Thursday, December 10, 2009

Breaking for Winter

Well sorry about not posting when I said I would. After I posted that, Steven reminded me the final was actually earlier today instead of Tuesday when I thought it was. I decided I would not post anything because nobody would notice/care. Apparently I was right, so that was cool I guess, but seriously, do feel free to comment *Cough cough*. So now it's winter break, that is pretty cool. Tonight, I'm going to start my campaign in one sitting of Rome: Total War. I wanted to play it this past summer, but I thought of it too soon before school started, so I decided I would do it after the quarter ended. I'm going to play as Carthage because I'm hardcore (but not hardcore enough to win with Britannia or Gaul). So I'll be doing that probably right up until about when Davis gets here or maybe it will end the day before. Enough about all that though, time to get to the past week plus couple days.

Band was not fun again because I had been practicing trumpet prior to going so my chops were pretty thoroughly pwned by the end of the class.

It was finally December. I skipped psych as usual and used my extra hour (well not all of it) to shave off my creepy novembeard. It was much better to get rid of the itchy beard and to trim back my regular facial hair a bit. In Jazz Band, we had our last official rehearsal before the concert. I decided to play on my trumpet to not screw myself up for the concert the next day. After school, I came home and did a bunch of homework.

I took my trumpet with me to French since we were meeting in the theatre right by my class. I was hoping Doug wouldn't make me get my french horn too, but he did. I met up with the girl that stands next to me when I got to the music building and we walked back together. Along the way she casually mentioned her boyfriend (but not whether he was an ex or not). I guess my refusal to wear anything other than shorts reminded her of his refusal to wear anything but converse (and he is a ski instructor so he wears them on the mountains). Actually, he sounded pretty cool, hopefully he's just a friend that is a boy. Anyway, we were the last back to the theatre and Doug then announced we couldn't play since there was a class going on outside. I considered jumping through the whole band to shake him for making me get my french horn. After that, I stuck around with Steve (section leader) and Mike (the cool guy I stood next to last year) and we sat in the pub for the remainder of the scheduled class time since Steve had class afterwards and Mike always eats lunch there and we just bullshitted about stuff for an hour. That night, we had the concert. Ballard HS was the opening band. Even though it's only been a couple of years, I still find it really strange to see a band in which nobody has facial hair. We played our set alternating songs with FunknGroove, which is a really cool band that plays good rock songs and they're fun to listen to. It turned out to be a pretty good show, so I was happy with that.

We had the day off in Jazz Band, so I met Grandpa at costco for lunch. After that, we ran some errands and then went back to his place where I hung a couple of pictures, then headed out since I needed to study for my 2 tests the next day.

I actually had to go to psych which kind of sucked. I hate taking tests in that class because the two that sit on either side of me both smoke and they both come from not having a class (which they both apparently use to have a smoke break). I endure though and fortunately I finish the tests rather quickly. After that, I started studying for French and then took the final for it. It wasn't particularly hard, but it was not as easy as the last 3 had been, mostly because the other tests happened every week and this chapter had taken us a whole month, so lots of time to forget everything we had learned. After that, we had a casual rehearsal in Jazz Band. Doug gave us a folder full of Sammy Nestico tunes and asked what any of us wanted to play. I spotted "I've Been Working on the Railroad" and called it out, so we got to play it. I thought it was jazzy and cool and so did pretty much just Steve and Mike. Everyone else didn't like it and afterwards, Doug said "Geez, who the hell called this one up?" and everyone pointed at me. We played some more songs, but they were rather difficult especially for sight reading, but as always, it was good sight reading practice.

After school, we had a concert for the concert band. It was up in Arlington and I was carpooling with Darren and Erik. We were told the other band was going to play for an hour and a half and our set was 40 minutes. I was not excited to go. When we got there, we found out we played first and that the song we were supposed to play together at the end was optional. Suddenly, I was really glad we had driven instead of taking the big bus which half the band took. After our set, a bunch of us students lagged around in the warmup room while the older people and important people went in to the concert so we could all sneak off. I wouldn't have left because I wanted to earn favor with Ken, but the other 3 were leaving, so I figured the extra support was not worth it. I was right because they actually played much longer than an hour and a half. Before we left though, Kezia discovered 2 lightsabers and Erik and I had a duel. I also overheard a conversation that made me rather confused and I won't really elaborate becasuse I don't know the context of what I heard. There was a flute player there and he needed a ride back, so I gave him a ride since I had a seat leftover. On the way back, we got to stop at Wendy's because Erik was hungry and in the mood for paying for food, so that was perfectly all right with me. I only had a frosty though because I needed something I could nom quickly.

I spent most of the day doing some gaming on the 360 which was fine by me because it was really cold outside and I had no good reason to be out in it.

More of the same. I got some starcraft in with Steven and that was pretty fun although he got mad at me at one point and signed off. That night we had dinner with grandpa and watched Sunday night football, which was fun because I pulled out some good points in that game.

The only thing I had going on was band. Before that, Steven and I played some starcraft. Band went okay and we even got out a bit early.

I was thinking originally that this would be the last day of the quarter for me, but it was not. I only had the concert that night. It was pretty boring, but it was over quickly enough.

I spent the day doing some gaming, then making my DnD character. About 3 hours before I was going to go to bed, I remembered I had a psych final the next day. 2 hours later, I remembered I had remembered that 2 hours ago and began to cram a bit before giving up and going to bed.

The final was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. I did it in 25 minutes (we had 2 hours) and I think the professor was a bit mad that I finished it so quickly, but I was tired and knew the answers right away so I just headed out when I was done. I got back before when I normally would have woken up on my day off. I played some 360 until about 11:30 when I went to pick up grandpa. We had lunch at Costco then ran an errand to get some pills at Bartells, then came back to his place. Amy was there and it was nice to see her again since I hadn't seen her in a pretty long time since during the quarter, I tend to show up later in the day after she has left. I hung up some more pictures and did some other maintenence, then headed out. Now I'm getting ready to start my marathon of Rome: Total War. Actually, it might be best to do it starting next morning so that I don't play through two cold nights and since I'm kind of tired now from waking up so early today for that final. I guess I'll see how I feel after Thursday night football. Until later, peace out.

1 comment:

Oreo said...

sorry to break it to you David, but if someone casually mentions their boyfriend, it means that person is their boyfriend. they would say ex if they meant ex.

glad to hear you pwned up your finals.