Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thursday's post for this week

Its only thursday in my week long event of at least one post a day all week and I'm already out of titles. Well today was interesting. First of all, there was a BSU black history month assembly. They seem to get worse each year. They were trying to make us act equal, but they were more counter productive than helpful. There was an imovie about black people that died and I thought they were going to list everyone that died that was black insignificant or not, but after they didn't talk for a while, Mr. Stuart cut it off. Of course, there was the hip hop performance. One of their songs had the n-word in it. That was smart, but then again, the girls in hip hop are really, shall we say, idiots. It was more sexual and ballet dancing than hip hop in my opinion. Also, there was the 10 minute of step team. They were so boring as usual. They made Tyson bring out fans (asian folding fans) and they barely used them, then he had to bring out sticks which they barely used again. Then there was an imovie about hurricane Katrina that made me, a moderate liberal, think very conservative things. They basically said that since Bush didn't get out to New Orleans quick enough for them that that means he hates black people. They also complained that New Orleans is still in some ruin because of the black people. They said that if it were Seattle hit with the same thing, we would have had the entire city restored by now. First of all, I think that the chances of Seattle getting anything similar to Katrina are slim to none. Secondly, New Orleans wasn't built in a day. It's been a year and a half yeah, but it's kind of hard to deflood your city when IT'S AT SEA LEVEL. They also said that 1/3 of all the displaced New Orleans(ians?) were black. Well you know what the other 2/3s were? Whites and Hispanics. Not to mention their weakness in arguments, the words in the movie were riddle with grammatical errors, such as "citizins." I swear, we are in high school, if you can't spell citizens, drop out now. It was a terrible assembly, then we had to talk about it in APUSH and we all made complaint cards (originally for feedback, but nobody liked it). They will be unpleasantly surprised to learn what smart people thought of it.

In band, Harshman had to leave early and our sub was Ms. Morris (healthy adult living). Braden conducted and he had to put up with our area because we were complaining about how he sucked. He actually started to get mad eventually. He did terrible though, Steven wasn't lying to me. We did terrible on Killyburn Brae and he couldn't hear it when it was obvious to me. He said we did perfect. I almost walked up and slapped him. Ms. Morris didn't help either when she cheered for us. NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT IS BADDD. So then we got Seagate Overture again, which we played last year. It's a really cool song, but I wanted a new one. I at least got my old part though, but I play first this time. So we played quick and Braden had tempo problems. He let us finish at 11:00. We needed to practice more. Then Anders tells him "I think you did really good despite what people say." Well Anders must be an idiot too. I thought he was nerdy, but now I know. Wierd, as I typed that, the song I am listening to is repeating it. (Prophet's Song by Queen.)

As for Queen, I hate people that sing Bohemian Rhapsody. If it is the only Queen song in your library, then go slap yourself. Try to have at least one Queen song that isn't found on the greatest hits album.

So the English was the boring. There was a funny speech video from the 80's that gave me many good stupid quotes.

"If you start your speech with "today I am going to talk to you about..." then your audience will be snoring before you start."
However that is possible.

At one point in the movie, a random dog appears and they talk about it. You never see or hear about the dog again.

The man talks about pros and cons by using smoking as an example. Some pros, it gives your hands something to do, its relaxing, it looks cool, etc.

"Do you know what rehearse means? Well here's how you know. Cross out this s and e and now you have "rehear" so now you know rehearse means to rehear something.

Randomly this guy's sister appears and is never seen again.

This lady throughout the movie training him to talk (not sure of relation to him) randomly walks into his room like its nobody's business.

When talking, try not to hang your head like "an inquisitive child"

"Blind People know when you are making hand gestures"

Also, the terrible camera angles were great.

That's all for now, new post tomorrow after teh freedom starts.


Jack said...

1. teh hilarity!

2. yes, ppl from new orleans are stupid fucks. if you hate the government so much, why not fix it yourself?

3. black ppl are dumb if they don't realize that since they are no longer slaves, they can become literate.

zack0217 said...

the black student union is a noble cause, unfortunately it's run by retards who understand less about their own culture than anyone else.

and i have queens greatest hit's on vinyl, and it's really good, but i dont have any other queen. does that make me an ultra n00b?

David said...

well you have Jeff Beck so I can forgive you.