Monday, December 07, 2009

Hi, I know that usually Mondays are days when I would make a post about the week, but I have 2 finals tomorrow and while I'm not particularly worried about them, I'd rather just make the post after they're done. In the meantime, here are some good quotes.

*During a break in our Jazz performance*
Chelsea: Uh oh, I kinda gotta pee. I wonder if Doug will let us go.
Steve: Yeah I gotta go too, but I don't want to ask him for permission because I know he's just going to say no.
Me: Fine, I'll ask him.
Me: Hey Doug, we got a couple here that have to tinkle, can they go?
Doug: Oh, just use your mutes or something.

*Rehearsing a song in class*
*Fire alarm sounds*
Doug: Keep playing, we're nailin' this part!

Guest Player: I actually just got back from a couple gigs in London.
Doug: Oh yeah, you mean THE London, huh? Not like London, Texas; London, France!
*Awkward looks between me and the guitarists and bassists*
Steve: Don't worry, I'm hoping he's joking.

*Dad on the phone with a guy at Little Ceasars*
Dad: What? 5 bucks? That's it? Well damn, I might as well get two.
Dad: Actually, hold on a second.
Me: What's up with it?
Dad: Well it only costs 5 bucks so we can get enough for leftovers.
Kathryn: Are we gettting a lot of pizza or something?
Dad: No, we're getting a shitload of pizza!

O: the nice thing about your 21 being last and in the summer
is that we might all be around for it
me: yeah
O: it'll be pwnage
me: indeed
O: we'll go to 21 different bars
jk there's not enuf bars for that
we'll just go to sugars and spend 21 hours there
with 21 strippers
me: yeah!

me: uh oh i see what's happening
davis is becoming a hippie
he's going to show up in tattered rags with a waterpipe
and suddenly all our DnD adventures will no longer include fighting
because that's what the man wants us to do
instead, our PCs will go to poetry readings and have jam sessions
O: you'll have to switch that perform skill to poetry
me: haha
well ill have to make it
im dead remember...
which reminds me i still need to make the new character
O: oh yeah
me: and find YET ANOTHER way to tie into you guys
O: you should get perform poetry just in case
just a couple points
me: well as it happens i was going to make my character a total hippie anyway
so sure

Davis: and I love the convo where you 2 decide whether to deride me or not
it was fucking hilarious
me: you said that yesterday but thanks again
it was good times
i posted the pic of it showing how close we were to each other
*Davis updates facebook status to "...every time I think something good is going to happen, Fortune takes me for a ride and turns it all around. I hate this so much."*
*I comment with "It'll all be ok man. Remember Jesus is with you in all that you do."*
me: i commented on your new status
Davis: oh you ass
me: hopefully adding to the quality
Davis: that was a good one
me: hahaha
Davis: I'm laughing like a morn right now
me: morn?
Davis: moron
me: ah
Davis: yeh
me: haha

Steven and I on psychology and Freud:
me: there's something intimidating about staring down 39 study questions that you have no idea what the answers are
all with the thought looming in the back of your head that you also really need to study for your french final
Steven: haha
yeah I'm seeing going to lecture would have helped
me: yeah haha
oh well
Steven: why is there a picture of chris rock in the textbook?
me: haha
because he has a personality i guess
Steven: no way!
me too
me: really?
wow i wish i had one
Steven: haha

Steven: idk why anyone believed this shit
me: well he was born when they still tried witches
Steven: good times
me: "the female...acknowledges the fact of her castration, and with it, too, the superiority of the male and her own inferiority"
maybe this freud was on to something
Steven: haha
I told Ashley she has penis-envy

me: hey what do you see in the rorschach ink blotch on page 428?
Steven: hmm
do you remember the guy from the ninja turtles?
me: which one
Steven: the bad guy
me: oh yeah kind of
Steven: ummmm
yeah that
me: haha
Steven: what was his name...head of the foot clan
that's it
me: ah yeah i guess i can see that
Steven: like top middle looks like a helmet to me
me: at first, i was all "who the shell are you talking about"
Steven: and then two arms out stretched
with like two legs and then a giant two sided cock
me: oh so that's what that is
Steven: that kinda looks like a mushroom
me: its his ovaries
Steven: and then bladed armor up and down the sides
haha oh ok
me: so he's secondary prof as a sin?
Steven: hmm yeah I would say D/A
me: awesome
Steven: so what do you see?
me: a stormtrooper wearing bunny ears
Steven: nice
Ashley sees a demon mask
me: lllllaaammmeeee
Steven: demonic symbols are normal right?
me: yeah i think so
Steven: ok good
me: probably more well adjusted than us

Davis: oh you still need to make your druid
it shall be level 4 because I don't want to have to balance encounters strangely to accomodate 5,5,5,3
me: yes
ok thank you
Davis: lol not for you
it's for me
me: well as self serving as it was
it was a mutually agreeable outcome
Davis: yes
try to let this one live at least 2 sessions, aight?
me: hahaha
no strange buildings

lastredcoat: mmmm
lady bowlers on ESPN
hello erection

lastredcoat: there is alot more homosexual subtext in Lord of the Rings than I remember

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