhundrularerer or something along those lines.

Well this last week was eventful.

By the way when I say eventful, I mean not very eventful.

Monday through thursday were pretty plain, with just a few assemblies for random things and some eating in the library at lunch and some good old fashioned pwning.

Ok well on tuesday there was a scout parent meeting at my house so Sai came over and helped get me Hitman: Codename 47 and Hidden Agenda to work. They are both good games.

Guild Wars had its 2nd birthday this weekend, so happy birthday Guild Wars. I can't wait until the next celebration because I need to get that skillz title. So also, Orion and I did this mission to get the bonus, but some jerk ended the mission before we could get it. I got mad, but he exclusively payed me 2k afterwars which was odd, but not unwelcome. I also tried Running (not in squares :( )) Zack to Lion's Arch, but after we got to Yak's bend after an hour, my comp started to ping so luckily he found a free runner and I went to bed.

My Great Great aunt's 100th birthday was today, so we had a big family party at Old Country Buffet out in Factoria where she lives. I saw my dad's cousin's kids who I dont often get to see so that was cool.

Well I have some more pictures to post, but I'll post them a bit later on.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


^^Check that shit out! Number 4!^^

Monday, April 23, 2007


Internet advertising has reached a new low.

And apparently so have I.
Posted by Picasa

Weekend of movies with mucho badness.

Ok I will pick up right where I left off.

I got a call to the counselor during math. I freaked out because the last time I got called to the counselor, my grandma had died and my other grandma was in surgery at that very moment. Luckily, she wanted (at the order of my parents) to talk about my grades. She did her (not so) subtle check to see if I was on drugs. Then I got in an argument with mom and dad over calling the counselor and won. Mom thinks I have depression (hereditary I guess), but the chances of that are about as likely as me coming to school naked (the ladies will have a field day). So yeah after school, I got the news that my grandma's tumor was successfully removed along with 18 inches of her large intestine. They even managed to reattatch it so she wont need to go to the bathroom in a bag. The hospital was crowded evidently and were severely limiting visitation, so we decided to go see them next weekend. Dad, Kathryn, and I went to Spiro's and almost went to lazer floyd, but Kathryn didn't want to go. We watched Man of the Year instead. I sucked a lot.

To make a point about the videogame restrictions, I played them all day long. In the afternoon, Mom, Dad, and I took Kathryn to a friends whirlyball party and then we went to eat dinner with grandpa. He got a cell phone so I programmed it for him. We were early to pick Kathryn up at whirlyball, so dad and I decided to try some shooting games. We played one that sucked. Then we did bad at the raiden kind of game. Then we played buck hunter. Dad did bad because he forgot it was a pump action shotgun. I didn't have that problem. Masturbation must be good for shooting because I was using it like an automatic rifle. I almost beat the high score on the machine. I'm just a born buck hunter. That night we watched Rear Window (Disturbia from 1954). It was boring. After that, dad and I decided to watch Vanilla Sky since it had been on our DVR since 12/26/05. It parallelled my life in many ways. The character's name was David Aaines, said like David A. Also, he drove a mustang. Also, he had a way with women. He also had a thing for penelope cruz. Wait that part doesn't really suit me I think. Oh well. The movie was terrible. It was the most confusing movie I have ever seen and I've seen The Sting.

More videogames! I did a lot of that all day and not much else. That night for dinner, my dad had a friend that was opening a new restaurant in queen anne that was a really fancy place. It was some private party so we went and saw the guy and had some food that was really not great.

Nothing really happened today that was out of the ordinary.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Agent d4v1d

And as the clock struck midnight, the soft hillbilly chatter fell silent, and all that could be heard was the unmistakable blip sound of an unlocked achievement.
I beat Hitman: Blood Money 100% on midnight exactly. WOO go me!

Friday, April 20, 2007


Bad news on that coming up.

First the week.

Nothing happened except morning Guild Wars that didn't exist. Instead it was morning Hitman.

Late start to morning Guild Wars. There was odd weather. On my way to Individual Sport, it was cloudy. While in the class, Moreno said that we were going to experience culture by listening to the Western Washington University Choir. 5 minutes after I showed up we left. It was now hailing. So we listened to the concert which was boring. They did an encore when we didn't call for one. When we came out, it was blue sky and warm. The big puddles of water were emitting large puffs of steam from evaporating so fast. Nothing much the rest of the day.

Happy Earth Day. Since the environment made school be on my birthday for the first time in my life, I decided to exact my revenge. I drove myself around alone in my truck that gets 12.5 mpg with the windows down and the heater on. I also turned up the thermostat 1 degree to 71 degrees because anything above it is too hot. Take that you stupid environment. That's what you get for being on my enemies list. We had a band test and I was ready for it, but performing just in front of Harshman is harder. Not only can you see his reaction immediately, but I think I just try harder when I am in front of everyone too. I did like that we were able to still get rehersal in though. Oh yeah if he offers you an altoid, don't take it. Zac and I made the mistake of being nice and accepting his gift, but other people said that he was testing us since we cant eat while playing. Oops my bad for trying to be nice. I got a B on the test because I memorized them, but I flubbed up on this one note a bunch. I am happy I got a B from memorizing instead of looking off the sheet though. It is a more respectable B, but it is still a B. Darn.

Yeah nothing at all important happened today. There was an APUSH study thing before school and I did bad on multiple choice (29/80) but upon further inspection, I didn't do number 14, so my problems went to 81 and I should have gotten a much better score, although it still would not have been great.

So about that Gears of War Tournament. Here is the link:
if that doesn't work, then try:

So Davis informed me of this and I was worried that they would have me on a schedule, but when I learned it wasn't really like that, then I decided to join. One problem, I have to be 18 years old. I guess they don't think that kids under 18 are that good or something. Either way, I am not going to get to go to Prague for the finals, but I will get on and pwn some noobs anyway.

Monday, April 16, 2007

New Inductees

I have some additions to my enemies list! See the end of the post to see who they are.

First things first, I must summarize my spring break after Jack left. Luckily, I can do that in one sentence. Then I can elaborate upon that sentence in a way only I could (make a 5 minute anecdote into a full length novel). The sentence is: Hitman and Star Wars *hits spell check* *sentence fragment* SCREW U SPELL CHECK. So yeah Jack took up all my fun for break which was ok because I was perfectly happy to spend the rest of the week playing Hitman. I didn't go on the computer after he left because of the moving the treadmill by it and I dont want this treadmill at my back. It bothers me still, I should take care of it. So the Star Wars part. Before episode 3 came out in theaters, I planned to sit down as soon as I got it on DVD and I would watch all 6 episodes in one day. I am so nerdy its hott. So the DVD came out the tuesday before winter break '05-'06. As soon as we bought the DVD, mom said "oh we should sit down and watch them all." I said ok and that I wanted to do it all in one go. They (rest of family) said they would be ready in a few days. Well long story short, a few days turned into a few months, then over a year. Finally, I said ok I'm watching all 6 star wars episodes tomorrow with or without you guys. We all watched them all on Saturday and it was definately cool, but not spectacular. That's it for now. Except for:::::


1. Thanks to Tim of the Ctrl+Alt+Del series for reminding me of this guy's name. Jack Thompson. Welcome to my enemies list you videogame hating prick. I hope some wierd kid runs you over while speeding in their car because they played too much Need For Speed. Well actually I should say that I hope you go to jail or something non fatal, but you are on my enemies list and I hate you.

2. Rosie O'Donnel. She had it coming for a while. She gets too much media attention and she is quite annoying. Donald Trump, you had better hire the guy from the UW and move the Apprentice back to New York or to Seattle next season because this LA junk sure sucks.

3. Matt Lauer. Possibly the only person capable of redeeming himself, but I saw that interview with Don Imus and he was being a dick to Don whether or not Don may have deserved it. I am not starting a debate on this. Matt, you need to do something really cool on the today show to make up for that. Good luck deciding which day because I never get to watch it and I don't usually when I can.

4. Shamu the whale. You think you're better than me don't you? Well you aren't. Ok well I made that up Shamu you are better than me and all humans because you jump out of water and hit us if we displeasure you. You are not an inductee, but say hello to these other three people who get to join the ranks of Regis Philbin, Fargoth, The Coin From the Pokemon Trading Card Game, and the list literally goes on.

Friday, April 13, 2007

I have gone Wi-Ca

Yep there is something very different about this post. Not only that I am posting from my laptop, but that my laptop is at home with me. No, I have not gone and plugged it into our cable. We have gone wireless, or halfway at least (hence Wi-Ca). We went and got some stuff today and hooked it up so now we have wireless for our laptops, but our PC's are still wired, but that is ok because the way I use the PC it needs a solid connection. That and we didn't want to spend money to make it able to use the wireless. Actually it was mostly that. Well I have been marathoning Hitman and I have researched the series on Wikipedia and I found out I have half, so I need to bittorrent the first since it is only on PC and I need to find Contracts then I must play those along with hitman 2 which I now have, then I can be fully experienced on Hitman. It's such a good game I think I'll play it some more.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Jack B(l)ack!

Yes this was the grand weekend of Jack's return to the right part of the country. I shall now regail you with the events of his trip because I am just that cool.

Friday: School was cool. We did pretty much nothing except do homework in math so that I would have none. In Individual Sport, I didn't skip because we played tennis and I park next to the court. Instead, I took advantage of being the second best there at tennis and pwned. Well I tried, but my partners didn't really know how to play. At least they were consistent in that. In chemistry, the test actually wasn't all that bad. There were a couple things we didn't learn though. Good thing we had the calculations "memorized" right Steven?

Saturday: Oh saturday was the end of the week. I was also Davis' eagle ceremony. I showed up at 1pm as was the agreed upon time to show up and set up and then Jack was there too, so the three of us talked and set up stuff and Jacob "I feel the" Power showed up. Steven and Zach were there too so that was kewl. I don't like to toot my own horn (LOL), but my bugling was quite good that day. I only messed up a bit twice on taps. I secksed the carp out of the opening though. Jack did a good job as the MC of the ceremony and many people mentioned that Davis liked computer games. Afterwards, Davis, Orion, Jack, and I went to Dicks where Davis and Jack got some dinner. On the way, Orion told us about FBLA state and his revelation "Girls are hot." So now I guess we have entered the horny teenager age. Well they have at least. I have spent a while in that phase getting depressed at the "who do I have a chance with stage." So afterwards, to kick off the night of being super straight, we made gay jokes on the way to northgate mall where Davis and I bought some stuff. I got an N64 expansion pak and was going to have Davis buy me an M rated game, but you have to be 18 now. That was cool, then we came back to my house and played Gears for a while and showed Jack its ropes while Davis tried things like trying to shoot Jack in the head while he was downed and missing still. We then went to Davis' house and watched Idiocracy, which was not very good to watch, but it was funny to remember it. Great quotes from that movie.

Sunday: It was easter, so my family went to see the memorial bench in discovery park for my grandma. Then we went to see the olympic sculpture park. It's really ghey. Afterwards, I met up with Davis, Jack, and Maddy and Linnea at Maddy's house. How I got there I don't know but its not important I guess. We watched Borat and I experienced the Wii.

Monday: Teh Dayxorz of Pwnxoragexorz. We went to help my grandpa with his taxes then took him to lunch at the mall. Kathryn and mom had gone "easter shopping" and mom had bought Kathryn some cheap $4 thing. I then realized something. The game I could not buy on saturday was a used game that cost $4. She bought it for me. Most excellent. Later in the day of course, Davis, Jack, Steven, Orion, A-Jack, Jake, and Jacob all came over for the Gears of War party. I got me some 1337 h34d5h075 and made people want to turn off the sniper rifle. It was teh much pwnage and we watched Young Frankenstein as well.

Tuesday: I spent the whole day wondering whether I was invited to Maddy's party. I got invited, so I stopped playing Hitman and went over. It was pretty lame because nobody talked to the four of us (Davis, Jack, Orion, and I) so we ditched and went to get ice cream. We saw Marizon at Baskin Robin and we talked to her for a bit after Orion had trouble getting in the place due to pushing a door clearly marked pull. We went back after picking up DS's and we videochatted to get attention I assume. That was a good conversation. So eventually, the party broke up and I went home.

Wednesday: Around 9, Dad said hey this is the last nice day of break lets go golfing. So we did. We played 18 holes at the Nile course. It took us until 3. I got an ok score. I had several good hits that I screwed up with my putting. I had a few mishaps too. It seemed that I would always manage to hit these impossible branches somehow. At one hole, the course crosses the road, so this guy in his car waited for me to drive. My drive curved and the ball bounced around under his car. Later on, I had a drive that curved toward this gardener's head. It was going to hit him in the back of the head, but luckily, it hit a tree branch and bounced away from him and he never noticed. I also hit a drive out onto the freeway and one out into a residential street that was protected by tall nets, but I managed to get my drive around them. Afterwards, I determined when to come to Davis' house to help take Jack to the airport. Then dad said hey lets all go see blades of glory. Well that movie was actually good I must say. After that, I went to Davis' house and drove with him and Jack to drop Jack off at the airport. Then Jack left and Davis and I talked about stuff that I shall not disclose to the public.

Now my fingers are tired, end transmission.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

The time has come to press the publish button.

Well yes I finally got Sai's campaign video finished, right down to the wire too with elections today. I will make a post of the results when we find out. In case you missed the last post, the link again to the video is:

So moving on then.

Sunday was the day we all (steven, sai, and I) filmed the video. We played some good risk. The game with steven, he won in 2 turns. The game without steven but with bodon, I would have won in the first turn because all I needed to do was to conquer 4 more countries than I started with, so to be fair, I traded in that card for a new mission and wound up losing because sai tricked bodon into not attacking him and sai's mission was to eliminate bodon anyway so that turned out funny because sai got to the point where he got 18 units each turn.

Monday was a stressful day because of the english assignment I forgot to do that weekend. I got everything done, but I had been running and working on it all day.

Tuesday was pretty much similar, except different because it was in no way the same.

Wednesday, I loaded that video. Again, the link is

Today, wow nothing happened again. Just waiting for some people to play guild wars. I guess I'm posting because of the Daily Show and Colbert Report being on reruns all week, so I have an extra hour each day.

Oh yeah also my mom has been working over this family tree and she found some interesting relatives.
Some of the cool names are:
Lucille Ball
Willian Durant (founder of Chevrolet(ford is better)
Katharine Hepburn (funny because my sister is named after her, but with different spelling) (she is the most directly related to me right down a certain family line, not branching out impossibly)
Howard Hughes
George Wythe (declaration of independence signer)
Richard Nixon (coolest of all the famous relatives) (also right in the family line, not branching out)
Hellen Keller (my birthday buddy(MAAWUAAHHHH(imitation of her(i'm so cruel))))
Theodore Roosevelt (ok well I think everyone is related to him)
Alfred Deacon (prime minister of australia??? wtf?)
While these are all distant relatives, they are relatives somewhat still, so its cool.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The reason why I haven't posted yet this week.

And the reason I am not making a big post right now.
It's Sai's campaign video that Steven, Sai, and I filmed on monday and that I have been editing (taking a while) since then.