Friday, April 20, 2007


Bad news on that coming up.

First the week.

Nothing happened except morning Guild Wars that didn't exist. Instead it was morning Hitman.

Late start to morning Guild Wars. There was odd weather. On my way to Individual Sport, it was cloudy. While in the class, Moreno said that we were going to experience culture by listening to the Western Washington University Choir. 5 minutes after I showed up we left. It was now hailing. So we listened to the concert which was boring. They did an encore when we didn't call for one. When we came out, it was blue sky and warm. The big puddles of water were emitting large puffs of steam from evaporating so fast. Nothing much the rest of the day.

Happy Earth Day. Since the environment made school be on my birthday for the first time in my life, I decided to exact my revenge. I drove myself around alone in my truck that gets 12.5 mpg with the windows down and the heater on. I also turned up the thermostat 1 degree to 71 degrees because anything above it is too hot. Take that you stupid environment. That's what you get for being on my enemies list. We had a band test and I was ready for it, but performing just in front of Harshman is harder. Not only can you see his reaction immediately, but I think I just try harder when I am in front of everyone too. I did like that we were able to still get rehersal in though. Oh yeah if he offers you an altoid, don't take it. Zac and I made the mistake of being nice and accepting his gift, but other people said that he was testing us since we cant eat while playing. Oops my bad for trying to be nice. I got a B on the test because I memorized them, but I flubbed up on this one note a bunch. I am happy I got a B from memorizing instead of looking off the sheet though. It is a more respectable B, but it is still a B. Darn.

Yeah nothing at all important happened today. There was an APUSH study thing before school and I did bad on multiple choice (29/80) but upon further inspection, I didn't do number 14, so my problems went to 81 and I should have gotten a much better score, although it still would not have been great.

So about that Gears of War Tournament. Here is the link:
if that doesn't work, then try:

So Davis informed me of this and I was worried that they would have me on a schedule, but when I learned it wasn't really like that, then I decided to join. One problem, I have to be 18 years old. I guess they don't think that kids under 18 are that good or something. Either way, I am not going to get to go to Prague for the finals, but I will get on and pwn some noobs anyway.

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