Sunday, December 27, 2009

*In the car, I have the climate control for the driver's seat set at 70, which is somewhat hot for me, but generally comfortable*
*It is obviously too cold for mom as she turns up the heat high in the backseat and pumps it high, filling her area with hot air and sending some into my area, making me rather uncomfortably hot.*
Me: Mom, can you turn down your heat?
Mom: No way, your vent is blowing cold air at me.
Me: What? It's set at 70 up here? It's only cold air because it feels cold next to the heat you got coming out of the vent back there.
Mom: Fine, I'll turn it off. (angrily mutters) Where's the blanket back here?
Dad: You'd think there would be a middle ground, huh?
Me: Man, I've learned by now, there is no middle ground.
Dad: Haha, that's a damn good lesson to learn this early on.

lastredcoat: sc tomorrow?
me: hmm
most likely yes
lastredcoat: good.
me: though again later in the day is more certain than earlier in the day
lastredcoat: i might have to go fucking canoing tomorrow morning
so yeah
me: yuck
well be sure to exercise proper safety precautions
because i would hate to have to come all the way out there to drag your drowned ass out of the swamp for some necropheliaSC
lastredcoat: i'd still have higher apm than you
me: hahahaha
you're probably right
lastredcoat: that was an epic burn

Winter Break 09-010 Part 2

Well hello there again. It is now time for the second part of my break. This might be the least interesting part of the whole break(crap, why did I start out the post by saying that?), but nonetheless, I must post it for my own future interest if for no other purpose. I'll just get right into it, it will not be too long.

Edit: I am talking to Keir as I make this post and he would like me to correct a statement I made in the last post regarding how little he and I have done with our lives. He would like me to tell everyone he is a "and how i am such a productive member of society" and would like me to make a list of ways.

-He has created the most popular English Starcraft Rap on Youtube.
-He saw Tim Tebow once.
-He is a communist and will soon change the student government at UF.
-He has had more conversations with women than I have.
-He maintains a (somewhat) higher APM than I and far better macro (for the time being O_o).
-He remains the most frequently quoted on my blog and on my facebook page.
-He did something at model UN that involved a major regime change or something.

Ok, there you have it Keir. You are a productive member of some level I suppose. Regardless, you seem to have done more with yourself than I have (for the time being...). Ok, well on with the post. If any of you ever want me to correct something I said about you, you have to catch me while I'm posting.

It was Christmas Eve, but that didn't stop my Grandpa from taking me to Costco. I invited mom and Kathryn along because they wanted to get Kathryn some driving practice. Grandpa enjoyed the extra company. Afterwards, I took him to Fred Meyer and then back to his place where I fixed up a couple of things for him before heading off. Dad got off work early, so we went to see Up in the Air, which was a pretty good movie.

We got up and opened presents. Dad and I got a dartboard which we will put to good use when we finish up rearranging the garage. It will be fun to play darts again once we get the board up. I also got The Saboteur, a 360 game (sandbox game, you guys might not be interested). I also got from my grandma MARVEL ULTIMATE ALLIANCE 2!!!!1 DEEP FREEZE, FANTASTIC FIRE! CURSE OF THE HAND! FERAL RAGE!!!1111111

That was certainly exciting. I also got from my cousin a happy kwanzaa gift card to best buy. He must have known my secret contempt for that strange holiday. My grandma also surprised me. Back when she asked me for things I might want for Christmas, I gave her a couple suggestions and then made up a 360 game called "Crazy Susan 4: The Search for Goat Cheese Mountain." I was hoping she would ask someone at a store about it and look silly, but she didn't so I just told her it was fake. She then surprised me by having one of her friends draw up a cover for it and giving that to me. It was pretty funny and I'll post the picture of it later. We went and had dinner at my uncle's house and then came home and watched 500 days of summer, which was okay. When we exited ondemand and got sent back to the cable, there was some movie called "Grandma got Run Over by a Reindeer." I watched the remainder of it because of it's really strange plot and plethora of wtf moments.

We got up early and set out for the tri-cities hoping to make it there by noon. We ran into some trouble along the way though when our tire sprung a leak. Luckily, we pulled into Les Schwab (and I capitalize that with the utmost respect) in Ellensburg and they fixed the tire in 15 minutes for free. I thought it cost money, but dad said he knew it wasn't going to. He even tried to pay them for it, but they refused. I definitely agree with our family saying of "The world would be a better place if it was run more like Les Schwab." We continued on and got to the tri-cities somewhat later than we hoped, but we met my grandma for lunch at Red Robin and then checked into the hotel and went over to my uncle's house to hang out.

-So in Kennewick, my grandpa owned a big 40-acre farm that my mom and her brothers grew up on. They eventually sold the farm and the "back 40" when I was 10, so I have memories of the place still. The new owner promptly developed the hell out of the back 40 and now it's all houses. My uncle's house is in that area and it was really strange to look around and remember it as a field and now I was about to go into a house there.-

We hung out there for several hours, seeing the whole family and eating good food. Eventually, it got late and we went back to the hotel for sleep.

We got up early for the breakfast at the hotel, then we went to see my grandpa's grave before going to see my great grandma. She is 96 now and she has alzheimers, but if you see her in the morning, she is normal for a little while before she starts going off on something (today it was how she ran into a friend of hers the other day in Auburn (Auburn, NY). After that, we went back to my uncle's house to say goodbye to everyone and then we began the drive back home. My parents insisted on letting Kathryn drive part of the way since she needs 20 drives to do this discount thing for the insurance. I hate letting her drive though because she's still n00b at it and also I just dislike not driving. She did fine though, avoiding accidents (though one guy almost hit us). I took over after we stopped for lunch in Yakima. Tonight, we had some time, so we decided to go see Sherlock Holmes. It was good. I even ran into Alec on the way there. It was good to see him back doing work and stuff after the whole drugs thing he got into there for a while during high school. I always felt bad about him because it was like the whole thing with Zack where he's one of my oldest friends (in that I've known him since preschool (even longer than Rachel)) and I probably could have done more about it when I noticed he was doing bad stuff, but I didn't and now I'll never really know. Like I said though, it was good to see him doing well though and good to just talk to him since I hadn't in a while.

Well now I am about to sign off for the night because I am rather tired and I'm feeling like I will be busy the next several days with it being the small stretch of time when both Orion and Davis are here. I'll make a quote post right after this one, but until next monday, have a good remainder of your breaks.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Winter Break 09-010 Part 1

Howdy all. Hopefully everyone is having a satisfactory break thus far, I know I have. If you're wondering about the title, there will be 3 parts to this post: The first part of break, Christmas related family happenings (post coming on Monday), and the end of break (post coming January 4th). In other news, I noticed on the way to this post that I have recieved 2,000 views of my profile. It's probably not terribly interesting to anyone else because about 1,999 of those are probably mine as I get to the blogger dashboard through my profile (yes I know there is a much easier way). Well, enough dilly dallying, how about I get into the post now?

Oh, first of all, if you haven't yet, check out the Shorewood Lip Dub Video. It's pretty cool and Kathryn is in it in the 600's on the right side of the screen.

I spent most of the day doing some 360 before eventually signing on and getting my Starcraft on with Davis and Steven and Keir. Well, that was the plan at least. We tried very hard but couldn't really get anything going due to Davis having a bad CD key (or some related problem, I can't really remember) and Keir's computer repeatedly crashing. It was just like the old days though, Davis had problems with simple issues, I had trouble with complex issues, Keir couldn't add anything to the conversation because his computer was crashing, and Steven was yelling at all of us for being noobs but not being heard because he didn't realize his microphone was on mute (yes this is actually how we used to be (funny how little things change huh?)). Speaking of which, I realized the one game we did get in was the first time the 4 of us had played togther since high school. Davis didn't seem too interested, but Keir and I were disappointed because unlike Davis and Steven, we realized how little we've done with our lives. After failing to get SC going for multiple games, Davis, Steven, and I went over to play some Counterstrike which was actually really fun. It had been a while since I had played and it was good to get back mainly because the people we played with weren't total assholes.

I didn't get much done because I was trying to rest up before the big band dance. I got there right on time and we had a little bit to warm up before we went on. One of our trombone players couldn't make it, so Dave Reid himself sat in. We also had our lead sax from last year filling in for our exchange student. Considering 2 of us had never rehearsed with us and the rest of us hadn't played together in 2 weeks, we sounded pretty good. Afterwards, I delivered my SC CD to Davis and left because I did not want to join in the "clusterfuck of high school drama." (as it was so adequately put by Davis).

I started my last Mass Effect playthrough before the sequel comes out. I want to get the save file right so that I can have it carry over to the next game (I have to redo it because I don't know how extensively it ties over, but it's hinted that it is quite extensively (sorry about that sentence)). Later in the day, Davis called to remind me that Maddy's party was in an hour or so. We arrived at her house at the exact same time (due to excellent timing on both our parts) and walked in together, minimizing awkward loneliness (particularly for me). Most of the time, we talked to Rosa and Tracy and Sam since everyone else was too drunk/busy doing random things. We had a rather intellectual conversation that I guess offended some people at the party? Perhaps I took what I was told the wrong way, but I enjoyed the conversation nevertheless and after the gift exchange in which Davis acquired his child porn book (ask him to show you sometime!), we left with Tracy and Rosa (oh and Lucy had shown up by this point in time (sorry for almost forgetting you there :/)) and Lucy for bubble tea. Davis did not have bubble tea (shocker, I know!) so I was not so lonely in not getting any. The 5 of us sat and talked about random stuff until closing time. It was pretty cool to get to see particularly the girls because I hadn't seen them in a really long time and it was cool to see Davis and all too, but I see him way more often and I will see him quite soon as well. After that, Davis dropped me off at my house and I played some ICCup with Steven and then signed off for the night.

I went to the Seahawks game with grandpa. It was simply embarassing, that's all I can really say since nobody really cares about football I think. After that, we brought grandpa back for dinner at our house, then dropped him back off at his place and I picked up the truck while I was there.

I went to lunch with grandpa at Costco, then we ran some errands. One of the errands involved going to the Comcast store to get some DTV converter boxes. As I pulled into the store, I noticed a car similar to Steven's. As I pulled closer, I recognized the license plate and I pulled up alongside it and sure enough, it was Steven. It was more exciting randomly running into him irl than the time I randomly ran into him in Guild Wars. When I came home, I got on CS with Davis for a bit since Keir mysteriously disappeared. After that, I vanquished an area in Guild Wars with Steven.

We met my dad for lunch downtown. We went to the Secret Deli (Orion may remember when I referenced this, but I may have called it the Logan Deli at the time). Anyway, the lady there surprisingly was able to remember us even though we hadn't been there in 5 years at least. She commented on my facial hair of course, looking at my parents and gesturing at her chin while doing the korean SC announcer (OHHHH) sound (cool people will know that sound). It was cool that she remembered us and the food was good as always. After that, we were going to look at the gingerbread houses, but the line was too crazy so we bailed and then we headed back home.

I hung around the house most of the day wrapping presents (in my own terribly done fashion) and playin Mass Effect. Later on, I did wind up singing on for some SC with Keir on ICCup. We got a Malaysian win, but not much excitement beyond that. We could have gotten an Italian win, but he didn't stay in the lobby.

Will be included in the next post. In the meantime, read my next section.

Amorous Affairs:
Well it seems to be the popular thing to do nowadays. Unfortunately, I have none. Until the next post, peace out.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Short week, short post

Above is a picture I made for the Sacred Order of Teriyaki. I like it a lot better than the other ones I have created. I figured I would update today for no particular reason other than that I am currently without something to do and I figured this would tide me over for about half an hour while I decide so here goes nothing.

After doing some DnD stuff online with Davis, I started my Rome: Total War Marathon.

Too many hours to count later and well into the night, a sleep deprived David sat at his computer screen desperately throwing armies at Rome in the hopes that he could kill it before too many of his towns revolted. Fortunately, I made it and then went upstairs and got some much needed sleep. I won't play as Carthage again because they have some pretty suck units. While I was sleeping, I had a strangely vivid dream about this class that I had been skipping or something and the professor was assigning a group project and I paired up with this somewhat cute girl and we hit it off and then the dream abruptly ended when the cat jumped on me. I spent most of Saturday doing some cleaning of the garage because my grandma was coming which meant we would soon need space for 5 cars. After that, I did manage to get on ICCup with Keir and we got a win against Denmark which was cool. We only had time for two games so we talked about random Starcraft related things until he had to leave.

I did some quick ICCup with Keir in the morning, but then I had to go clean some more really quick before my grandma arrived. When she got there, I parked her car in the garage, the first time I have ever parked a car in our garage because it has been full of junk since before I got my license. The last time there was a car in our garage, I was in middle school and it only lasted about a week and a half before we could no longer get it in (TWSS!!!(I had to come back and add this later when I noticed it)). Later in the day, I was going to make a status update for facebook "There should be a ctrl+F for real life" because I had been looking all over the place for somethign and that thought popped into my head. When I signed onto facebook though, Rachel had already just posted a very similar status to that, so while it was odd we were thinking alike at the same time, I lost my chance to have a witty and original status update That night, I had probably a continuation of the dream from earlier in which I was on a date with the girl but it was not as vivid and was much shorter. We were having dinner and I remember hardly any details.

Mom had to work even though it was her birthday so I did some gaming downstairs and grandma made a cake. Eventually, mom returned and took grandma shopping while I continued to game. Davis had bought CS:S the day before so I decided I would get back into it before he started so I wasn't a total noob. I managed to get on with Steven and we played for a few hours before I had to leave for mom's birthday dinner.

Davis came over and we finished up my new DnD character. It looks like it will be pretty cool and I can't wait to cast TREE SHAPE OMG!!1111 After that, we played a lot of GoW, but didn't finish before he had to leave. He did get to hear the terran theme though and he seemed to like it. He said he liked it a lot more than he thought he would (darn insults in disguise!). There are the obvious edits, but he said some of the stuff I thought sounded bad sounded good. It was also nice to have my theory corrected because I don't have a very strong theory background and I don't generally know what notes are "artsy" and which are just straight up wrong. So the finale of my dream series (or is it???) came last night in which I was in the class again. I didn't notice the girl there, but perhaps I wasn't looking hard enough. Anyway the final was going on and I was preoccupied with that. I don't know what significance this had, but as far as the other two parts of the dream go, I must say hopefully dreams do come true. Girlfriend status having would be pretty pwnage.

I haven't done much today, but it looks like Shorewood Ultimate has a team this year after being uncertain about interest. It's going to be a good quarter now. I have 21 credits (15 is normal). On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I'll have a class then I'll work out for an hour then go to practice and it will be pretty good. Hopefully I can get fit or perhaps even a 6pack by summer.

Ok well that's it for now, peace out until later.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Breaking for Winter

Well sorry about not posting when I said I would. After I posted that, Steven reminded me the final was actually earlier today instead of Tuesday when I thought it was. I decided I would not post anything because nobody would notice/care. Apparently I was right, so that was cool I guess, but seriously, do feel free to comment *Cough cough*. So now it's winter break, that is pretty cool. Tonight, I'm going to start my campaign in one sitting of Rome: Total War. I wanted to play it this past summer, but I thought of it too soon before school started, so I decided I would do it after the quarter ended. I'm going to play as Carthage because I'm hardcore (but not hardcore enough to win with Britannia or Gaul). So I'll be doing that probably right up until about when Davis gets here or maybe it will end the day before. Enough about all that though, time to get to the past week plus couple days.

Band was not fun again because I had been practicing trumpet prior to going so my chops were pretty thoroughly pwned by the end of the class.

It was finally December. I skipped psych as usual and used my extra hour (well not all of it) to shave off my creepy novembeard. It was much better to get rid of the itchy beard and to trim back my regular facial hair a bit. In Jazz Band, we had our last official rehearsal before the concert. I decided to play on my trumpet to not screw myself up for the concert the next day. After school, I came home and did a bunch of homework.

I took my trumpet with me to French since we were meeting in the theatre right by my class. I was hoping Doug wouldn't make me get my french horn too, but he did. I met up with the girl that stands next to me when I got to the music building and we walked back together. Along the way she casually mentioned her boyfriend (but not whether he was an ex or not). I guess my refusal to wear anything other than shorts reminded her of his refusal to wear anything but converse (and he is a ski instructor so he wears them on the mountains). Actually, he sounded pretty cool, hopefully he's just a friend that is a boy. Anyway, we were the last back to the theatre and Doug then announced we couldn't play since there was a class going on outside. I considered jumping through the whole band to shake him for making me get my french horn. After that, I stuck around with Steve (section leader) and Mike (the cool guy I stood next to last year) and we sat in the pub for the remainder of the scheduled class time since Steve had class afterwards and Mike always eats lunch there and we just bullshitted about stuff for an hour. That night, we had the concert. Ballard HS was the opening band. Even though it's only been a couple of years, I still find it really strange to see a band in which nobody has facial hair. We played our set alternating songs with FunknGroove, which is a really cool band that plays good rock songs and they're fun to listen to. It turned out to be a pretty good show, so I was happy with that.

We had the day off in Jazz Band, so I met Grandpa at costco for lunch. After that, we ran some errands and then went back to his place where I hung a couple of pictures, then headed out since I needed to study for my 2 tests the next day.

I actually had to go to psych which kind of sucked. I hate taking tests in that class because the two that sit on either side of me both smoke and they both come from not having a class (which they both apparently use to have a smoke break). I endure though and fortunately I finish the tests rather quickly. After that, I started studying for French and then took the final for it. It wasn't particularly hard, but it was not as easy as the last 3 had been, mostly because the other tests happened every week and this chapter had taken us a whole month, so lots of time to forget everything we had learned. After that, we had a casual rehearsal in Jazz Band. Doug gave us a folder full of Sammy Nestico tunes and asked what any of us wanted to play. I spotted "I've Been Working on the Railroad" and called it out, so we got to play it. I thought it was jazzy and cool and so did pretty much just Steve and Mike. Everyone else didn't like it and afterwards, Doug said "Geez, who the hell called this one up?" and everyone pointed at me. We played some more songs, but they were rather difficult especially for sight reading, but as always, it was good sight reading practice.

After school, we had a concert for the concert band. It was up in Arlington and I was carpooling with Darren and Erik. We were told the other band was going to play for an hour and a half and our set was 40 minutes. I was not excited to go. When we got there, we found out we played first and that the song we were supposed to play together at the end was optional. Suddenly, I was really glad we had driven instead of taking the big bus which half the band took. After our set, a bunch of us students lagged around in the warmup room while the older people and important people went in to the concert so we could all sneak off. I wouldn't have left because I wanted to earn favor with Ken, but the other 3 were leaving, so I figured the extra support was not worth it. I was right because they actually played much longer than an hour and a half. Before we left though, Kezia discovered 2 lightsabers and Erik and I had a duel. I also overheard a conversation that made me rather confused and I won't really elaborate becasuse I don't know the context of what I heard. There was a flute player there and he needed a ride back, so I gave him a ride since I had a seat leftover. On the way back, we got to stop at Wendy's because Erik was hungry and in the mood for paying for food, so that was perfectly all right with me. I only had a frosty though because I needed something I could nom quickly.

I spent most of the day doing some gaming on the 360 which was fine by me because it was really cold outside and I had no good reason to be out in it.

More of the same. I got some starcraft in with Steven and that was pretty fun although he got mad at me at one point and signed off. That night we had dinner with grandpa and watched Sunday night football, which was fun because I pulled out some good points in that game.

The only thing I had going on was band. Before that, Steven and I played some starcraft. Band went okay and we even got out a bit early.

I was thinking originally that this would be the last day of the quarter for me, but it was not. I only had the concert that night. It was pretty boring, but it was over quickly enough.

I spent the day doing some gaming, then making my DnD character. About 3 hours before I was going to go to bed, I remembered I had a psych final the next day. 2 hours later, I remembered I had remembered that 2 hours ago and began to cram a bit before giving up and going to bed.

The final was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. I did it in 25 minutes (we had 2 hours) and I think the professor was a bit mad that I finished it so quickly, but I was tired and knew the answers right away so I just headed out when I was done. I got back before when I normally would have woken up on my day off. I played some 360 until about 11:30 when I went to pick up grandpa. We had lunch at Costco then ran an errand to get some pills at Bartells, then came back to his place. Amy was there and it was nice to see her again since I hadn't seen her in a pretty long time since during the quarter, I tend to show up later in the day after she has left. I hung up some more pictures and did some other maintenence, then headed out. Now I'm getting ready to start my marathon of Rome: Total War. Actually, it might be best to do it starting next morning so that I don't play through two cold nights and since I'm kind of tired now from waking up so early today for that final. I guess I'll see how I feel after Thursday night football. Until later, peace out.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Hi, I know that usually Mondays are days when I would make a post about the week, but I have 2 finals tomorrow and while I'm not particularly worried about them, I'd rather just make the post after they're done. In the meantime, here are some good quotes.

*During a break in our Jazz performance*
Chelsea: Uh oh, I kinda gotta pee. I wonder if Doug will let us go.
Steve: Yeah I gotta go too, but I don't want to ask him for permission because I know he's just going to say no.
Me: Fine, I'll ask him.
Me: Hey Doug, we got a couple here that have to tinkle, can they go?
Doug: Oh, just use your mutes or something.

*Rehearsing a song in class*
*Fire alarm sounds*
Doug: Keep playing, we're nailin' this part!

Guest Player: I actually just got back from a couple gigs in London.
Doug: Oh yeah, you mean THE London, huh? Not like London, Texas; London, France!
*Awkward looks between me and the guitarists and bassists*
Steve: Don't worry, I'm hoping he's joking.

*Dad on the phone with a guy at Little Ceasars*
Dad: What? 5 bucks? That's it? Well damn, I might as well get two.
Dad: Actually, hold on a second.
Me: What's up with it?
Dad: Well it only costs 5 bucks so we can get enough for leftovers.
Kathryn: Are we gettting a lot of pizza or something?
Dad: No, we're getting a shitload of pizza!

O: the nice thing about your 21 being last and in the summer
is that we might all be around for it
me: yeah
O: it'll be pwnage
me: indeed
O: we'll go to 21 different bars
jk there's not enuf bars for that
we'll just go to sugars and spend 21 hours there
with 21 strippers
me: yeah!

me: uh oh i see what's happening
davis is becoming a hippie
he's going to show up in tattered rags with a waterpipe
and suddenly all our DnD adventures will no longer include fighting
because that's what the man wants us to do
instead, our PCs will go to poetry readings and have jam sessions
O: you'll have to switch that perform skill to poetry
me: haha
well ill have to make it
im dead remember...
which reminds me i still need to make the new character
O: oh yeah
me: and find YET ANOTHER way to tie into you guys
O: you should get perform poetry just in case
just a couple points
me: well as it happens i was going to make my character a total hippie anyway
so sure

Davis: and I love the convo where you 2 decide whether to deride me or not
it was fucking hilarious
me: you said that yesterday but thanks again
it was good times
i posted the pic of it showing how close we were to each other
*Davis updates facebook status to "...every time I think something good is going to happen, Fortune takes me for a ride and turns it all around. I hate this so much."*
*I comment with "It'll all be ok man. Remember Jesus is with you in all that you do."*
me: i commented on your new status
Davis: oh you ass
me: hopefully adding to the quality
Davis: that was a good one
me: hahaha
Davis: I'm laughing like a morn right now
me: morn?
Davis: moron
me: ah
Davis: yeh
me: haha

Steven and I on psychology and Freud:
me: there's something intimidating about staring down 39 study questions that you have no idea what the answers are
all with the thought looming in the back of your head that you also really need to study for your french final
Steven: haha
yeah I'm seeing going to lecture would have helped
me: yeah haha
oh well
Steven: why is there a picture of chris rock in the textbook?
me: haha
because he has a personality i guess
Steven: no way!
me too
me: really?
wow i wish i had one
Steven: haha

Steven: idk why anyone believed this shit
me: well he was born when they still tried witches
Steven: good times
me: "the female...acknowledges the fact of her castration, and with it, too, the superiority of the male and her own inferiority"
maybe this freud was on to something
Steven: haha
I told Ashley she has penis-envy

me: hey what do you see in the rorschach ink blotch on page 428?
Steven: hmm
do you remember the guy from the ninja turtles?
me: which one
Steven: the bad guy
me: oh yeah kind of
Steven: ummmm
yeah that
me: haha
Steven: what was his name...head of the foot clan
that's it
me: ah yeah i guess i can see that
Steven: like top middle looks like a helmet to me
me: at first, i was all "who the shell are you talking about"
Steven: and then two arms out stretched
with like two legs and then a giant two sided cock
me: oh so that's what that is
Steven: that kinda looks like a mushroom
me: its his ovaries
Steven: and then bladed armor up and down the sides
haha oh ok
me: so he's secondary prof as a sin?
Steven: hmm yeah I would say D/A
me: awesome
Steven: so what do you see?
me: a stormtrooper wearing bunny ears
Steven: nice
Ashley sees a demon mask
me: lllllaaammmeeee
Steven: demonic symbols are normal right?
me: yeah i think so
Steven: ok good
me: probably more well adjusted than us

Davis: oh you still need to make your druid
it shall be level 4 because I don't want to have to balance encounters strangely to accomodate 5,5,5,3
me: yes
ok thank you
Davis: lol not for you
it's for me
me: well as self serving as it was
it was a mutually agreeable outcome
Davis: yes
try to let this one live at least 2 sessions, aight?
me: hahaha
no strange buildings

lastredcoat: mmmm
lady bowlers on ESPN
hello erection

lastredcoat: there is alot more homosexual subtext in Lord of the Rings than I remember

Thursday, December 03, 2009

This goes with the last quote in my quotes post. We are so cool.
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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Fair warning, this is going to be a lot of quotes. If it gets ridiculously long, I'll cut if off and post the rest tomorrow or something. Pictures are coming eventually, I'll even get some up today hopefully. Until then, feel free to read the post below if you haven't and here are the quotes.

My uncle and I regarding the ridiculous amount of food we brought to Sunriver:

My Uncle: Happy Thanksgiving!
Me: Uh oh, my calendar must be broken. I have the day before Thanksgiving. Oh well, happy Thanksgiving to you as well!
My Uncle: Settle down. Are you all on the road?
Me: No we're waiting for mom to finish shopping
My Uncle: Right, get some butter.
Me: I think we have 3 pounds, I'll have them pick up more just to be safe.
My Uncle: Yes. Good leadership.
Perhaps 7lbs and get some pepper too.
Me: I think we also need more pizza. We only have 6. I'm concerned we might starve.
Are you guys there already?
My Uncle: In Bend. Shopping for butter. Need more pizza too - you are right. Will pick up 5-6 and 12-14 chickens. Also, we only have 3 scuba tanks and 2 sets of crutches. Will that be ok?
Me: Might need more crutches just to be safe. Bring toilet paper too, we only have about 16 rolls worth. Running low on bread too, grandma was penny pinching and only bought us 6 bags.
My Uncle: Are you by a Cinnabon? We could suplement with those. Probably 7-8 dozen would be fine. We're at petsmart getting a kitten. Should we get the yellow or the pink collar.
Me: We all agree here that the color doesn't matter. It's the flavor that's important.
My Uncle: Your collective wisdom is awe-inspiring.

me: wow
next monday
zz top concert with spike and the impalers opening for them
cant go to that
also texans on monday night football
cant watch that
damn you band!
O: ouch
me: just watch, some girl will talk to me later in this week about how much she wants to have sex with me but next monday night is the only night that works for her
but i can't skip because i have to turn in a form that will hopefully get me to reno
O: you would give up sex for that?!
me: well reno=rachel
O: true and if you really wanted to have sex, reno would be the place to make it happen
me: indeed
O: rachel + hookers
me: haha
no dude
rachel plus this other chick!
that would be so epic
i would definitely have to text you that picture if that happened
with the caption "lolololololololololol(x2!!)"
O: hahaha
you would be perma winner
of everything
me: well
except for loss of virginity
i would have lost that
but still the other stuff would make up for it and then some
O: even if you peed your pants in public, we would still hold you in high regard
me: hahahaha
don't know whether to feel good about that or to be insulted that of all the possible embarassing things that could happen to me, you chose peeing my pants
O: well i was just trying to think of something real embarrassing
me: oh
O: it's not like i actually think that that embarrassing scenario would be more likely than others
me: ok that's reassuring
O: i have faith in your bladder control
me: yeah!
you're right, im the least likely to pee my pants
so its not like i was secretly voted most likely to pee his pants
O: yeah
they actually put that on that one page in the yearbook
in invisible ink
me: oh i'll have to check that out

Davis: I forogt that you're leaving me all alone
me: i know
Davis: no david and no orion
only stashley
me: well im touched you listed me first before orion even
hopefully next year i'll be in town
cuz i hate wasting away the weekend with little to no internet
Davis: hahahaha
most ppl would say the other way around lolz
me: haha wow you're right
how backwards
of them!
Davis: lolz
and dammit
i will refer to women with alignments if I so choose
me: haha
it is actually helpful
Davis: yeah totally
me: just nerdy
Davis: it's not like I"m telling them
like by now I'm fucking honest about DnD and Pokemon and shit like that no use hiding it
me: yeah i figured u werent telling them
Davis: I don't want to waste time with a chick who doens't like that shit or can't handle it

Davis: that was awesome
me: talking to a girl?
Davis: yes
me: how was it awesome
did you play starcraft during it or something?
Davis: lol
she's just amazing in many ways
me: like amazing at counterstrike?
were you talking to her for the last 3 hours?
Davis: yes
me: wow
i don't know that ive ever had a conversation with a girl that long in my life
or probably with anyone
either 3 hours is a longer than normal conversation or that puts my life in a really depressing perspective
Davis: rofl
I think it's a longer than normal convo
I dont' want to talk to most ppl for 3 hours
most ppl around here, I'm good with like 5 or 10 minutes
me: haha
yeah i can relate to that
so might ye want to vanquish today?
Davis: mayhap
me: how fanciful of you

lastredcoat: micro is easy and fun
macro is hard an evilll
me: oh noes dont tell me that!
i have yet to take it and my major is economics!
its like im about to have sex with this chick and you go "oh watch out for her herpes!"
lastredcoat: its like im in the process of fucking her now too
and you have to fuck her later
because of arrainged marraiges in india
me: it doesnt sound like youre fucking her
sounds like she's fucking you
lastredcoat: oh im having sex with her
me: haha
lastredcoat: and you will have my sloppy seconds
me: haha
lastredcoat: she just kinda lies there motionless
and has herpes
me: wow
so what do i get?
lastredcoat: so its a lot of hard work
for no real gain
me: well damn
lastredcoat: i think i just ruined sex for the both of us
me: yes, yes you did
now i'm afraid of economics AND vaginas!
thanks a lot!

Talking about the "how have you changed" part of my college essay:
lastredcoat: ooo
how have you changed?
me: yep
it was an odd question to get
caught me off guard
lastredcoat: how have you changed?
me: oh i manage my time better now
a lot better
lastredcoat: only cus i dont have a computor that plays SC
me: exactly haha
lastredcoat: otherwise....
me: but my gpa is .5 higher than in high school
lastredcoat: "David: tumm tee tummm stressful day but now to start my homework and do asisgned reading so im prepared or class"
"david: but but but...."
"i have homeowrk"
me: haha
so true...
lastredcoat: "David: cries for the rest of the day, cannot focus on hw"
me: haha

Keir finding an old picture on his blog and me getting it on facebook for him:
lastredcoat: print screen?
me: well i could
that would not look great tho
i can track down the photo on davis' blog though
lastredcoat: lol
that would be impressive
me: i wager i could get it from his blog and up on your wall within 5 minutes
lastredcoat: GO
has to be on facebook in 5 min
me: its on my desktop now!
lastredcoat: IEEEE
it has not been long
me: indeed
lastredcoat: 3 min remain!
me: it is up
lastredcoat: tagged?
me: ill do itn ow
lastredcoat: now its my profile pic
me: cool i feel so accomplished
lastredcoat: yay
me: you cut him out!
lastredcoat: im a douche
me: totally haha

Looking at old posts on Keir's old blog:
me: you posted a clan teriyaki in order of coolness on your blog
i am 3rd on the list
thank you for that
"Pro Noob: I dont hate him as much anymore"
lastredcoat: i know
me: haha
lastredcoat: he was a terrible person
me: and i love the part about chung
that fucker got both of us with his bs backstabbing
lastredcoat: yeah i remember davis and i beat you, steven, and cheung me: i bet steven used to suck

O: so i definitely was tempted to comment "gay!" on davis' facebook status tonight
but i thought that might be insensitive
me: what was it
and you should have
ok yeah totally do it
O: i'll do gay if you do that
me: ok
O: done
me: done consider him flamespiked
O: roflcopter! me: i screenshotted that
O: hahaha
we are so cool
me: totally
(I'll post a picture of that later)