Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The point at which I stopped using this SAT study program.

And to think I let it prepare me for the SAT.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Conservative Weekend

Well excuse me, I had better start with the rest of the week before it ends (hence weekend).

In APUSH we learned about the economy and how we are screwing the earth by helping it. In English, I changed my speech topic to Affluenza because we had learned about it that day in APUSH. After school, STARCRAFT. Oh man it was so fun, even despite Steven not being able to work it.

Really nothing much happened. I actually understood the Chemistry lesson though. After school, some Guild Wars because Steven cannot play SC anymore since it doesnt work. Guild Wars went well.

Yeah after school, I learned about being awesome. I got my first Guild Wars title! 60.0% exploration. Now onto the next one. Some more Starcraft with just Keir happened. We watched a lot of replays.

I understood the math lesson, but not much else the rest of the day. After school, I hung around until 3 with Davis, Ahmad, and Amanuel. Davis and I planned on playing some SC, but he never got on. I played some Guild Wars instead.

Got up at 8 to go to my grandparents house in Vancouver. We got there and had lunch. We hung out around their house afterwards. My dad, grandpa, and I played pitch into the pot, where you use your pitching wedge to hit a ball into a pot that is far out. I won with 2 and dad came in 2nd with 1. Grandpa had 0. Oh well though.

I drove home and since my family was either watching a DVD or sleeping, I got to go the speed I wanted to go. By exceeding the speed limit by at least 10 miles per hour the whole way, I was able to set a new record: Vancouver-Home in just under 2 hours (normally a 3 hour or longer drive). That night, I went to Steven's for some poker. I got raypt though. Before I went out, I got two cards higher than a jack the whole time. Very bad hands. I at least managed to beat Amanuel.

I did the Memorial Day service at Evergreen Washelli for scouts. Unfortunately, the speaker was too preachy, not as good as last year's guy. She was bragging about since her son died in Iraq, that pretty much makes her great. Keir and I played some serious Starcraft and weould have won, but were barely beaten. We got them to practically no buildings, but they got us to practically no units and no econ. Fortunately, they were nice and decided to ally us because we were very evenly matched. Later, Orion and I played some Guild Wars later and finally wound up with a good team and beat a mission. Hooray for more conservativeness, support the troops or something.

Yeah last night when I started this post, I got really bored and saved it as a draft. Today went well. APUSH had an interesting video with a lady that overanalyzed everything she saw in ads. In band, we were visited first by an armada of Korean educators, then a lady that was evaluating Mr. Frasier's teaching. In English, my speech buddy and I had to make some funny speeches and it worked out ok. So for speech order, Mrs. Gade takes the class list and has a computer randomize it and then she uses that order. For the first speeches, I got to pick 4th and this time I got to pick 3rd. That random thing likes me.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Yay one of those nice cliche shots. Unfortunately, I have seen some other people's pictures and I have seen shots like this too many times.
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Hee hee, guess what pier we departed from.
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Viking Life Saving Equiptment. Something about that title makes me think I should try another brand.
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He was having such a good time. This was right before the insane fat panty dangling lady.
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Go crazy old man, go.
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Wait, didn't we see this last year?
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Davis uses a pocketknife to try to get the Xbox hooked up.
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I had to share a bed with Mr. Pass out randomly, then randomly thrash and take covers. It was kind of funny when he burrowed his head under the pillow.
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Davis trying to be a reaper jumping over terrain obstacles.
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The secret gang/drug alley we use to get to the holy dutch chip store.
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Orion learning how to be a pr0 p0k3r d34l3r.
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Steven angrily trying to watch the Starcraft 2 trailer with a bandwidth more clogged than Shoreline School District's.
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Davis as he was about 90% of the time. The other 10% was during the parade and the Parliament steps.
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Yeah frisbee at Parliament
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The lights suddenly came on as we were playing there.
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Orion came close to damaging flowers, but only I did at the end of the day.
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My frisbee skills decapitated that poor flower. We put it back so Parliament would hopefully not notice.
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Oh surprise, he's playing pokemon again.
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Our setup on the way back. Kind of a table thing with seats behind and next to it. Of course, as usual, Davis is playing pokemon.
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Proof for Steven's mom that he is a druggy.
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Aww they play pokemon together.
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How the Dutch acquired a lot of their land.
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Tell me about it Blizzard
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