Thursday, December 24, 2009

Winter Break 09-010 Part 1

Howdy all. Hopefully everyone is having a satisfactory break thus far, I know I have. If you're wondering about the title, there will be 3 parts to this post: The first part of break, Christmas related family happenings (post coming on Monday), and the end of break (post coming January 4th). In other news, I noticed on the way to this post that I have recieved 2,000 views of my profile. It's probably not terribly interesting to anyone else because about 1,999 of those are probably mine as I get to the blogger dashboard through my profile (yes I know there is a much easier way). Well, enough dilly dallying, how about I get into the post now?

Oh, first of all, if you haven't yet, check out the Shorewood Lip Dub Video. It's pretty cool and Kathryn is in it in the 600's on the right side of the screen.

I spent most of the day doing some 360 before eventually signing on and getting my Starcraft on with Davis and Steven and Keir. Well, that was the plan at least. We tried very hard but couldn't really get anything going due to Davis having a bad CD key (or some related problem, I can't really remember) and Keir's computer repeatedly crashing. It was just like the old days though, Davis had problems with simple issues, I had trouble with complex issues, Keir couldn't add anything to the conversation because his computer was crashing, and Steven was yelling at all of us for being noobs but not being heard because he didn't realize his microphone was on mute (yes this is actually how we used to be (funny how little things change huh?)). Speaking of which, I realized the one game we did get in was the first time the 4 of us had played togther since high school. Davis didn't seem too interested, but Keir and I were disappointed because unlike Davis and Steven, we realized how little we've done with our lives. After failing to get SC going for multiple games, Davis, Steven, and I went over to play some Counterstrike which was actually really fun. It had been a while since I had played and it was good to get back mainly because the people we played with weren't total assholes.

I didn't get much done because I was trying to rest up before the big band dance. I got there right on time and we had a little bit to warm up before we went on. One of our trombone players couldn't make it, so Dave Reid himself sat in. We also had our lead sax from last year filling in for our exchange student. Considering 2 of us had never rehearsed with us and the rest of us hadn't played together in 2 weeks, we sounded pretty good. Afterwards, I delivered my SC CD to Davis and left because I did not want to join in the "clusterfuck of high school drama." (as it was so adequately put by Davis).

I started my last Mass Effect playthrough before the sequel comes out. I want to get the save file right so that I can have it carry over to the next game (I have to redo it because I don't know how extensively it ties over, but it's hinted that it is quite extensively (sorry about that sentence)). Later in the day, Davis called to remind me that Maddy's party was in an hour or so. We arrived at her house at the exact same time (due to excellent timing on both our parts) and walked in together, minimizing awkward loneliness (particularly for me). Most of the time, we talked to Rosa and Tracy and Sam since everyone else was too drunk/busy doing random things. We had a rather intellectual conversation that I guess offended some people at the party? Perhaps I took what I was told the wrong way, but I enjoyed the conversation nevertheless and after the gift exchange in which Davis acquired his child porn book (ask him to show you sometime!), we left with Tracy and Rosa (oh and Lucy had shown up by this point in time (sorry for almost forgetting you there :/)) and Lucy for bubble tea. Davis did not have bubble tea (shocker, I know!) so I was not so lonely in not getting any. The 5 of us sat and talked about random stuff until closing time. It was pretty cool to get to see particularly the girls because I hadn't seen them in a really long time and it was cool to see Davis and all too, but I see him way more often and I will see him quite soon as well. After that, Davis dropped me off at my house and I played some ICCup with Steven and then signed off for the night.

I went to the Seahawks game with grandpa. It was simply embarassing, that's all I can really say since nobody really cares about football I think. After that, we brought grandpa back for dinner at our house, then dropped him back off at his place and I picked up the truck while I was there.

I went to lunch with grandpa at Costco, then we ran some errands. One of the errands involved going to the Comcast store to get some DTV converter boxes. As I pulled into the store, I noticed a car similar to Steven's. As I pulled closer, I recognized the license plate and I pulled up alongside it and sure enough, it was Steven. It was more exciting randomly running into him irl than the time I randomly ran into him in Guild Wars. When I came home, I got on CS with Davis for a bit since Keir mysteriously disappeared. After that, I vanquished an area in Guild Wars with Steven.

We met my dad for lunch downtown. We went to the Secret Deli (Orion may remember when I referenced this, but I may have called it the Logan Deli at the time). Anyway, the lady there surprisingly was able to remember us even though we hadn't been there in 5 years at least. She commented on my facial hair of course, looking at my parents and gesturing at her chin while doing the korean SC announcer (OHHHH) sound (cool people will know that sound). It was cool that she remembered us and the food was good as always. After that, we were going to look at the gingerbread houses, but the line was too crazy so we bailed and then we headed back home.

I hung around the house most of the day wrapping presents (in my own terribly done fashion) and playin Mass Effect. Later on, I did wind up singing on for some SC with Keir on ICCup. We got a Malaysian win, but not much excitement beyond that. We could have gotten an Italian win, but he didn't stay in the lobby.

Will be included in the next post. In the meantime, read my next section.

Amorous Affairs:
Well it seems to be the popular thing to do nowadays. Unfortunately, I have none. Until the next post, peace out.

1 comment:

Davos said...

Yes! I am an amorous affairs trendsetter!


Neuddllin: Nebin's twin brother.

hairrem: a group of unshaven personal concubines.