Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Short week, short post

Above is a picture I made for the Sacred Order of Teriyaki. I like it a lot better than the other ones I have created. I figured I would update today for no particular reason other than that I am currently without something to do and I figured this would tide me over for about half an hour while I decide so here goes nothing.

After doing some DnD stuff online with Davis, I started my Rome: Total War Marathon.

Too many hours to count later and well into the night, a sleep deprived David sat at his computer screen desperately throwing armies at Rome in the hopes that he could kill it before too many of his towns revolted. Fortunately, I made it and then went upstairs and got some much needed sleep. I won't play as Carthage again because they have some pretty suck units. While I was sleeping, I had a strangely vivid dream about this class that I had been skipping or something and the professor was assigning a group project and I paired up with this somewhat cute girl and we hit it off and then the dream abruptly ended when the cat jumped on me. I spent most of Saturday doing some cleaning of the garage because my grandma was coming which meant we would soon need space for 5 cars. After that, I did manage to get on ICCup with Keir and we got a win against Denmark which was cool. We only had time for two games so we talked about random Starcraft related things until he had to leave.

I did some quick ICCup with Keir in the morning, but then I had to go clean some more really quick before my grandma arrived. When she got there, I parked her car in the garage, the first time I have ever parked a car in our garage because it has been full of junk since before I got my license. The last time there was a car in our garage, I was in middle school and it only lasted about a week and a half before we could no longer get it in (TWSS!!!(I had to come back and add this later when I noticed it)). Later in the day, I was going to make a status update for facebook "There should be a ctrl+F for real life" because I had been looking all over the place for somethign and that thought popped into my head. When I signed onto facebook though, Rachel had already just posted a very similar status to that, so while it was odd we were thinking alike at the same time, I lost my chance to have a witty and original status update That night, I had probably a continuation of the dream from earlier in which I was on a date with the girl but it was not as vivid and was much shorter. We were having dinner and I remember hardly any details.

Mom had to work even though it was her birthday so I did some gaming downstairs and grandma made a cake. Eventually, mom returned and took grandma shopping while I continued to game. Davis had bought CS:S the day before so I decided I would get back into it before he started so I wasn't a total noob. I managed to get on with Steven and we played for a few hours before I had to leave for mom's birthday dinner.

Davis came over and we finished up my new DnD character. It looks like it will be pretty cool and I can't wait to cast TREE SHAPE OMG!!1111 After that, we played a lot of GoW, but didn't finish before he had to leave. He did get to hear the terran theme though and he seemed to like it. He said he liked it a lot more than he thought he would (darn insults in disguise!). There are the obvious edits, but he said some of the stuff I thought sounded bad sounded good. It was also nice to have my theory corrected because I don't have a very strong theory background and I don't generally know what notes are "artsy" and which are just straight up wrong. So the finale of my dream series (or is it???) came last night in which I was in the class again. I didn't notice the girl there, but perhaps I wasn't looking hard enough. Anyway the final was going on and I was preoccupied with that. I don't know what significance this had, but as far as the other two parts of the dream go, I must say hopefully dreams do come true. Girlfriend status having would be pretty pwnage.

I haven't done much today, but it looks like Shorewood Ultimate has a team this year after being uncertain about interest. It's going to be a good quarter now. I have 21 credits (15 is normal). On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I'll have a class then I'll work out for an hour then go to practice and it will be pretty good. Hopefully I can get fit or perhaps even a 6pack by summer.

Ok well that's it for now, peace out until later.

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