Monday, February 05, 2007

It's going to be a long semester

So this weekend, I did nothing on Saturday really. On sunday, I had this confirmation thing at noon because we were going to do a rehersal after the meeting that would get out at 2:30. From there, I would have to hurry to make it to my uncle's house in Kent for the superbowl. We were having it there because they were throwing a 21 birthday party for my cousin. They should have come here though, because more of our family is up north, plus the two oldest ones, and their northbound I-5 traffic was great, while ours was terrible. So back to confirmation and why I want to kill joy now. So we were supposed to end rehersal at 2:30. Cutting it close right? Yeah we didn't start until 2:15 and she took 15 minutes to explain it. So we get it then she decided to do the whole runthrough. We got out at 3:00. I got to my uncle's house at 3:35. I went very fast the whole way (don't do that you impressionable youth, you), but to no avail. I missed the kickoff and the bears had already scored. Well the colts won and that's all that matter. I wanted the colts in super bowl 40 with us, but this worked and they got a win to boot. So confirmation made me miss kickoff though. Very not cool. I put up with confirmation through a lot of things. A lot of annoying people in the class, making me go to a weekend with said annoying people on a bad weekend, making me sick on said weekend resulting in missing of a week of school, etc. This though is unforgivable. Also, is it just me or did it seem like there were hardly any commercials? I saw a lot of just CBS promoting its own shows, so I think that CBS doesn't get a superbowl for a long time after they did that. So I lent my cousin obilivion for the 360 because I'm not playing it right now and he is in college so he just goes to classes and plays xbox. In return I got hitman blood money from him so that looks like a cool game. I think I will play it now.
Well after I fill you in on my classes. Today, I got asked if I had just transfered into that class all day. It got old. Almost as old as having to ask "where do I sit" in every class.
Weiss Math: The people around me make me not want to play calculator games so this might be good. It's also a nice small class and josh and albert are in it.
Guthrie APUSH: So I was told Justin left, which was good because my greatest fear in the class was having to sit next to him. Well oh the irony because not only is he actually still there afterall, but I sit next to him. At least it's only for a quarter. It was a nice spot too, ruined.
Moreno Individual Sport Activities: Dear God what have I gotten myself into? It's a huge class full of gangsters and having my tennis coach as a teacher isn't as not boring as I thought it would be. The one person in the class I know is this foreign exchange student "mad" max that was on tennis with me, but I never played with him because he was bottom of the ladder. There is also a guy from healthy adult living that was a nice guy.
Harshman Band: Well it's the same, but he got more people to yell at thanks to the drummers. Harshman was the only one who noticed my return before class started, except for Weiss.
Nagy Chemistry: Well my seat isn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I think a vendetta on that fat girl is fair for taking my seat, although I would have liked anna ellersick's seat more because I could have read off Orion. I will also miss getting to look at people handing in their tests. The back isn't so bad though and Christine might help me get smarter. LOL.
Gade English: AHHHHH I THOUGHT I HAD KILLED IT BUT IT KEEPS COMING BACK. What's worse, we dropped a lot of the annoying people and got all the 4th period annoying people. What's WORSE I am the only guy at my table and 2 of the 3 girls are the two girls I would least like to sit next to and I have to sit across from Janelle (blergh she is wierd looking). The girl next to me is one of those social butterflies, so that get's annoying too. I guess what good would I expect when the only people I want to sit next to in that class are Bryce, Fritzie, or Kezia and when I sat next to Bryce and Fritzie last time. Well that only lasts a quarter as well. I hope this quarter passes fast. I wish I had good classes. I want my last semester ones, they weren't so bad now that I think about it.


David said...

This is exactly like when I headshotted Berkin and then got headshotted in turn by CIDs.

blitzmoose said...

Double negative: It's a huge class full of gangsters and having my tennis coach as a teacher isn't as not boring as I thought it would be.

Also, it is a shame you can not be in our class or math and apush. You sort of got pwned by your schedual at the expense of some of us as well... too tired to use good idioms... or words...

Oreo said...

The irony of you sitting next to Justin is deliciously hilarious. At least until karma bites me by making me sit next to him next quarter probably.

zack0217 said...

justin??? i'm sorry david. just dont touch his hair, and you should survive with minimal injuries.

i had gade for one period before i switched out. FUCK HER. she immediatley sucks all happiness out of you the second she looks at you.

heheh pooh in my word verification.

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