Monday, April 16, 2007

New Inductees

I have some additions to my enemies list! See the end of the post to see who they are.

First things first, I must summarize my spring break after Jack left. Luckily, I can do that in one sentence. Then I can elaborate upon that sentence in a way only I could (make a 5 minute anecdote into a full length novel). The sentence is: Hitman and Star Wars *hits spell check* *sentence fragment* SCREW U SPELL CHECK. So yeah Jack took up all my fun for break which was ok because I was perfectly happy to spend the rest of the week playing Hitman. I didn't go on the computer after he left because of the moving the treadmill by it and I dont want this treadmill at my back. It bothers me still, I should take care of it. So the Star Wars part. Before episode 3 came out in theaters, I planned to sit down as soon as I got it on DVD and I would watch all 6 episodes in one day. I am so nerdy its hott. So the DVD came out the tuesday before winter break '05-'06. As soon as we bought the DVD, mom said "oh we should sit down and watch them all." I said ok and that I wanted to do it all in one go. They (rest of family) said they would be ready in a few days. Well long story short, a few days turned into a few months, then over a year. Finally, I said ok I'm watching all 6 star wars episodes tomorrow with or without you guys. We all watched them all on Saturday and it was definately cool, but not spectacular. That's it for now. Except for:::::


1. Thanks to Tim of the Ctrl+Alt+Del series for reminding me of this guy's name. Jack Thompson. Welcome to my enemies list you videogame hating prick. I hope some wierd kid runs you over while speeding in their car because they played too much Need For Speed. Well actually I should say that I hope you go to jail or something non fatal, but you are on my enemies list and I hate you.

2. Rosie O'Donnel. She had it coming for a while. She gets too much media attention and she is quite annoying. Donald Trump, you had better hire the guy from the UW and move the Apprentice back to New York or to Seattle next season because this LA junk sure sucks.

3. Matt Lauer. Possibly the only person capable of redeeming himself, but I saw that interview with Don Imus and he was being a dick to Don whether or not Don may have deserved it. I am not starting a debate on this. Matt, you need to do something really cool on the today show to make up for that. Good luck deciding which day because I never get to watch it and I don't usually when I can.

4. Shamu the whale. You think you're better than me don't you? Well you aren't. Ok well I made that up Shamu you are better than me and all humans because you jump out of water and hit us if we displeasure you. You are not an inductee, but say hello to these other three people who get to join the ranks of Regis Philbin, Fargoth, The Coin From the Pokemon Trading Card Game, and the list literally goes on.

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