Thursday, May 10, 2007


The reason I am not playing Guild Wars anymore today. I was safe by a mile.

Speaking of miles, this has been a bad week classwise. This is due to the fact that for the first time this school year, I got up on tuesday morning and thought it was friday. That pretty much screwed me the rest of the week. I just did not want to be there. I hope that the feeling goes away soon because I need to concentrate in math and chemistry a while longer. APUSH is almost over. I am quite excited about that. First, the week though.

Study period in APUSH then band with marching that I hate to do, then english with inappropriate making out in Their Eyes Were Watching God movie. Afterwards, Mrs. Gade asked why we thought that the movie was a made for TV movie. Under my breath, I said because Oprah made it because it is not a secret that I hate Oprah. Not enemies list hate, but just she is too forceful in her opinions. So Mrs. Gade asked what I had just said under my breath and I made the mistake of not coming up with something on the spot. Luckily my justification was so awkwardly worded that people were trying to figure out what I had said and forgot that I said anything about Oprah who is like God to them I guess. After school, Davis and I went to Orion's to study for APUSH.

I really was bored on wednesday. Individual Sport was ok because we did tennis and I was playing with this David guy who is pretty good at tennis. Some dumbasses were serving balls and interrupting gameplay, so David served and hit the fat one and he did that "internal crying thing" where he says at least when I served at you it was a joke. So as he was chased around the court, I pwned the other team at some 2v1 tennis. After school, Davis and I went to Orion's to study for APUSH.

Study in APUSH. I did a little bit of studying, but there were 7 people in the class, so I saw my opportunity to finally play sixtyforce in a class for once, so I did and it was mild fun. In band we marched, more hating. Mr. Frasier looked like an Xbox 360. He had a white shirt with random sequenced green pinstripes and gray/silver slacks. We also got out itineraries, which I will explain about later in the post. After school, Davis and I went to Orion's to study.

Now Victoria:
So I have been talking about bringing my original Xbox (no way I'm bringing 360) to Victoria. Yes I have been serious. The reasoning is this. From 9:00pm to midnight, we are required to be in the hotel, but not in our own rooms. In the past we have partied with girls, but girls have now quit band. With the unrelated lack of hot girls in band, we are left with virtually nothing to do (except maybe prank the blind people we share hotel with???). Therefore, I will bring my Xbox and 2 controllers that work so that we may fill the empty space with something fun. Steven said he might bring Tetris so that would be cool. Orion or Steven, could each of you maybe bring one controller? My wireless one does not work and the small one is very uncomfortable to play on I have found.

Enemies List:
Matt Lauer- Congradulations, you lucky man you. You are the first person to successfully get off of the list. You knew that David Gregory trying to hump Cameron Diaz would make me laugh at the Today Show. I forgive the whole cast, but try not to be a dick in the future.

David Gregory- Wow man you just tried to hump Cameron Diaz on national live television and you are married. You must have balls the size of Dallas, Texas. Congradulations brother(David), you are the proud first recipient of a "Get out of the list free card," which you can use if you ever piss me off to avoid being listed.

That's it for now. We need to party tomorrow but it cannot be at my house. Now I must go get good street bike tires for my 25 miler on saturday morning and for a 50 miler that I will do in the future. Peace out y'all.


zack0217 said...

fuck apush

pronoob5 said...

omg i read it! ok so if the only reason your not going to bring the smallish one is because it is uncomfortable, then i will use it if u can bring it!