Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Jack B(l)ack!

Yes this was the grand weekend of Jack's return to the right part of the country. I shall now regail you with the events of his trip because I am just that cool.

Friday: School was cool. We did pretty much nothing except do homework in math so that I would have none. In Individual Sport, I didn't skip because we played tennis and I park next to the court. Instead, I took advantage of being the second best there at tennis and pwned. Well I tried, but my partners didn't really know how to play. At least they were consistent in that. In chemistry, the test actually wasn't all that bad. There were a couple things we didn't learn though. Good thing we had the calculations "memorized" right Steven?

Saturday: Oh saturday was the end of the week. I was also Davis' eagle ceremony. I showed up at 1pm as was the agreed upon time to show up and set up and then Jack was there too, so the three of us talked and set up stuff and Jacob "I feel the" Power showed up. Steven and Zach were there too so that was kewl. I don't like to toot my own horn (LOL), but my bugling was quite good that day. I only messed up a bit twice on taps. I secksed the carp out of the opening though. Jack did a good job as the MC of the ceremony and many people mentioned that Davis liked computer games. Afterwards, Davis, Orion, Jack, and I went to Dicks where Davis and Jack got some dinner. On the way, Orion told us about FBLA state and his revelation "Girls are hot." So now I guess we have entered the horny teenager age. Well they have at least. I have spent a while in that phase getting depressed at the "who do I have a chance with stage." So afterwards, to kick off the night of being super straight, we made gay jokes on the way to northgate mall where Davis and I bought some stuff. I got an N64 expansion pak and was going to have Davis buy me an M rated game, but you have to be 18 now. That was cool, then we came back to my house and played Gears for a while and showed Jack its ropes while Davis tried things like trying to shoot Jack in the head while he was downed and missing still. We then went to Davis' house and watched Idiocracy, which was not very good to watch, but it was funny to remember it. Great quotes from that movie.

Sunday: It was easter, so my family went to see the memorial bench in discovery park for my grandma. Then we went to see the olympic sculpture park. It's really ghey. Afterwards, I met up with Davis, Jack, and Maddy and Linnea at Maddy's house. How I got there I don't know but its not important I guess. We watched Borat and I experienced the Wii.

Monday: Teh Dayxorz of Pwnxoragexorz. We went to help my grandpa with his taxes then took him to lunch at the mall. Kathryn and mom had gone "easter shopping" and mom had bought Kathryn some cheap $4 thing. I then realized something. The game I could not buy on saturday was a used game that cost $4. She bought it for me. Most excellent. Later in the day of course, Davis, Jack, Steven, Orion, A-Jack, Jake, and Jacob all came over for the Gears of War party. I got me some 1337 h34d5h075 and made people want to turn off the sniper rifle. It was teh much pwnage and we watched Young Frankenstein as well.

Tuesday: I spent the whole day wondering whether I was invited to Maddy's party. I got invited, so I stopped playing Hitman and went over. It was pretty lame because nobody talked to the four of us (Davis, Jack, Orion, and I) so we ditched and went to get ice cream. We saw Marizon at Baskin Robin and we talked to her for a bit after Orion had trouble getting in the place due to pushing a door clearly marked pull. We went back after picking up DS's and we videochatted to get attention I assume. That was a good conversation. So eventually, the party broke up and I went home.

Wednesday: Around 9, Dad said hey this is the last nice day of break lets go golfing. So we did. We played 18 holes at the Nile course. It took us until 3. I got an ok score. I had several good hits that I screwed up with my putting. I had a few mishaps too. It seemed that I would always manage to hit these impossible branches somehow. At one hole, the course crosses the road, so this guy in his car waited for me to drive. My drive curved and the ball bounced around under his car. Later on, I had a drive that curved toward this gardener's head. It was going to hit him in the back of the head, but luckily, it hit a tree branch and bounced away from him and he never noticed. I also hit a drive out onto the freeway and one out into a residential street that was protected by tall nets, but I managed to get my drive around them. Afterwards, I determined when to come to Davis' house to help take Jack to the airport. Then dad said hey lets all go see blades of glory. Well that movie was actually good I must say. After that, I went to Davis' house and drove with him and Jack to drop Jack off at the airport. Then Jack left and Davis and I talked about stuff that I shall not disclose to the public.

Now my fingers are tired, end transmission.

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