Monday, May 07, 2007

Teh Postseckxorzzorx

Running In Squares: Wow 100%. Are you God?
Grand Master Black: Hahaha yes.
Running In Squares bows.
Grand Master Black: lol thank you.
Note-I am now at 50%
Well he is in luck because I am RUNNING IN SQUARES.

So this past week was rather interesting.

Let us start with monday:
So I got up as I usually do and went to school as I usually do. Nothing really important happened, except Harshman said our horn section played like retards, which we deserved I suppose.

Another average easy sort of day with an average easy set of classes. After school that night, Edward was sitting on his footstool watching the TV stand. Now there had been a spider about as round as a fifty cent peice and as tall as a quarter, looked like a daddy longlegs, but a lot fatter. I had seen it scurry across the room and under the TV stand one week ago while I was eating my breakfast. I didn't react to it in time, so for the whole week I waited for it to come out. So Edward was watching the stand when suddenly he leaps off it and lands right next to the fieplace bricks. Then he started playing with what he had just caught in typical cat fashion. He caught the spider for me, which was helpful. I guess he was trying to protect mom or something.

Hmmm, something besides that bad math test happened, but I can't remember so it must not have been very important.

So I finally beat Bryce to school and as he was pulling into the lot right behind me, I noticed that there was a bus parked in our spaces. Also, it was covering 4 others (6 in all). I parked close to the bus so it wouldn't be able to back up. Bryce revved his engine and drove in ovals but the driver didn't move so he waited to move his truck later. When I came back after school was over, I had Steven, Sai, Orion, and Eric with me. Steven rode in the wayback and we went to his house to watch PP. Well that was the plan, but apparently when they say they will update on any given time in a day, they mean that they will post the following morning (12:03 AM the day after). I guess it was good that Steven didn't go to Spiderman 3 at midnight. We did watch Shaun of the Dead though.

A good day with some Chemistry averageness. I think I may have done ok on the test. After school, Davis came over and we played one level of Halo 2 on legendary in 2.5 hours. Two left! After that, I got on and did some Guild Warring and also watched Flags of our Fathers, which was a bad movie made off of a good book. I know why it lost to Clint's other film, letters from Iwo Jima.

I got up a bit earlier to go to help do the cleanup at Klahaya to avoid paying $50. I went from loading pine needles into a dump truck to lifting lawn chairs to standing on top of sheds to clean off the moss. Sadly, no sexy girls came. After that, I went to clean up the Strawberry festival. We did better than last year only taking half an hour. After that; Steven, Sai, Bodon, Amanuel, Sai's mom, and I went to see Hot Fuzz. It was really great and I guess Sai's grandparents' friend was a character. I also noticed Timothy Dalton(my 3rd favorite bond actor behind Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan) in the movie. I must say that this movie had the best last half hour I had ever seen. It was like bad boys, rambo, godzilla, and I guess a little Shaun of the Dead in it. After we got out, we went to where I parked the car and we found another car double parking me, but it was on and someone had ditched it or something. Bodon found out it was hotwired and we eventually got out of there once the lady next to me left and the managers helped me maneuver out.

I left an AIM away message saying that I pretty much had nothing to do. I found some stuff though. First of all, I acquired the last achievement on Blazing Angels that took a total of 8 hours to get. I don't think I will play that for a while, at least not on not Xbox Live. Around 3, dad wanted to go see Spiderman. I found it bad. There was one part where peter is standing looking at a spiderman headline that says something about how great he is and some guy walks up to peter and says "Well there you have it, I guess one person CAN make a difference." Then the movie proceeds. It was totally grossly out of place and hilarious to see. I guess that old guy was Stan Lee (creator of Marvel Comics(Spiderman's Company)). I also like the patriotism of him landing in front of an american flag. After that, we took my grandpa out to dinner and watched the Amazing Race finale in which the team I hated did not win so I was happy.

So yesterday I noticed CompUSA was going out of business which is sad, but the 80-90% off is happy. I asked Holly about it and she said they had nothing left. I went there earlier and she was not kidding. Although I did manage to score a very old monitor for $.50. Yes 50 cents. I think I should buy another and we can use these in Sheer Pwnage somehow........ Anyway, now I am waiting on Orion so we can go to Lynnwood. I think I will go mapquest where this one is because I keep thinking of Circut City or Staples or whatever it is.


PK Dave said...

get rid of your stupid eSnips broken link or whatever the hell it is.

pronoob5 said...

in response to the first pic...
50 perent is toal noob lol