Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm not sure what I was thinking this quarter.

Howdy all. If you're confused about my title, don't be any longer. It shall all be explained this post. I'm taking 21 credits right now as well as doing the Shorewood Ultimate gig 2-3 times a week. Usually I take 19 credits, which is 4 more than average, but this time I decided to 2-up that and since I didn't factor in how much time I would lose playing frisbee, I have gotten in pretty deep, but I think it will all work out once I get settled into the schedule. So for this post, I'll be going over my classes, then how each day of the week works, then notable events this week. Tomorrow, I'll make a football post. Wednesday, I'll make a quotes post. For now though, time to get into this post.

Macroeconomics (9:30-10:20 Monday-Thursday):
I'm taking this class with my professor from micro after he convinced me to do a face to face class with him. The first week was boring because it was all micro review so I knew it already. It's already getting more interesting this week though. The professor was cool online, but even cooler offline because there are more opportunities for awkward jokes. We have to subscribe to The Economist magazine for the class and he told us how to pick up chicks using the magazine to attract women that are attracted to intelligence. Tim Cheeney is in that class too as well as this guy that always seems to be in business related classes with me (even the online ones) and he's really cool so the 3 of us sit in close proximity and do some of the work together.

French 2 (10:30-11:20 Daily):
This class is about the same as the last class at least in terms of workload and such. There was a second French 1 class last quarter and the two have been combined. Whether on purpose or not, the two classes have segregated themselves and our class sits on the right half of the room and the other class sits on the left half. The seating arrangement is different now too. I sit to the right of that guy I mentioned last time still, but now the Dutch girl sits to my right. Since there are much fewer people from our class than the other one, some of us have become much tighter and I have gotten to meet the other half of the room from last quarter (the people in my class that sat on the other side of the room).

Jazz Band (11:30-12:20 Daily):
My walk from French is longer now so I get to Jazz Band having less time to warm up which is unfortunate, but I work around it. This class is the same as it's been, really fun. We got a new trumpet player (that's 6 of us now for those of you counting). He's a really good lead player which is exactly what we needed because me and Chelsea are both working towards being able to handle lead parts, but I'm quite a ways off and she's still not able to play lead for every song we get. This new guy is really cool though and with our lack of tenors, it might open up possibilities for some more jazz french horn.

Jazz Improvisation (12:30-1:20 Tuesday & Thursday and 1:30-2:20 Tuesday OR Thursday):
When I signed up for this class, I thought it would be two hours a week of mostly theory. That worked for me because I could practice on my own. Apparently, it is actually run like previous quarters where we actually play. Twice a week, we meet at 12:30 and do theory work for about an hour on songs. Then, on either Tuesday or Thursday (we get to choose which one we personally show up to), we show up to a "lab" where we get to play in a band setting. Everyone is at different skill levels, but really tolerant of the mistakes made during solos (especially by me :/) which is really nice. This is a huge nail in the coffin of my free time and it eliminates lunch on the day I show up to a lab, but I really want to get better at soloing, so it will be a class I will be glad I took. I don't think I'll do it in spring quarter though unless I decide not to take a 9:30 class.

Symphonic Band (7:00-9:30pm Mondays):
This time of year is always better because I know I'm not missing out on Monday Night Football (which was especially heartbreaking this year because of the amount of great games (Texans playing and Favre's return to Lambeau to name a couple). This quarter, we lost our strongest horn player due to job things (he is the head of the Edmonds School District music department and is trying extremely hard to save the music program so he had to take the quarter off). It may be due to his absence or it may be a coincidence, but the first horn parts are much less chop busting this quarter. They're still cool parts, so either way, I'm not complaining.

Statistics (Online):
A lot of people have asked me "how can you take a math class online?" To them I just say "Come on, it's just stats." The only problem is that this teacher has the crappiest blackboard site organization I have ever seen. His folder names are what the folder should be containing (for example, one of the folders had no contents but instead just detailed the assignment in the folder name). Furthermore, the sidebar is weird yellow (that he calls orange, but as a proud Dutchman I know it is NOT orange) and blue which he says is in honor of the NY Mets, his favorite team. I mean damn, I like the Mets too, but have some common sense man! Don't go blinding the students here! It took me forever to figure out how he organized his site (even with the help of the "How do I begin?" tab). I recently discovered he actually DOES assign problems from the book and that there are a lot so that's why I'm skipping frisbee today is to get those done and hopefully to get as far ahead as I can in that class to make it less of a drain on my free time in the coming weeks.

Ok well those are my classes, now I will go into the daily routine.

School - 9:30-12:20
Frisbee - 2:30-4:30
School - 6:30-9:30
I start at 9:30 and I get out at 12:20. From there, I get to have lunch, then I head back out and go to Shorewood at 2:30 to meet up with the frisbee team for a running practice. I'm not doing that today, but it will be part of my schedule. At some time between 4 and 5, I go home, do some homework, then head out at 6:30 for band.

School - 9:30-1:20(or 2:20)
Frisbee - 2:45-5:00
Tuesdays and Thursdays are my busy days. I spend a lot of time in school, then either go straight from there to frisbee (if I go to a lab) or have time to go home, grab lunch and head almost right back out (if I don't go to the lab).

School - 9:30-12:20
My mid-week oasis. It has some semblance of a normal day (normal for the past few quarters at least). I get some actual time to work on homework or play some videogames. I also need a day to go to lunch with grandpa at costco occasionally and given what I am up to now, this may be my only non-weekend day to do that.

School - 9:30-1:20(or 2:20)
Frisbee - 2:45-5:00
Like Tuesdays, very busy regardless of whether I go to the lab or not.

School - 10:30-12:20
My little treat to myself. I get to sleep in an extra hour and after the week I go through (which will look like nothing when I get a 9-5 job), it's nice to get that extra hour off of school. After school on Fridays this quarter, I might stay late and do some trumpet duets with a couple of the guys from the section. They've been trying to get me to stay late off and on, but usually I had a conflict or they forgot to invite me. This last Friday, I had a haircut so I didn't stick around, but I will this week.

And there's my week. Now I shall regale you with some notable events of this past week.

I got a haircut finally. It had gotten really long in the front which was odd because usually it mulletifies itself by growing really long in the back.

Steven, Eric, Orion, and I all went to a pickup game at Magnuson park on Wednesday. We were really out of shape, but it was fun to play even if we got really tired and sore.

I think I saw Rosa at a bus stop and I might have offered her a ride, but I thought she was back at school and either way, I was headed the opposite direction.

Orion and I joined Eric and the UW Bothell team on Saturday for a double header. It was fun to play on a team again even if we got stomped in both games.

My parents were out of town for the weekend and it was a playoff weekend, so I moved my computer into the tv room downstairs (which I would have done for either occasion) and got to do some gaming while watching football and bachin' (bacheloring) it up.

Ok well that's about it for the week. I'll post the football stuff tomorrow, then the quotes on Wednesday. Peace out until later.

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