Monday, January 25, 2010

Hard to believe that was only a four day week

Well I sure had a busy week last week. Having concert related things three nights in one week really takes a toll on one's time. Anyway, this week will see fewer posts from me. Since I don't usually call the pro bowl, I won't bother this year. I will not make a football post tomorrow, but instead, I will make it next Tuesday. On Wednesday, there will be a Things I Hate if I can come up with something in the class that gives me enough rage to make a longer post on. If not, I'll unload a bunch of quotes that I've been meaning to for a while. In fact, chances are good I will do that, so some quotes will most likely come up on Wednesday unless my math teacher pisses me off somehow (which is possible). Ok well that all being said, I shall now try to recall events from the past week.

If you recall, last Monday I was making my post and being concerned about having a ton of homework to do. Well due to efficiency and things (such as being really smart and awesome and talented and sexy), I was able to finish all my homework before 24 started! Or so I thought. Let me now take you back to the previous Friday:

There was an important Jazz Band rehearsal, so I had to leave French a few minutes early to get to Jazz Band earlier to warm up and hash some stuff out with the section right before class. I asked the teacher if I could leave 10 minutes early and she said that was okay. I considered asking her if we were going to have any homework, but I assumed we wouldn't because we already had 20 pages of workbook problems to do for Tuesday. I wound up not asking her and she said anything.

Now fast forward (yes Orion, FAST forward) to Monday. 24 had ended and as I went to shut down my computer for the night, I saw a message from my friend in the class that sits to my left (Tony). He was asking me about the homework she had assigned and indicated it was something other than the workbook stuff (which I had done already thinking it was the only French homework). After much searching and some help from Paul, I discovered she wanted us to write a brief report (2-3 paragraphs) on the history and current events of Haiti. It of course had to be in French. Now you might not think that was so bad; but in the class so far we have only just begun learning future tense and that is our only tense besides present tense. Needless to say, future tense sure as hell wasn't helping me to write that. It took a long time and I got to bed very late sadly. An unfitting end to a day where I was so productive.

I had considered skipping my Macro class, but I finally figured out the downside to having two back to back classes in the same classroom (Macro and French are in the same room and French immediately follows Macro). Even if I skipped, the first professor would notice my having skipped when I walked into the room. I showed up on time and sat through the lectures and tried hard not to fall asleep. In improv, not too many people stuck around for the lab and it was pretty fun. Only Kathryn showed up to frisbee even though it was in the 50's and sunny, so I reluctantly said screw it and we left. It was probably for the best though as I had a lot of homework and spent the rest of the night doing it. That night, Grandpa called me from his place. I guess the place had hired some trumpet guy to entertain the people there. Anyway, he was calling me to ask if I wanted to come bring my trumpet and play some tunes with this guy. It was an odd request and I of course said no because I knew that wasn't how it worked and besides, I was in an online test.

I had a busy day of homework related things. I managed to sneak in some time to play Guild Wars with Steven before our sound check for the prism concert that night. The check was rather boring and uneventful. We got to see samples of all the groups performing. The Jazz Band was definitely the most lively and the rest had some okay songs. There was one fourhand piano duet (not sure that's what it's called, but it's where two people sit on the same bench and play the same piano) where both of the chicks were pretty attractive.

I skipped the lab because of the performance that night and I took the hour before frisbee to do some homework. Sukol had gotten on everyone's cases in the team meeting the previous day, so the turnout was good. Unfortunately, the skill level was not as good. We won't do that well this season, but it will at least hopefully be fun to coach still. After that, I showered, quickly did some homework, then headed off to the prism concert. The rest of the songs everyone played were pretty lame and for our last song (which was a quicker tempo), Doug told us "Come on let's kick this thing up a notch to make it more interesting." We actually played all our songs quite well, it was nice. Since I got to stay up later, I got to play some Guild Wars with Steven.

I got to sleep in since it was Friday and after the business of the week, I was quite happy to do that. After school, I did some homework until the prism concert. Most people played different songs this time and they were all more interesting. At one point, the Funkngroove was playing "Shake Your Groove Thing" and Steve and I were over in our section singing and dancing along. I'm sure it would have looked odd if the audience had been watching us since everyone else around us was doing what we were supposed to do, stand quietly and stand still. The two cute piano players found us entertaining, so that was cool. It turns out one of them is married and one is single and from Ukraine (very nice!). Sadly (depending on how you look at it (personally, I don't feel it's particularly good or bad), that is the closest thing I have to an amorous affair anymore since I found out the Dutch girl that sits next to me has a boyfriend). After the concert, Steven signed on, then we got our legendary guardian titles. It was pretty good. Later on, he left to go "celebrate his birthday" so I signed off and did some Assassin's Creed 2.

We took grandpa to lunch at Taco Del Mar because we wanted to talk to the guy that owns that store over by Costco to ask how he was doing since Taco Del Mar had filed for bankruptcy. He seemed optimistic, so that was good, I would hate to lose that place. Afterwards, I did some homework briefly, but spent most of the day gaming and waiting for either a call to go over to my aunt's house to move some stuff around or to go up to hang out with the guys from the trumpet section to practice our jazz improv stuff. Neither call came, so I was gaming most of the day. That night, Keir and I watched proleague while I vanquished. He watched the Ace vs Woonjin match since he had a player on his fantasy team in it. I watched estro vs CJ and we both filled each other in on what was happening. It was a rather entertaining way to spend the evening.

It was football day as well as homework day. I spent most of the day doing both of those things. I got both my picks right and I even gone one game dead on (Saints by 3 points) and I was close on another (Colts by 14 (they won by 13)). I was sad I couldn't beat my record from last year, but doing that well was sure nice. I also had to go over to my aunt's house to move some stuff around. After that, I spent the rest of the night doing homework.

I had not much going on. In French, we watched a video in which one of the guys said "Je les rape." Corrine (Dutch girl that sits next to me) and I were laughing a lot harder and much longer than we should have been, but it was really funny. Immaturity is awesome sometimes. I took grandpa to lunch and now I have some homework to do before band so I'd best be getting on with that and quickly. Until Wednesday, peace out.

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