Tuesday, May 15, 2007

GAMES G4M35 [_>4|\/|35

We are so fly.
Best. Pet. Ever.
Sorry, G's are hard to make like that(title).

Let us get right into business.
So the day after I posted, I was awoken before 7 o clock. On a weekend mind you, for the evilness of a 25 mile bike ride. Well this was no ordinary bike ride because I didn't appreciate my company. First of all, I got a new seat and street tires, more on those later. I tried to get dad to let us drive ourselves up there so we could leave at our leisure, but dad insisted that it was to a groupd outing. So I said I would ride with Steven, since he is cool, but their truck was full of 4 people already. Then I decided to ride with the Maxsons, oh well I could take it. Then Dave said he was full as well. That's when I heard "hey guyth thereth thome room in my car." I had to ride with my arch nemesis, Dave Nelson. I informed dad that I would kill him for making me do this. Dave holds awkward conversation. Not only is he annoying, but if he hasn't spoken in 2 minutes, he will drastically change the subject. So the bike ride was ok. Wait no it wasn't. First of all, street tires make a good difference, because it was just as easy a ride as on knobby tires, but that was because I was the guy at the front breaking up the wind resistance for everyone else yelling at me to go faster. Unfortunately, this year they decided to reverse the course for some reason not only making it harder, but there was a headwind that made it even worse. Will would not leave me alone for the last 5/8 of the ride, so I had to pretend to listen a lot. I also hurt my knees again because of all the riding into full wind. After that, dad took us to the Mariner's game beacuse my grandparents had tickets but couldn't go. It was a good game except for the part about losing 7-2. Oh well.
On sunday, I played a lot of Guild Wars. I don't think I need to say much more. Also, I beat the Gears of War hardcore campaign. I got with this guy that was pretty good at the game but still kind of a noob. I think that when I am the better person in the group, I try even harder. I also have become semi competent with the torque bow.
Monday was a half day. Personally, I would have liked the full day off we were going to have before snow. School went by easily enough I suppose. After that, I played some console games and then went to the eye doctor. I need a slightly new perscription and I will keep these frames.
Today, nothing much happened. I was an average day, so yup that's it for now.

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