Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ok this was actually going to be a Things I Hate because my teacher was a noob, but I looked at my quotes and there are a lot so I figured it was better to unload them.

Steve: There goes Doug out there.
Me: I thought he left to go get dinner.
Steve: No, he just left to go masturbate
Me: Man, he’s living my dream out there.
Steve: Haha, you’re pretty quick. You’ll make a good lawyer someday.
Me: Why? Because I’m quick with masturbation jokes?
If it please the court, I’m going to pound one out really quick.
Steve: Judge, sidebar?

Doug: Why the hell are you all the way up here? There was a chair back there in the corner for a reason.
Ian: Oh, I heard you say “The rhythm section can come up” so I figured you meant move forward.
Doug: Oh, well I didn’t you can go back now.
Ian: I see how it is, go back in your corner, guitar player

Steve Kim: Jazz improv is really different from classical composition. With jazz, you’re making it up on the spot for yourself. With classical composers, you have a guy that plays “composer’s piano” which is basically really crappy piano. They then take their composition and give it to some guy that’s really good at his instrument and say “hey, here’s my bitchin’ etude” or whatever and then the guy just takes it and practices it over and over.

Doug: We gotta have everyone loud in this part like we’re in a big orchestra playing for Star Wars or something when Luke off’s one’a those cats.

me: nice
i found it the other day and i liked it
i was glad i could reuse it
O: see?
everyone loves reusing your posts, even you!
me: yeah!
i can't help it, i just write so well!
O: lol
me: especially my earliest posts
my overuse of the word "tight"
i dont remember how long its been since ive used that
in that context at least
O: did you really use the word tight a lot?
i dont remember that
me: yeah i guess so
i used it in my early posts then abruptly stopped
i dont remember saying it that much though after 8th grade but my posts cannot lie
O: link me one
i think that was the last instance of using it
idk, i dont go back there very often
it was the boring years when i had nothing important to say
which i guess is similar to now
but now is interesting because
O: lol
me: it's recent
O: loll
me: you read it?
O: who was fink?
me: in it's paragraphy glory?
no idea
random person
O: those randos sure love you
me: excluding gregg, i've had 2 random ppl comments on my blog
and yeah
im just a stalker magnet
O: just think
if you get a six pack
and then post pics of it on ur blog
youll get so many stalkers
me: indeed
my female readers will finally leave comments
"fap fap fap"
that's what they'll say
ill let you take that however you want
O: haha..wait what?
i dont think thats really the sound it makes
if they're masturbating
me: it'll be "moosh moosh moosh"
O: hahaha
you gotta quote yourself on that one
me: i wonder if girls actually say that

me: wow
quote from my math book
" called the interquartile range. It's commonly abbreviated IQR (and pronounced "eye-cue-are." not "ikker")"
this is why i took stats online
otherwise i would blurt out all the time and the teacher would hate me
but i would have a lot of funny stories i bet
O: hahahah
not "ikker"
that's great
me: does my math book think im retarded?
congrats on taking stats! good for you! you're trying to learn!
O: "u r smrt!"
me: haha

Monday, January 25, 2010

Hard to believe that was only a four day week

Well I sure had a busy week last week. Having concert related things three nights in one week really takes a toll on one's time. Anyway, this week will see fewer posts from me. Since I don't usually call the pro bowl, I won't bother this year. I will not make a football post tomorrow, but instead, I will make it next Tuesday. On Wednesday, there will be a Things I Hate if I can come up with something in the class that gives me enough rage to make a longer post on. If not, I'll unload a bunch of quotes that I've been meaning to for a while. In fact, chances are good I will do that, so some quotes will most likely come up on Wednesday unless my math teacher pisses me off somehow (which is possible). Ok well that all being said, I shall now try to recall events from the past week.

If you recall, last Monday I was making my post and being concerned about having a ton of homework to do. Well due to efficiency and things (such as being really smart and awesome and talented and sexy), I was able to finish all my homework before 24 started! Or so I thought. Let me now take you back to the previous Friday:

There was an important Jazz Band rehearsal, so I had to leave French a few minutes early to get to Jazz Band earlier to warm up and hash some stuff out with the section right before class. I asked the teacher if I could leave 10 minutes early and she said that was okay. I considered asking her if we were going to have any homework, but I assumed we wouldn't because we already had 20 pages of workbook problems to do for Tuesday. I wound up not asking her and she said anything.

Now fast forward (yes Orion, FAST forward) to Monday. 24 had ended and as I went to shut down my computer for the night, I saw a message from my friend in the class that sits to my left (Tony). He was asking me about the homework she had assigned and indicated it was something other than the workbook stuff (which I had done already thinking it was the only French homework). After much searching and some help from Paul, I discovered she wanted us to write a brief report (2-3 paragraphs) on the history and current events of Haiti. It of course had to be in French. Now you might not think that was so bad; but in the class so far we have only just begun learning future tense and that is our only tense besides present tense. Needless to say, future tense sure as hell wasn't helping me to write that. It took a long time and I got to bed very late sadly. An unfitting end to a day where I was so productive.

I had considered skipping my Macro class, but I finally figured out the downside to having two back to back classes in the same classroom (Macro and French are in the same room and French immediately follows Macro). Even if I skipped, the first professor would notice my having skipped when I walked into the room. I showed up on time and sat through the lectures and tried hard not to fall asleep. In improv, not too many people stuck around for the lab and it was pretty fun. Only Kathryn showed up to frisbee even though it was in the 50's and sunny, so I reluctantly said screw it and we left. It was probably for the best though as I had a lot of homework and spent the rest of the night doing it. That night, Grandpa called me from his place. I guess the place had hired some trumpet guy to entertain the people there. Anyway, he was calling me to ask if I wanted to come bring my trumpet and play some tunes with this guy. It was an odd request and I of course said no because I knew that wasn't how it worked and besides, I was in an online test.

I had a busy day of homework related things. I managed to sneak in some time to play Guild Wars with Steven before our sound check for the prism concert that night. The check was rather boring and uneventful. We got to see samples of all the groups performing. The Jazz Band was definitely the most lively and the rest had some okay songs. There was one fourhand piano duet (not sure that's what it's called, but it's where two people sit on the same bench and play the same piano) where both of the chicks were pretty attractive.

I skipped the lab because of the performance that night and I took the hour before frisbee to do some homework. Sukol had gotten on everyone's cases in the team meeting the previous day, so the turnout was good. Unfortunately, the skill level was not as good. We won't do that well this season, but it will at least hopefully be fun to coach still. After that, I showered, quickly did some homework, then headed off to the prism concert. The rest of the songs everyone played were pretty lame and for our last song (which was a quicker tempo), Doug told us "Come on let's kick this thing up a notch to make it more interesting." We actually played all our songs quite well, it was nice. Since I got to stay up later, I got to play some Guild Wars with Steven.

I got to sleep in since it was Friday and after the business of the week, I was quite happy to do that. After school, I did some homework until the prism concert. Most people played different songs this time and they were all more interesting. At one point, the Funkngroove was playing "Shake Your Groove Thing" and Steve and I were over in our section singing and dancing along. I'm sure it would have looked odd if the audience had been watching us since everyone else around us was doing what we were supposed to do, stand quietly and stand still. The two cute piano players found us entertaining, so that was cool. It turns out one of them is married and one is single and from Ukraine (very nice!). Sadly (depending on how you look at it (personally, I don't feel it's particularly good or bad), that is the closest thing I have to an amorous affair anymore since I found out the Dutch girl that sits next to me has a boyfriend). After the concert, Steven signed on, then we got our legendary guardian titles. It was pretty good. Later on, he left to go "celebrate his birthday" so I signed off and did some Assassin's Creed 2.

We took grandpa to lunch at Taco Del Mar because we wanted to talk to the guy that owns that store over by Costco to ask how he was doing since Taco Del Mar had filed for bankruptcy. He seemed optimistic, so that was good, I would hate to lose that place. Afterwards, I did some homework briefly, but spent most of the day gaming and waiting for either a call to go over to my aunt's house to move some stuff around or to go up to hang out with the guys from the trumpet section to practice our jazz improv stuff. Neither call came, so I was gaming most of the day. That night, Keir and I watched proleague while I vanquished. He watched the Ace vs Woonjin match since he had a player on his fantasy team in it. I watched estro vs CJ and we both filled each other in on what was happening. It was a rather entertaining way to spend the evening.

It was football day as well as homework day. I spent most of the day doing both of those things. I got both my picks right and I even gone one game dead on (Saints by 3 points) and I was close on another (Colts by 14 (they won by 13)). I was sad I couldn't beat my record from last year, but doing that well was sure nice. I also had to go over to my aunt's house to move some stuff around. After that, I spent the rest of the night doing homework.

I had not much going on. In French, we watched a video in which one of the guys said "Je les rape." Corrine (Dutch girl that sits next to me) and I were laughing a lot harder and much longer than we should have been, but it was really funny. Immaturity is awesome sometimes. I took grandpa to lunch and now I have some homework to do before band so I'd best be getting on with that and quickly. Until Wednesday, peace out.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Things I Hate: 11

Hello and welcome to another Things I Hate. That's right, it has returned from the dead! My math class online is run by a teacher that has the most terrible organization I have ever seen and after sharing with Orion some of the horror stories thus far in the quarter, he suggested I bring back Things I Hate, so I am. This week on Things I Hate: a total lack of organization.

Some background on this image, we had to take a quick survey and then we had to make a graph of classmates' answers to one of the questions asked. So he put the file up on blackboard and when I loaded it, I was this.

Now at the time, I had not read the assignment so the only logical thing I could think of was that he wanted us to organize this. I have no idea why he needed to make the question its own column and not the header for that column. Also, in the column before each question, there is a completely useless column that says something along the lines of "Question_ IDS." I don't know what that means, but it sure as hell didn't come in handy.

I mean seriously, if you're a STATISTICS teacher where the whole class is about charts and graphs, YOU WOULD THINK YOU WOULD AT LEAST KNOW HOW TO MAKE THOSE THINGS. It took me the whole week to do the assignment because every time I opened up this document, I would swear excessively at it before giving up and doing something else. It's not that hard to make a chart, do a column for each question and at the top, have the question and for the student answers, have the answer to the question. It's really simple and I'm questioning my teacher's ability to teach.

That's only one of the stupid parts of the assignment however. After reading the assignment, I noticed that he wanted us to make a graph of one set of data from this survey. This was no ordinary graph though, it had to be hand drawn. Now you may be thinking "David, that's not so bad, I hand draw graphs all the time." Well normally I would agree with you, BUT THIS IS AN ONLINE CLASS. WTF, WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO DRAW SOMETHING AND SCAN IT? I signed up for this class so that I could do things ONLINE or ON A COMPUTER. Microsoft Paint would have been just fine. He also wanted the graphs to be "beautiful, neat, and organized." I came extremely close to just submitting a word document that said "You first."

Ok well that's it for this week. I have to ease myself back into being able to hate things or at least to try to complain about stupid things in an entertaining manner. Until later, peace out.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Well it's official, I cannot beat my record from last year. It was another half right week for me and hopefully I can finish strong by getting the remaining 3 games right. Here are my two picks this week.

Jets vs Colts: Colts by 14:
Well Rex Ryan has been saying his team should be favored in every game this postseason and I don't have anything against him, but I dislike being proven wrong. I don't know what was up with the Chargers. That was the first game I had seen them play all season and I don't know how they got an 11 game win streak with that kind of playing. Anyway, the Colts are the best team in football right now and even though the Jets beat them once during the regular season, this time, the Colts will have their good players on the field and they will take control early and they will hold that lead for the whole game and the Chargers (a team I like) shall be avenged.

Vikings vs Saints: Saints by 3:
This is the game I'm not sure about. The teams are evenly matched and it's possible it could go either way. I pick the Saints though because as we saw last week with the Vikings, their offense consists mainly of Brett Favre and Sidney Rice. The Saints have more options for scoring and I think that their ability to adapt and to use different players will give them an edge over the Vikings who only have a few stars. The Vikings could easily win though if they are able to shut down Drew Brees like they shut down Tony Romo last week.

Well that's it for this week. Fingers are crossed hoping I get these right. We'll see how I do this Sunday.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Hopefully the weeks will become less busy soon.

Howdy everyone. First of all, I have to say I GOT INTO THE HONOR BAND!!111 That means I will be going to Reno and unless Rachel is going on some family vacation that week, I will more than likely get to stop by and hang out. I'll mention it later in the post. I will make a post tomorrow about the footballz and then on Wednesday, come back and visit for a special post OOoooOooOo. With that all out of the way, I have little time left today (before 24 starts at least) and much homework to do, so I'll jump into the week.

In band, we got a Beatles medley that sounds extremely cheesy, but what can you do? There's a cool horn solo that two of us played because it was poorly written and we need two horns playing to play over the backgrounds.

I have decided to do labs for the improv class both Tuesday and Thursday because they only really wind up lasting until about 2:10 and that leaves me enough time to get to the truck and drive over to the fields to wait. The labs are cool because we just play the head of a song then solo for a really long time. It's good practice for my chops as well as for soloing to be in there more often and as long as the other trumpet players (the other 3 guys (not including the new guy) who are my friends in the class) stick around, I'm happy to stay there as well. I went straight to the fields, but it was raining and only one girl showed up so I gave her a ride back to near her house since she apparently lives close to me. After that, I went home and tried to do some homework, but didn't get as much done as I had hoped due to some things taking more time due to terrible organization by my professor.

I had missed a call by grandpa for going to lunch on Sunday, so I took him to lunch on Wednesday to make up for it. After that, we ran a bunch of errands including getting him his new handicap parking permits. We got back to his place at 4:30 and I checked out the damage to the place. I guess on the 5th floor, a fire suppresant system pipe leaked and spilled water all down the walls and they've been reconstructing that wall since then. It's unfortunate that they had to deal with that problem since they're such nice people, but bad things happen to good people I guess. At 5, they had casino night there where you got fake money to bet with. I guess the girls wanted grandpa to bring me, so he did and we played for a while. Grandpa did pretty well at blackjack, okay at roulette and then I did really awesome at craps. It must have been beginners luck, but I almost tripled my amount of chips, but I had to leave so I gave them to grandpa and I heard he spread the wealth around to some other people that were running out of chips, which was nice of him.

During Jazz Band, we had some downtime at one point and Ken came into the room and said "David, I have a word for you." I said "Hopefully it's a good word." It was, he was there to tell me I got into the honor band. I'm going to be going to Reno along with the flute girl that texts in class a lot (who's actually a really good player as it turns out). Chelsea and Erik are on the wait list, so they could theoretically go, but they most likely will not. I haven't told Chelsea yet and I don't really want to now becuase she also wanted to go. Ah well, maybe no threesome for David, but at least I'll probably get to hang out with Rachel a couple times. After school, there was frisbee practice (which was a nice change of pace from people not showing up). Sukol got on people's cases again and despite the rain, 6 people actually showed up. We had a quick scrimmage then called practice early. After we got back, Steven and I did some vanquishing for a bit, then I got some homework going in preparation for the coming weekend event of double EotN points.

After class, I stuck around with the guys (the 3 from the trumpet section that I'm in improv with) and we jammed for a while until our chops were dead since Doug was working us pretty hard for our upcoming concert. After that, I left to go get Orion and we went to the UW to meet Nikki and Drew for some teriyaki. It was cool to see them again and catch up. After that, Nikki had to take her brother to the art museum, so Orion and I went to check out Drew's house which was pretty cool. Eventually, Lucy called us and since we had little time before we had to get Orion back home for his dinner, we decided to go meet up with her. Once we got into her dorm, I called her to ask where she was and it turned out she was on the other side of the doorframe from us. I must say, I enjoyed this visit to Lucy's place much more than the one last year:
then we called Lucy for some reason and found out she was in her room with
Erika, Allison, and Kayla. We decided to go see them since Orion wanted to. I
didn't really need to see Erika and I didn't particularly want to ditch Nikki,
but she had a friend there, so we went. I didn't realize how much I never talked
to them until we got there. All four of them were in bed together and they all
climbed down so say Orion. Being quickly forced out of the circle, I
stood in the background with Lucy's roomate, who seemed pretty cool because she
was unboxing a box so that it would take up less space in the recycle bin, which
is something only cool people do. Kayla actually did say hello to me, but
awkwardly as she passed me on her way out the door. I was glad we were only
there for about 3 minutes because it was really awkward for me. After that, we
walked Lucy up to the campus so she could meet up with her religion buddies for
some bible thumping.

After talking with her and Sarah for a while, our visit ended with pants on the ground (I'll let you take that any way you want). Orion and I headed back up to the truck and then to his house where he downloaded some classic rock from me and I left him with the huge stack of cd's to rip for the next day.

We met grandpa for lunch and then dropped him off and came back here to watch some football. I was proven right on the first game. After that, I went to play some frisbee with UWB again and it was pretty fun. Afterwards, I got my cds back from Orion and said goodbye then came back home to watch the second game. Steven and I got some more vanquishing done and I was proven right again as the colts won.

I played some Assassin's Creed 2 while waiting for football to start. First, I was proven wrong when the Cowboys lost to the Vikings. After that, the Chargers lost which I didn't like because I like the Chargers. After that, I played some Assassin's Creed 2 and then watched 24.

Well today, not much is happening. I have a lot of homework to do and I'd better get started on that because it's now almost 3:00 and 24 comes on in 5 hours which should give me just enough time to finish all the crap I have to do if I hurry. Don't forget to check back on Wednesday. Until then, peace out.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Stimulating Economics Discussions:
Bob: So what if there were a correlation found between the length of girls' skirts and the overall state of the economy? Like say the shorter a girl's skirt, the better the economy is doing? Well if we find that out, what are we going to do to girls' skirts? We'll shorten them in the hopes that it will stimulate the economy.
Tim: Oh, it'll stimulate something!

French Essays:
Valerie: Ok class, tonight I want you to write an essay in French my life in 10 years.
Tony (70 year old guy that sits behind me): 10 years? Damn, I'll be dead by then!

Keir: Why should you go to bed? I'm 3 hours ahead of you and I'm filling in France pixel by fucking pixel.

Davis: u there?
me: Yes, I am here.
Davis: wow lol gud 2 now aht
me: I have no idea what you just said.
Davis: Oh, excuse me.
I rather lost myself for a moment there.
me: Quite understandable.
Davis: Shall we play some Counter-Strike?
me: We shall.

me: i dont support games in which colt mccoy doesn't play
i wish my parents had named me that
lastredcoat: if your parents had named you that youd probably be a super QB
but instead you are an ok pre law student
me: indeed
maybe someday ill be a blocker for little montana
lastredcoat: lol
me: that would be cool if that happened
then i would finally maybe somewhat come close to finally earning your respect
lastredcoat: you have my respect
youre just crap at starcraft

*I post a Facebook status "David Altena finds it funny that arizona's kicker can kick a field goal from the far 45 yard line but when it matters, he cant even kick a chip shot."*
*this takes place within a minute of my posting that*
me: have you seen both the games today?
lastredcoat: yes
me: same
the green bay game
lastredcoat: i found it funny that arizona's kicker can kick a field goal from the far 45 yard line but when it matters
me: ah you too?
lastredcoat: he cant even kick a gosh darn chip shot
me: i see we think alike in verbatim even
its no wonder we're such a great team on iccup
lastredcoat: ahahahaha
me: on the plus side tho
i now know how i can feed you strategic advice while we play
now i know that if i want you to do something on iccup, i just make it a status update
lastredcoat: huh?
me: "David Altena wants keir to make more god damn zealots."
you read my statuses quickly
almost as quickly as you would hear it if i just told it to you via skype
lastredcoat: lol

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Well I didn't do so well last week. I only got 2 right out of the four games. If I want to break my record, I have to get no more wrong pick. Unfortunately, it's not looking like that will happen based on what I saw last week making for hard calls this week. I hope I get all of them right, but you never know.

Cardinals at Saints: Saints by 3:
The Cardinals had a really good game last week and they've been good off and on this whole season, but the Saints this season have seemed to have generally squeaked by when they were really challenged. I think that if the Cardinals try hard, they can win, but I gotta go with the higher seed on this one just to be safe.

Ravens at Colts: Colts by 6:
While I would like to see the Ravens play as well as they did last week (extremely), I know that there is no way they are going to beat the Colts.

Cowboys at Vikings: Cowboys by 6:
The Vikings made it to the playoffs basically just from riding a few players' coattails. The Cowboys on the other hand have been hot recently and they're going to take down the Vikings. They could even be Super Bowl bound.

Jets at Chargers: Chargers by 10:
Rex Ryan said his team should be favored in every game. Unfortunately, they're now going to be playing probably the hottest team in the NFL right now. The Chargers are going to stomp the Jets and send them back to New York crying.

Well there you have it. Feel free to wager with me here and I hope I get them all right so I can beat my record.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm not sure what I was thinking this quarter.

Howdy all. If you're confused about my title, don't be any longer. It shall all be explained this post. I'm taking 21 credits right now as well as doing the Shorewood Ultimate gig 2-3 times a week. Usually I take 19 credits, which is 4 more than average, but this time I decided to 2-up that and since I didn't factor in how much time I would lose playing frisbee, I have gotten in pretty deep, but I think it will all work out once I get settled into the schedule. So for this post, I'll be going over my classes, then how each day of the week works, then notable events this week. Tomorrow, I'll make a football post. Wednesday, I'll make a quotes post. For now though, time to get into this post.

Macroeconomics (9:30-10:20 Monday-Thursday):
I'm taking this class with my professor from micro after he convinced me to do a face to face class with him. The first week was boring because it was all micro review so I knew it already. It's already getting more interesting this week though. The professor was cool online, but even cooler offline because there are more opportunities for awkward jokes. We have to subscribe to The Economist magazine for the class and he told us how to pick up chicks using the magazine to attract women that are attracted to intelligence. Tim Cheeney is in that class too as well as this guy that always seems to be in business related classes with me (even the online ones) and he's really cool so the 3 of us sit in close proximity and do some of the work together.

French 2 (10:30-11:20 Daily):
This class is about the same as the last class at least in terms of workload and such. There was a second French 1 class last quarter and the two have been combined. Whether on purpose or not, the two classes have segregated themselves and our class sits on the right half of the room and the other class sits on the left half. The seating arrangement is different now too. I sit to the right of that guy I mentioned last time still, but now the Dutch girl sits to my right. Since there are much fewer people from our class than the other one, some of us have become much tighter and I have gotten to meet the other half of the room from last quarter (the people in my class that sat on the other side of the room).

Jazz Band (11:30-12:20 Daily):
My walk from French is longer now so I get to Jazz Band having less time to warm up which is unfortunate, but I work around it. This class is the same as it's been, really fun. We got a new trumpet player (that's 6 of us now for those of you counting). He's a really good lead player which is exactly what we needed because me and Chelsea are both working towards being able to handle lead parts, but I'm quite a ways off and she's still not able to play lead for every song we get. This new guy is really cool though and with our lack of tenors, it might open up possibilities for some more jazz french horn.

Jazz Improvisation (12:30-1:20 Tuesday & Thursday and 1:30-2:20 Tuesday OR Thursday):
When I signed up for this class, I thought it would be two hours a week of mostly theory. That worked for me because I could practice on my own. Apparently, it is actually run like previous quarters where we actually play. Twice a week, we meet at 12:30 and do theory work for about an hour on songs. Then, on either Tuesday or Thursday (we get to choose which one we personally show up to), we show up to a "lab" where we get to play in a band setting. Everyone is at different skill levels, but really tolerant of the mistakes made during solos (especially by me :/) which is really nice. This is a huge nail in the coffin of my free time and it eliminates lunch on the day I show up to a lab, but I really want to get better at soloing, so it will be a class I will be glad I took. I don't think I'll do it in spring quarter though unless I decide not to take a 9:30 class.

Symphonic Band (7:00-9:30pm Mondays):
This time of year is always better because I know I'm not missing out on Monday Night Football (which was especially heartbreaking this year because of the amount of great games (Texans playing and Favre's return to Lambeau to name a couple). This quarter, we lost our strongest horn player due to job things (he is the head of the Edmonds School District music department and is trying extremely hard to save the music program so he had to take the quarter off). It may be due to his absence or it may be a coincidence, but the first horn parts are much less chop busting this quarter. They're still cool parts, so either way, I'm not complaining.

Statistics (Online):
A lot of people have asked me "how can you take a math class online?" To them I just say "Come on, it's just stats." The only problem is that this teacher has the crappiest blackboard site organization I have ever seen. His folder names are what the folder should be containing (for example, one of the folders had no contents but instead just detailed the assignment in the folder name). Furthermore, the sidebar is weird yellow (that he calls orange, but as a proud Dutchman I know it is NOT orange) and blue which he says is in honor of the NY Mets, his favorite team. I mean damn, I like the Mets too, but have some common sense man! Don't go blinding the students here! It took me forever to figure out how he organized his site (even with the help of the "How do I begin?" tab). I recently discovered he actually DOES assign problems from the book and that there are a lot so that's why I'm skipping frisbee today is to get those done and hopefully to get as far ahead as I can in that class to make it less of a drain on my free time in the coming weeks.

Ok well those are my classes, now I will go into the daily routine.

School - 9:30-12:20
Frisbee - 2:30-4:30
School - 6:30-9:30
I start at 9:30 and I get out at 12:20. From there, I get to have lunch, then I head back out and go to Shorewood at 2:30 to meet up with the frisbee team for a running practice. I'm not doing that today, but it will be part of my schedule. At some time between 4 and 5, I go home, do some homework, then head out at 6:30 for band.

School - 9:30-1:20(or 2:20)
Frisbee - 2:45-5:00
Tuesdays and Thursdays are my busy days. I spend a lot of time in school, then either go straight from there to frisbee (if I go to a lab) or have time to go home, grab lunch and head almost right back out (if I don't go to the lab).

School - 9:30-12:20
My mid-week oasis. It has some semblance of a normal day (normal for the past few quarters at least). I get some actual time to work on homework or play some videogames. I also need a day to go to lunch with grandpa at costco occasionally and given what I am up to now, this may be my only non-weekend day to do that.

School - 9:30-1:20(or 2:20)
Frisbee - 2:45-5:00
Like Tuesdays, very busy regardless of whether I go to the lab or not.

School - 10:30-12:20
My little treat to myself. I get to sleep in an extra hour and after the week I go through (which will look like nothing when I get a 9-5 job), it's nice to get that extra hour off of school. After school on Fridays this quarter, I might stay late and do some trumpet duets with a couple of the guys from the section. They've been trying to get me to stay late off and on, but usually I had a conflict or they forgot to invite me. This last Friday, I had a haircut so I didn't stick around, but I will this week.

And there's my week. Now I shall regale you with some notable events of this past week.

I got a haircut finally. It had gotten really long in the front which was odd because usually it mulletifies itself by growing really long in the back.

Steven, Eric, Orion, and I all went to a pickup game at Magnuson park on Wednesday. We were really out of shape, but it was fun to play even if we got really tired and sore.

I think I saw Rosa at a bus stop and I might have offered her a ride, but I thought she was back at school and either way, I was headed the opposite direction.

Orion and I joined Eric and the UW Bothell team on Saturday for a double header. It was fun to play on a team again even if we got stomped in both games.

My parents were out of town for the weekend and it was a playoff weekend, so I moved my computer into the tv room downstairs (which I would have done for either occasion) and got to do some gaming while watching football and bachin' (bacheloring) it up.

Ok well that's about it for the week. I'll post the football stuff tomorrow, then the quotes on Wednesday. Peace out until later.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Well it's that time of year again, playoff season is upon us. While I know that only about 3 people will be interested in the contents of this post, I shall post it anyway.

Jets at Bengals: Bengals by 6:
I think the loss last week was somewhat intentional. The Bengals made the smart move though as the Texans were really hot in the last half of the season whereas the Jets were not as good. The Bengals will come out guns blazing to show everyone that they threw last week's game.

Eagles at Cowboys: Cowboys by 10:
The Cowboys were really hit and miss for most of the season, but they seem to have gotten their crap together. After last week's game against the Eagles, the Cowboys showed that they are definitely contenders in the playoffs this year and expect them to possibly go to the NFC championship if they upend the Saints (which is entirely possible as we have seen).

Ravens at Patriots: Ravens by 13:
It's odd that the one game this weekend that isn't a repeat of this last week was the easiest to call. The Patriots lost their man that gets them to the endzone (Welker). While they still have Moss, he really mostly just got TDs this year and the Ravens defense is extremely awesome so they will have no problem as they roll over the Patriots.

Packers at Cardinals: Green Bay by 6:
It's odd to see the losing Superbowl team go on to have a better season the following year (and especially odd to see the winning team fail to even make the playoffs). After last week though, we saw that Green Bay and Aaron Rodgers mean business and they will most likely beat down the Cardinals.

Ok well hopefully I can do better than last year when I got 8 out of 11 right. We shall see. Until next Monday, peace out.

Monday, January 04, 2010

We are cool.
The two parts. Sai drew the numbers because he has better handwriting.

Two layers of chocolate cake with cocoa frosting on the sides, buttercream frosting on the top. All that, under a white cake (that was crushed by) fondant and more frosting up top. Complete with fondant and frosting flames as well as dinosaurs (plastic).

Behold! D20 meteor dinosaur extinction cake!

The mega-frosto cookie.
The don't ask, don't tell soldier.

The communist star.

The token Jewish cookie.

How to frost a broken french horn cookie.

Winter Break 09-010 Part 2

Well howdy there. Welcome to the new decade. This week, lots of stuff happened and this coming week many things will happen so I'll be posting more than just my usual once this week. There will be this post today as well as pictures (which you've probably scrolled past if you're reading this), then tomorrow there will be a football post. With that being said, I think this post will be long enough without my intro (hopefully an average length post in the end) so I'll get into it.

I spent most of the day finishing up my Mass Effect playthough that I will use for Mass Effect 2 when it comes out. After that, I played some Starcraft with Keir, then with Steven and Davis joining us.

I went and got Sai at about 10:00, then we hit up the grocery store for supplies and began making our cake for Davis (pics to come). Eventually, we realized we needed some more ingredients, so we went back to the store and wound up in the same cashier's line. "Forget something?" He said with what I'm sure was amusement. We paid for the stuff and then left. Later still, we discovered yet another ingredient missing. We decided to go to the other QFC, which admittedly, is probably closer to my house ever so slightly. It took from 10am to 4pm, but we finally completed the cake and it was awesome. Also, sometime during the noon hour, we went on a hunt for dinosaur figurines and went to a bunch of dollar stores including a 99 cent store where nothing was 99 cents and where Sai got a butterfly knife. After the cake, we played a little bit of Halo, then went to Ben's house for a little bit and saw the asians there.

I played some Starcraft with Sai until he had to leave to come to my house for DnD. While I waited for people to arrive, I played some ICCup with Keir. We played DnD for a while and I must say being a Druid is way more fun than I've had playing DnD yet. Also, I enjoyed that it was not me nearly dying this time. Some noteable events that happened.
-I jumped off a ledge and transformed into a tree in an attempt to crush our enemy (at Sai's suggestion) that none of us could damage. Sai tried to get out of the way, but failed and I came one point of damage away from killing him.
-Some mouth enemy ate me (while I was in velociraptor form), but while I was inside it about to be digested, I transformed into a tree and the enemy basically exploded everywhere.
So as you can see, my tree shape spell is really overpowered (probably because the creators did not anticipate someone using it as creatively as me), but it also leads to much more unpredictability and fun in the sessions.

I went to Costco with grandpa to get stuff for my aunt's party the following day. After that, I ran some errands with him and then finally got back home at about 5 whereupon I played SC for the rest of the night. Kathryn had some friends that night and I did not, but it was only 2 friends she had over so I was able to remain downstairs. Now I had a zen moment across new years and I will tell you about it.

The zen moment:
So back in Christmas of 1999, I got 2 games from my grandparents: Starcraft and Majesty. I have loved both of those games, but especially Starcraft. It was one of (if not, the first) game I played in the last decade and I have spent countless hours playing it (to this date, it is by far the game I have the most hours logged in (I can't prove it, but I am very positive this is true)). So when Keir messaged me at 11:20 pm, whether I wanted to play Starcraft, how could I say no? I started and ended the last decade with Starcraft. Now I said some things about it a couple posts ago to the effect that I hadn't done anything with my life, but now I'm cool with that. I realized that I really appreciate consistency and probably one of the most consistent things in my life (besides the big things like family, etc, etc) has been Starcraft and I have a deep appreciation for that game. I hope Starcraft 2 has just as big an effect on me as Starcraft did. I also hope that someday I get a girlfriend and all that stuff, but I'm not rushed to do that, I'll let things take their course. I'm trying not to fill a lot of space by not going in too deep here, but suffice it to say Starcraft (and gaming in general) is a big part of my life and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Oh and by the way, I think everyone that plays videogames with us can agree that the quote of the decade definitely has to go to Keir for:

Here's hoping many a bitch (don't worry ladies, I'm just calling SOT members bitches) skypes it up to the max many times this coming decade.

I was totally raging that day (by raging, I mean going to a bunch of different parties). I started with the neighborhood party at 10am. It ended at 1pm, so I went over to my aunt's house for her party. I then had to leave at 3 to pick up Steven and Orion and Davis for some Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. It was tricky at first, but then it got pretty fun. After a little of that, we met Alex, Josh, Ben, and Oliver at Red Robin for dinner. After that, the 4 of us headed back for more MUA2 until we stopped at midnight.

We met grandpa for lunch at Taco Del Mar and then took him to some funeral at his church (dropped him off, did not go in). After that, I spent most of the day doing Assassin's Creed 2 and Starcraft.

I went to the Seahawks game with grandpa. We got a ride from the couple that sits next to us (they are from Portland and they came up and spent the night at my aunt's house because they wanted to come up while the weather was good or something). Griffey was raising the 12th man flag, so I went over and stood as close as I could and even though I didn't get to get something autographed by him, it was still awesome to see him. Some lady was talking to her friend and said he was as tall as me. It was weird to see that because I always thought he was taller than me. We lost the game, but it was at least pretty interesting. After that, the Texans were also eliminated from the playoffs due to some Cinncisucky playing. After that though, I got in some Starcraft with Steven and Keir before he left for school.

I won't go into detail of my classes yet because they are part of the next post, but today has gone well so far. We had a failed SWUF practice, but it was raining, so that was to be expected. Band is coming up now and I've got to figure out my online class here (the professor has absolutely terrible organization). I'll get those pictures up today, but until tomorrow then next week, peace out.