Monday, January 04, 2010

Winter Break 09-010 Part 2

Well howdy there. Welcome to the new decade. This week, lots of stuff happened and this coming week many things will happen so I'll be posting more than just my usual once this week. There will be this post today as well as pictures (which you've probably scrolled past if you're reading this), then tomorrow there will be a football post. With that being said, I think this post will be long enough without my intro (hopefully an average length post in the end) so I'll get into it.

I spent most of the day finishing up my Mass Effect playthough that I will use for Mass Effect 2 when it comes out. After that, I played some Starcraft with Keir, then with Steven and Davis joining us.

I went and got Sai at about 10:00, then we hit up the grocery store for supplies and began making our cake for Davis (pics to come). Eventually, we realized we needed some more ingredients, so we went back to the store and wound up in the same cashier's line. "Forget something?" He said with what I'm sure was amusement. We paid for the stuff and then left. Later still, we discovered yet another ingredient missing. We decided to go to the other QFC, which admittedly, is probably closer to my house ever so slightly. It took from 10am to 4pm, but we finally completed the cake and it was awesome. Also, sometime during the noon hour, we went on a hunt for dinosaur figurines and went to a bunch of dollar stores including a 99 cent store where nothing was 99 cents and where Sai got a butterfly knife. After the cake, we played a little bit of Halo, then went to Ben's house for a little bit and saw the asians there.

I played some Starcraft with Sai until he had to leave to come to my house for DnD. While I waited for people to arrive, I played some ICCup with Keir. We played DnD for a while and I must say being a Druid is way more fun than I've had playing DnD yet. Also, I enjoyed that it was not me nearly dying this time. Some noteable events that happened.
-I jumped off a ledge and transformed into a tree in an attempt to crush our enemy (at Sai's suggestion) that none of us could damage. Sai tried to get out of the way, but failed and I came one point of damage away from killing him.
-Some mouth enemy ate me (while I was in velociraptor form), but while I was inside it about to be digested, I transformed into a tree and the enemy basically exploded everywhere.
So as you can see, my tree shape spell is really overpowered (probably because the creators did not anticipate someone using it as creatively as me), but it also leads to much more unpredictability and fun in the sessions.

I went to Costco with grandpa to get stuff for my aunt's party the following day. After that, I ran some errands with him and then finally got back home at about 5 whereupon I played SC for the rest of the night. Kathryn had some friends that night and I did not, but it was only 2 friends she had over so I was able to remain downstairs. Now I had a zen moment across new years and I will tell you about it.

The zen moment:
So back in Christmas of 1999, I got 2 games from my grandparents: Starcraft and Majesty. I have loved both of those games, but especially Starcraft. It was one of (if not, the first) game I played in the last decade and I have spent countless hours playing it (to this date, it is by far the game I have the most hours logged in (I can't prove it, but I am very positive this is true)). So when Keir messaged me at 11:20 pm, whether I wanted to play Starcraft, how could I say no? I started and ended the last decade with Starcraft. Now I said some things about it a couple posts ago to the effect that I hadn't done anything with my life, but now I'm cool with that. I realized that I really appreciate consistency and probably one of the most consistent things in my life (besides the big things like family, etc, etc) has been Starcraft and I have a deep appreciation for that game. I hope Starcraft 2 has just as big an effect on me as Starcraft did. I also hope that someday I get a girlfriend and all that stuff, but I'm not rushed to do that, I'll let things take their course. I'm trying not to fill a lot of space by not going in too deep here, but suffice it to say Starcraft (and gaming in general) is a big part of my life and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Oh and by the way, I think everyone that plays videogames with us can agree that the quote of the decade definitely has to go to Keir for:

Here's hoping many a bitch (don't worry ladies, I'm just calling SOT members bitches) skypes it up to the max many times this coming decade.

I was totally raging that day (by raging, I mean going to a bunch of different parties). I started with the neighborhood party at 10am. It ended at 1pm, so I went over to my aunt's house for her party. I then had to leave at 3 to pick up Steven and Orion and Davis for some Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. It was tricky at first, but then it got pretty fun. After a little of that, we met Alex, Josh, Ben, and Oliver at Red Robin for dinner. After that, the 4 of us headed back for more MUA2 until we stopped at midnight.

We met grandpa for lunch at Taco Del Mar and then took him to some funeral at his church (dropped him off, did not go in). After that, I spent most of the day doing Assassin's Creed 2 and Starcraft.

I went to the Seahawks game with grandpa. We got a ride from the couple that sits next to us (they are from Portland and they came up and spent the night at my aunt's house because they wanted to come up while the weather was good or something). Griffey was raising the 12th man flag, so I went over and stood as close as I could and even though I didn't get to get something autographed by him, it was still awesome to see him. Some lady was talking to her friend and said he was as tall as me. It was weird to see that because I always thought he was taller than me. We lost the game, but it was at least pretty interesting. After that, the Texans were also eliminated from the playoffs due to some Cinncisucky playing. After that though, I got in some Starcraft with Steven and Keir before he left for school.

I won't go into detail of my classes yet because they are part of the next post, but today has gone well so far. We had a failed SWUF practice, but it was raining, so that was to be expected. Band is coming up now and I've got to figure out my online class here (the professor has absolutely terrible organization). I'll get those pictures up today, but until tomorrow then next week, peace out.

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