Monday, January 18, 2010

Hopefully the weeks will become less busy soon.

Howdy everyone. First of all, I have to say I GOT INTO THE HONOR BAND!!111 That means I will be going to Reno and unless Rachel is going on some family vacation that week, I will more than likely get to stop by and hang out. I'll mention it later in the post. I will make a post tomorrow about the footballz and then on Wednesday, come back and visit for a special post OOoooOooOo. With that all out of the way, I have little time left today (before 24 starts at least) and much homework to do, so I'll jump into the week.

In band, we got a Beatles medley that sounds extremely cheesy, but what can you do? There's a cool horn solo that two of us played because it was poorly written and we need two horns playing to play over the backgrounds.

I have decided to do labs for the improv class both Tuesday and Thursday because they only really wind up lasting until about 2:10 and that leaves me enough time to get to the truck and drive over to the fields to wait. The labs are cool because we just play the head of a song then solo for a really long time. It's good practice for my chops as well as for soloing to be in there more often and as long as the other trumpet players (the other 3 guys (not including the new guy) who are my friends in the class) stick around, I'm happy to stay there as well. I went straight to the fields, but it was raining and only one girl showed up so I gave her a ride back to near her house since she apparently lives close to me. After that, I went home and tried to do some homework, but didn't get as much done as I had hoped due to some things taking more time due to terrible organization by my professor.

I had missed a call by grandpa for going to lunch on Sunday, so I took him to lunch on Wednesday to make up for it. After that, we ran a bunch of errands including getting him his new handicap parking permits. We got back to his place at 4:30 and I checked out the damage to the place. I guess on the 5th floor, a fire suppresant system pipe leaked and spilled water all down the walls and they've been reconstructing that wall since then. It's unfortunate that they had to deal with that problem since they're such nice people, but bad things happen to good people I guess. At 5, they had casino night there where you got fake money to bet with. I guess the girls wanted grandpa to bring me, so he did and we played for a while. Grandpa did pretty well at blackjack, okay at roulette and then I did really awesome at craps. It must have been beginners luck, but I almost tripled my amount of chips, but I had to leave so I gave them to grandpa and I heard he spread the wealth around to some other people that were running out of chips, which was nice of him.

During Jazz Band, we had some downtime at one point and Ken came into the room and said "David, I have a word for you." I said "Hopefully it's a good word." It was, he was there to tell me I got into the honor band. I'm going to be going to Reno along with the flute girl that texts in class a lot (who's actually a really good player as it turns out). Chelsea and Erik are on the wait list, so they could theoretically go, but they most likely will not. I haven't told Chelsea yet and I don't really want to now becuase she also wanted to go. Ah well, maybe no threesome for David, but at least I'll probably get to hang out with Rachel a couple times. After school, there was frisbee practice (which was a nice change of pace from people not showing up). Sukol got on people's cases again and despite the rain, 6 people actually showed up. We had a quick scrimmage then called practice early. After we got back, Steven and I did some vanquishing for a bit, then I got some homework going in preparation for the coming weekend event of double EotN points.

After class, I stuck around with the guys (the 3 from the trumpet section that I'm in improv with) and we jammed for a while until our chops were dead since Doug was working us pretty hard for our upcoming concert. After that, I left to go get Orion and we went to the UW to meet Nikki and Drew for some teriyaki. It was cool to see them again and catch up. After that, Nikki had to take her brother to the art museum, so Orion and I went to check out Drew's house which was pretty cool. Eventually, Lucy called us and since we had little time before we had to get Orion back home for his dinner, we decided to go meet up with her. Once we got into her dorm, I called her to ask where she was and it turned out she was on the other side of the doorframe from us. I must say, I enjoyed this visit to Lucy's place much more than the one last year:
then we called Lucy for some reason and found out she was in her room with
Erika, Allison, and Kayla. We decided to go see them since Orion wanted to. I
didn't really need to see Erika and I didn't particularly want to ditch Nikki,
but she had a friend there, so we went. I didn't realize how much I never talked
to them until we got there. All four of them were in bed together and they all
climbed down so say Orion. Being quickly forced out of the circle, I
stood in the background with Lucy's roomate, who seemed pretty cool because she
was unboxing a box so that it would take up less space in the recycle bin, which
is something only cool people do. Kayla actually did say hello to me, but
awkwardly as she passed me on her way out the door. I was glad we were only
there for about 3 minutes because it was really awkward for me. After that, we
walked Lucy up to the campus so she could meet up with her religion buddies for
some bible thumping.

After talking with her and Sarah for a while, our visit ended with pants on the ground (I'll let you take that any way you want). Orion and I headed back up to the truck and then to his house where he downloaded some classic rock from me and I left him with the huge stack of cd's to rip for the next day.

We met grandpa for lunch and then dropped him off and came back here to watch some football. I was proven right on the first game. After that, I went to play some frisbee with UWB again and it was pretty fun. Afterwards, I got my cds back from Orion and said goodbye then came back home to watch the second game. Steven and I got some more vanquishing done and I was proven right again as the colts won.

I played some Assassin's Creed 2 while waiting for football to start. First, I was proven wrong when the Cowboys lost to the Vikings. After that, the Chargers lost which I didn't like because I like the Chargers. After that, I played some Assassin's Creed 2 and then watched 24.

Well today, not much is happening. I have a lot of homework to do and I'd better get started on that because it's now almost 3:00 and 24 comes on in 5 hours which should give me just enough time to finish all the crap I have to do if I hurry. Don't forget to check back on Wednesday. Until then, peace out.

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