Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pretty much how my week has been spent.

Okay, I did other stuff besides this as well, but not enough to warrant a big post. I'll include all that stuff next time I post since it will probably be short. In the meantime, here is my SC2 beta experience thus far.

It was pretty glitchy for a while as you can see here where it is confusing Steven for someone else.

Thor dropping.

After winning all 5 of my placement matches. I was pretty proud of this because I had a couple tough matchups, but I still won. I even punished the guy who put a barracks in my base and the guy who tried to photon the back of my base. Credit to Steven for helping me win at 1v1s by telling me when we first started playing the beta that Marauders rape everything (they do as long as that thing doesn't fly). Anyway, yeah I was pretty proud of this. They have since reset it though, so I am currently unranked in 1v1s.


How Blizzard earns my love.

Steven and I are currently climbing up our Platinum 2v2 division. He's watching some games right now, but hopefully we can get higher before I leave tomorrow for a few days during which we will most likely get bumped down to gold or at least dropped down to the bottom of our division. Right now though, we're 6-4 in Platinum, which is pretty good.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

*David posts status update "David Altena is glad he did not decide to pursue a career in medicine after today."*
lastredcoat: no medicine?

me: haha no
not after what i saw
lastredcoat: health care is now socialized?
so youll get no monies for doing it
me: ah
good point
no but what i saw was cyst removal
and it was gross and stinky and it made me not want to have to see that shit again
lastredcoat: ewww
where was the cyst?
me: on my grandpa's back
lastredcoat: ewww
me: indeed
but it was nice because the surgeon had a nice rack
lastredcoat: did you hit it?
me: haha no
lastredcoat: weakkkk
me: i should have given her some while she was opening it up
lastredcoat: most awkward sexual experience ever
or a new porn niche
me: haha
operation sex
me: !!!!!
lastredcoat: sir, i'm afraid you have a benign tumor
you can live a normal life....for now
except your dick has become huge
 because it is in your dick
me: haha
lastredcoat: i am going to perform and immediate opperation on it
*starts sucking cock*
me: hahaha
i will have to quote this convo
lastredcoat: oh
well you should know none of this is original
its just a rehash of the porn i watch
its the only way i can get aroused
me: haha

*I see Grandpa holding a bunch of paper towels like what you get at a public restroom*
Me: Grandpa, where did you get those?
Grandpa: THE SHITHOUSE! Nobody was using them so I took a few!

*I notice Grandpa has a pink camera*
Me: Ooh, looks like you traded in your broken blue camera for a pink one.
Grandpa: Yeah, it's a pussy camera.

Doug: You guys gotta be more hip. You're like the boring snakes right now, they don't look cool and they're safe to touch. On the other hand, there's the snakes that look really hip, but they're the dangerous ones. You gotta try harder and risk having the mistakes so you can sound like the hip snakes.
Everyone: *confused laughter*

Doug: We need more of a crescendo there, a lot more than what you're doing.
Right now, you guys have a Paris Hilton crescendo going.
*Awkward laughter*
Joel: What does that even mean?
*more laughter*

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Samurai Cat Cake! -_-

The picture we based the cake on
The cake itself. The horns are not bunny ears, they are the horns on the helmet.
Posing with our grand creation.
Appropriately placing the candle for singing 'Happy Birthday' to Ahmad.
Ahmad was too quick to blow out the candle, so this wound up as a crotch shot of Sai and the cake. Oh and I bet you can guess which piece of cake was the first to get eaten.

Monday, April 19, 2010

I should really be outside right now, but I have no obligation to post today, so I'm going to do that instead.

Howdy everybody, hopefully everyone else has been having similar weather to what we've had here the past few days. I guess that instead of spring weather this spring, we're going to get half winter weather and half summer weather and our spring will be that the two average out to normal spring weather. I think this next week, I'll be posting on Sunday rather than Monday. The reason is I will be on a Jazz Band trip from Sunday night to Thursday night and thus will miss my Monday update. I will probably have internet while I'm there (it's just in Portland), but I won't find time to post or game because we're going to be in the studio 10 hours a day and the rest of the time, we'll be picking up chicks and whatnot I assume. Me and the 45-55 year old guys in the trumpet section. Anyway, I'll shoot for making my post on Sunday and if I forget; well it looks like you'll just have a long post next time you read one. With that out of the way, I'll get into the week.

I spent pretty much all of my free time doing homework for French that I had neglected to do. Band was quite unexciting as usual. We got an idea of how we might be rooming in Victoria though. Erik and I signed up to be in the same room since we know each other most compared to how well we know other people. Somehow, Ken massively screwed up all room assignments and put eveyone with some other random person so we don't know if we're going to have to stick with them (my new roomate seems quiet if he's who I think he is, so that would still be fine) or if he's going to fix them. I assume we find out tonight since Victoria is only a month away.

We had our French test that day. I am always surprised how I can not get the material as we learn it, but suddenly when the test comes, I know it perfectly. This test was no exception to that and I'm happy with what I think I got. In Jazz Band, I found out I actually wasn't going to do that solo, so I gladly stopped working on it. After school, I played some Starcraft with Steven.

I met Grandpa at Costco for lunch, then got him some groceries and took him back to his place and went to pick up the truck from the mechanic. From there, I went to get Steven and we went downtown and met up with dad, then Richard at the Mariner's game. It was a good game and they won, so that was a bonus.

We had a rather uneventful day in both classes. In Improv, the 205 guys had a jam session to show the 204 guys how to set up an improv session. We spent the 50 minute class just playing some tunes and generally doing quite well on them I thought. It was fun and we got to get some good practice in on our songs. After that, Steven and I played some Starcraft before trying to win some beta keys rather unsuccessfully. We played Starcraft after that. Eventually, Steven had to leave and at that point, I decided to finish what I started so long ago by beating the Starcraft campaign without cheats. I had left off on Brood War, somewhere in the protoss campaign. I just started over to be safe.

That morning, I was going to try to win a beta key on my way out the door, but in typical blizzard fashion, they postponed the opportunity back a half hour. I decided (correctly) that we wouldn't learn anything important in French, so I decied to skip to have a longshot chance at winning a beta key. I did not do it, but I didn't miss anything in class, so that evened out I suppose. Before I left for school though, Steven and I played some BGH in which two guys on opposite teams were secret allies and killed everyone. It was embarassing and enraging. After Jazz Band, I met Sai at Shorewood and from there we went to get cake fixings. We decided to make Ahmad a samurai cat cake for his actual birthday which was that day. We spent most of the afternoon doing it, but I think it turned out pretty well. I'll post some pictures soon. Ahmad came over with Alex, Josh, and Tom and we all ate some cake, then they left.

I spent most of the day finishing up Fable 2 and getting mad at how poorly the achievements were done. Especially because they didn't stick to the code and made you have to get additional content to get all the achievements, which Microsoft is supposed to prevent them from doing. I still liked the game though, at least enough so that I think Fable 3 will be worth looking at.

I was going to play some frisbee with UWB for the first time since the last game of winter league, but I found out they had to withdraw this season. That is very unfortunate, but perhaps we'll get something going in the summer. Instead of doing that, I helped the family clean the garage up. We're finally going to make our long-awaited game room in there. We had one once, but it lasted all of two weeks. This time, we will also have a dartboard, which will probably get me out there more often as I have found that I really like darts.

I got back into the whole going to school thing. The producer of our studio session next week was in Jazz Band today listening for us and judging our balance and whatnot, so that made a lot of us nervous for some reason. Other than that, nothing much has happened. I'm about to do some more single player after I finish this post. Gonna do me some Dylarian Shipyards! Until later, peace out.

Monday, April 12, 2010

This title is a false statement

Excellent, I have just destroyed my robot readers. Hopefully everyone is not too tired from reading my blog every day last week (since that must be all you guys do, righT?). I hopefully will be able to get this post finished up quickly as my week this week and next will be somewhat busy. I will have time for gaming and stuff mostly on weekends, but probably during the days too. The thing taking up most of my time will be practicing for our jazz recording session coming up in a couple weeks. I need to get down a few new parts still, including a new solo (for french horn possibly!!!!1). That's all I really have to note for my intro, so how about I get going on the week?

Band was kind of boring because the songs we are playing are really high and suck and there is no way our band will be able to pull a couple of them off. Whoever chose our songs has a huge Leroy Anderson fetish, which sucks because I don't like most of his music. Why can't anyone ever have an Alfred Reed fetish?

I was super ahead of my biology class (I love it, he posts everything really early so you can do a week's worth of homework in one afternoon and be free for the rest of the week) so I played a lot of Starcraft with Ashley since Steven was playing Guitar Hero. Ashley and I are not the best team, so I decided to make a new account after about 12 consecutive losses. I made the new account both to preserve my record and to enable us to make "noobs" games without people complaining about my record. It was totally worth it as once we got noobs games going, we had much closer games and we even got some wins, which was nice.

I spent most of the afternoon playing Starcraft with Ashley again before giving up in anger at about 8:00 after playing 5 games in which I was double or triple rushed. I was even between my two allies in one game and still got double rushed. It was quite enraging, but on the plus side, I'm becoming better at finding ways to come back quickly after surviving a double rush. I did enjoy one rush that was super fail when I was zerg and I managed to get a hero sunken to kill a bunch of zealots by leading them around with my drones while they got hit by the sunken. After being double or triple rushed and killed 5 games in a row though, I was done for the night.

I found out the Korean girl in my French class had never heard of Starcraft. She did some research this weekend because I told her she should totally start playing and she said she learned that it was addictive from her Korean friend. I want to get her playing so that I can train her and then Steven and I can make her and Ashley battle each other for fun. Also, it would be nice to get to know her outside of class which I have done with a couple other people in our little group of friends from that class. After school, I played Starcraft with Ashley, then with Steven, then with both of them, then just with Steven again. It was a pretty fun night and before I knew it, it was 1:30am and I had lost an hour and a half of sleep. It was time well spent though.

I was a little sleepy that day, but I only had 2 50 minute classes, so it was not very hard to stay awake through them. I played some Starcraft with Steven after school before doing a little bit of Guild Wars by myself, then waiting for Davis to sign on to vanquish with Steven and I. Eventually, I gave up and played Fable 2.

My parents and sister went to the tulip festival and I could have gone, but I remember going a while back and I wanted to use the day to practice for jazz band. I did that and had some Fable 2 breaks as well. I think I played some Starcraft with Steven for a little bit, but the rest of the day was filled with practicing and Fable 2ing.

We were picking up our new couch for the downstairs (for my mom and sister) that day, so we had to make room for it. That involved giving our old 3 seat couch upstairs to my cousins in Federal Way, so dad and I drove down there to drop it off. After that, we drove all the way back up to Lynnwood to get the new couch to bring home. Getting it in was kind of a pain, but eventually we were able to cram it in there (TWSS!@!!). I spent the rest of the day playing Fable 2 instead of practicing which I should have done.

I had to declare a topic for our French research projects and I think I'm going to do Charles de Gaulle and the French Resistance in WW2. I walked the girl to the PUB since class got out early and tried to convince her more to get into Starcraft before I had to head off to jazz band, where I was actually able to warm up, which was nice. Now I have to do some studying before the French test tomorrow and before band tonight (bleh), so I'll post again next week, peace out.

Friday, April 09, 2010

5th Anniversary List: Top 5 Posts

Yes, how predictable of me. Of course I would end my 5th anniversary quasai-celebration by reminescing about my word posts. For some reason, it was a bit easier to narrow down my posts than it was for pictures, probably because so many of them are just day by day posts that are not very consistently humorous or entertaining. I have 6 on this list actually because I was flipping back and forth between two posts, so I know you'll all enjoy that. With each post, I'll probably include a passage from it that I liked and I will include the link in case you want to go back and reread it.

Honorable Mention:
January 1, 2008 "Look below for pictures and expect some tomorrow as well as when I should be doing my homework."
This was the post about the trip my family and I took to Disneyland where we met Rachel and her family. The post was generally entertaining, but I specifically liked this part of it:
"For those of you that have never ridden the Matterhorn, I shall explain it. On most rollercoasters, you sit in a unit of about 2 usually next to another. On the matterhorn, the larger rider goes in the cart and sits against the back and puts their legs out in front and the smaller rider sits between the other one's legs. Marc rode with Shannon and said to me in line "Well it looks like you're saddlin up with Rach." All I could say was "That was an interesting way of putting it" Let me just say it was without a doubt, the best rollercoaster ride ever. EVER. I accidentally "poked" her as Keir put it, but she was nice enough not to mention it, or she didn't notice it. I hope it was the first one because otherwise it would imply that mine is very small."
It was an interesting trip and I vividly remember that ride. I felt that for that reason, I had to include this post somewhere.

August 18, 2007 "If Japanese people were water, I would have drowned in Hawaii"
This was an entertaining post due to being both interesting and funny at times. It included my family's visit to the Pearl Harbor memorial which was a really cool thing to see. It also reminds me of that 50 miler dad and I did while we were there. I was proud of that accomplishment, especially since I did it while my knees were not great (not that they are now). Also, I seemed to be at that phase where I felt it was necessary to give information on the hotness of girls I came across. It has a bunch of random stories about hot girls somehow coming into contact with me, not knowing how to cook their own food, etc. I like one part better than the rest though and the reason it made the number 5 spot is because I thought it was so good, I have actually quoted it once already so this will be the third time it appears on my blog.
"For dinner that night, we ate at the Hula Grill. It is upstairs from Dukes. Don't go, the prices are driven up because of the grill's unfortunate location(right above the best restaurant in Waikiki where people would rather wait an hour to get in than go upstairs and be seated in 5 minutes or less). The waitress there was mildly attractive. Something odd that she did was place the napkin I had on my lap for me. Like her hand was less than one inch away from touching my balls. I was also the only person in my family to which she extended this service. Also, when I said something mildly funny, she let out a very deep rapidfire laugh. Not very ladylike. Very awkwardlike."

July 20, 2008 "Oh yes, I'm back. It's time for a long post."
This was the post I made after going on the trip to the Netherlands. That has been one of my favorite trips ever and I hope that I can go back there someday and perhaps I will even get to do a semester abroad there which would be really awesome. We also went to Paris and Brussels, which was a disgusting town. I liked Paris though and that's another place I would consider going back to. My favorite part of the trip was the visit to the old homestead in Kortehemmen.
"We then went down the street to see the house my great grandparents had build in about 1910. They were the first occupants of it and since then, it has been a house, then a restaurant/bar, then a bank, then a house again. We actually knocked on the door and showed the lady there a picture of the house we had and she said to come on in and see where our family was from. The funny thing was that she had the same picture of the house in the early 1900's that we had framed on her mantle. Another funny thing was that she had been a nurse working in Kenya when our missionary friends had been there. Regardless, it was cool to be in the house my great grandparents had lived in before they came to America. I've decided that if I go to live in the Netherlands, I will live in Boornbergum or Kortehemmen. They were really nice towns."

3. October 22, 2008 "Things I Hate: 1"
Ah, my short lived "Things I Hate" series. This was probably my best one, which is unfortunate because it was the first one I did, so that means the quality just declined as I went. Soon, it became apparent that I was more or less incapable of hating things like Lewis Black, so I kind of abandoned the series before trying to resurrect it recently and failing to do so. If someone wants to take over and do this, go right ahead. I don't think I'll make any more in the future, but I can always look back at this one and laugh. My favorite of the three types of people in internet fights was this one:
"The smart-ass approach:
This one is far more annoying than the last approach because the people that use this think that they are better than everyone else on the thread because they possess a language filter in their brains. Unfortunately for them, they don't posses the "getting involved in internet fights is stupid" filter as well. People using this tactic would tend to comeback to the insult by saying something along the lines of "I resent you using the word "gay" in a derogatory sense. Some people in the world are actually homosexuals and take offense to this word being used as a synonym for stupid and on top of that, many people that throw the word around carelessly tend to be covering for their own latent homosexuality." If you made it to the end of that long winded comment, I congratulate you because I usually give up reading by halfway. The people using this tactic resort to facts that are rarely proven and try to hide their inadequate arguing skills by using big words. Way to use, dumbasses!"

2. August 31, 2007 "PAX ROX"
This was the post of our first visit to PAX, which to date is my favorite one. It was all new to us and we had some fun adventures as we wandered around all weekend experiencing gaming culture. It was probably the year of the best swag too, including my Mass Effect shirt (which I am wearing as I am posting this) and the Miniature Grawl Shaman (THAT I SOLD FOR LESS THAN 1/20TH OF ITS VALUE GAAAHHH) and many other things. The best part of the weekend though is something that has been referenced many times in our group and is the passage I chose.
"Before the tournament, we went to floor one to go to Pizza By The Slice. I was curious as to why on his menu he offered pizza not only by the slice, but by the whole pizza. We all decided to split the pizza, but when we asked, the guy said "No whole Pizza, eet ees by the slice." This prompted countless mockings throughout the weekend by Davis. We soon learned of his hatred for the evil pizza man. The man charged too much to too bad pizza."

1. May 7, 2006 "I've been having to make this post in small incriments due to the busyness of me."
If you're surprised that I seem to have picked some random post from the middle of nowhere to be my number one post, let me say you soon shall not be confused. I picked this post mostly for the passage I am going to quote. If you know me, chances are you've heard the story I'm about to tell you at least once (some of you now know what I'm talking about). Of course, I don't want to spoil it for the first time readers of this story so go ahead and read on.
"We got arby's on the way there. We had one extra sandwich, so I said I would eat it in the theater instead of popcorn. I forgot. So anyway I still had the sandwich later. I get back and it's like 10:00. Me, Steven, and Peter Kim play until 2. Today, I woke up and there was no lunch food. I got dressed and what was in my pocket? AN ARBY'S SANDWICH."

Well there we go, my four top 5 lists are completed. It's been a good five years of blogging, here's to many more and hopefully many more from you all as well. I'm going to resume my regular posting schedule next Monday, so until then, Peace out.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

5th Anniversary List: Top 5 Pictures

Over half of my total posts on this blog are pictures. I have an uncountably large amount posted onto this blog and all I know is that it is well over 1,000 pictures. Choosing just 5 was really difficult because I generally try to put up only humorous and/or epic pictures on my blog, so narrowing 1,000+ pictures down to 5 was quite challenging. For that reason, I decided to add another criteria for selecting my pictures and I seleced 5 that were both funny, memorable, and brough up a good memory of a significant event(s) that have happened in the 5 year history of this blog. The events are either something I have not covered or likely will not cover (except for one of the pictures, but I'll leave it a surprise (not that it matters because apparently nobody is reading these lists...))

This one had no original caption with it. Every spring I make a Repwnion Tour picture for those of us that play Starcraft. This one was made in the summer when Steven, Keir, and I played a lot together. Of all the Clan Teriyaki related pictures I have made, this one was my favorite. Here's to more good times on Starcraft in the future.

Original Caption: It seems like a normal picture, but look much closer to find out why Orion and I are so epic win.
This was from our trip to Atlanta for the FBLA nationals. It was a cool trip in which we made some new friends and this was one of the cooler pictures of the lot. It has also come up again a couple of times and every time I look at it, I have to laugh because nobody except Orion and I caught it until we pointed out what we had done.

Original Caption: Steven and Orion were matching.
This was from our first trip to PAX. It was probably my favorite one that I have gone to thus far and this seems like one of those pictures that kind of sums up the experience and what we all think of each other. Davis totally makes the picture.

Original Caption: IT'S SO MILDLY EXCITING!
This is one where the caption really helps the picture out. I hate to keep referencing this picture over and over because I don't want to deteriorate its humor, but I like it because the picture as well as the caption really sum up my entire Alaska trip. Hell, it could really sum up Alaska the state as well. I usually don't get a picture that can do that.

Original Caption: BOOM HEADSHOT.
This was a really cool trip we took in which we got to meet Doug and Geoff and whatever that evil guy's name was. It was really awesome to finally come that close to Doug even if the pictures we took with him were kind of lame due to many different things. I was surprised looking back at the pictures to realize how short Doug was. In the end, this is one of those pictures that captures the four of us well (I didn't post that one of us holding hands before prom or I might have included that).

There you have it, I really like all the pictures I post or I wouldn't post them, but I thought these ones stood out a little above the rest. I hope you enjoyed looking back at them again.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

5th Anniversary List: Top 5 Quotes

Here are what I think are the 5 best quotes that I have posted on my blog in the past 5 years. As you will see, 3/5 go to Keir, so if you want to be more funny, apparently a British accent helps. I'm not going to explain why they are the top 5 and this will be the only top 5 list in which I don't give explanations. I picked them for their combination of timeless hilarity and epicness.

David: oh this is so going into my blog.

Keir: that's good, nobody will read about it then.


*Talking after school by lockers involving Davis, The asians, and me.*
Alex: Well I guess we'd better be off to the library then.
*Before they leave, a girl walks by talking on her cell phone with her friend following close behind*
*I look at her and notice she was yelling at us*
Me: *doubles over with laughter*
Alex: *High pitched laugh*
Others: *Assorted laughter*
Josh: Yeah well at least I didn't throw my life away, bitch!
*assorted high fives*
Girls(from a distance): get laiiiiiid
Josh: *perfect excecution of a flipping off*
*Meredith walks up amidst all this*

me: i dont support games in which colt mccoy doesn't play

i wish my parents had named me that
lastredcoat: if your parents had named you that youd probably be a super QB
but instead you are an ok pre law student
me: indeed
maybe someday ill be a blocker for little montana
lastredcoat: lol
me: that would be cool if that happened
then i would finally maybe somewhat come close to finally earning your respect
lastredcoat: you have my respect
youre just crap at starcraft

Steven: If I wanted my comeback I would have wiped it off your face

brittlebrit187 (5:14:48 PM): SKYPE IT UP TO THE MAX BITCH@, AND THEN AGAIN

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

5th Anniversary List: Top 5 Comments

Where would my blog be without comments? Well it would actually be in the same place, but I would be more annoyed if you didn't leave them. Here are probably 5 of the best comments from the five years this blog has been around. I've included the posts they go with in case you want a little light reading.

5. zack0217 said...
you didn't watch scarface?!?! what kind of a manly party was that? ohhh waaaiiit. this was another one of your penis touching parties in disguise wasn't it?
7:14 PM, October 18, 2006

This quote was left on the post about the manly movie/counter homecoming party we had sophomore year. We planned on watching Scarface, but weren't able to get it, so we had other manly movies instead. I just liked this quote because its one of the few I remember without looking into my archives and I thought it was pretty funny.

4. zack0217 said...

You see, this is what happens when I haven't left my house in 11 days; Things get broken.
12:02 PM, February 14, 2006

Zack left this quote on a post he made after hacking my blog a second time by actually doing some clever thing to get my password. He got control of my blog twice and it was fairly memorable, so I figured it deserved a spot somewhere in the list series I'm making. Fortunately, the blog is under my control and I have no intention on giving it up, especially to Zack again.
3. Jack said...

if anyone actually read all that, their eyes are probably no longer attached to their head, and are instead on the floor in ashes.
3:03 PM, February 26, 2006

This post wasn't really that memorable, but I always thought this was a funny comment. It was made before my great grammar, spelling, and spacing fix of early 2007. Before that, I just had huge run-on paragraphs that could loosely be called posts. Jack frequently left comments mentioning how hard my posts were to read and of all of them, I liked this one the most.

2. Steven said...
coming soon----
(i wish)
yeah i didnt read any of the post.
5:27 PM, November 27, 2006

Classic Steven, this is generally what 90% of his comments are about. He never reads the blogs, but he reads our APMs at Starcraft and tells us how to get better, so that is nice. Of all the times (and there were many) when Steven said he didn't read the post, I thought this was was the funniest.

1. egreggious said...

You're famous.
8:30 PM, May 05, 2006

You all know why this is the number one comment, it has been one of the most referenced things regarding my blog in its history. Countless jokes have spawned as a result of what ensued after this comment. This comment and the events thereafter have become so famous within our blogging ring that I had to make this list so I could reference this quote in some way. It was pretty funny and props to Steven for finally scaring him away. Sometimes, I wonder what he's up to now. In the end, it doesn't matter, I have a funny anecdote.

Ok well there's today's top 5 list. I hope you liked it. I just noticed that all the top 5 comments are from 2006. Either that was just an exceptional year for commenting or you guys are getting worse at commenting. Either way, please leave comments in the future, they are like drugs for me!

Monday, April 05, 2010

Half of a Decade of Bloggy Goodness

Well it is official, as of 7:22pm today my blog turned 5 years old. It' been a good 5 year run including my spelling and grammar suddenly-paying-attention-to of early 2007, my brief emo period of 2008, my cynical college years, failed regular post ideas, and many good anecdotes and pictures. I won't mention much more of that tonight, but each weekday this week, I will be making a post of a top 5 things on my blog. I felt like reading through all the archives and I wanted to do something with that, so I decided 4 top 5 lists would be sufficient (don't get me started on the fact that I'm only doing 4 top 5's). Anyway, check back each day for a new top 5. They should all be relatively short and shouldn't take time out of your "busy" schedules. That being said, here is the rundown on my classes:

French 3 (10:30-11:20 Daily):
The final quarter of French here at SCC. Each language only goes up to the third one, so it's all I can do. I like it though, we lost half our French 1 class and combined with the other French 1 class for last quarter in French 2 so the class was really big. This quarter, about half of that class is gone, so we have about 25 people in the class, which is nice. The group I hang out with is in it with me still, so that's pretty cool. We were actually supposed to meet in the PUB which is the big silver building where the big band dance was held, but we had too many people, too few chairs, and not enough space on the white board for the teacher; so we wound up switching to another room that is right by where we met last quarter. The class before us is an ESL class and the professor is this nice English lady that kind of sounds like the locust queen from GoW (which is a pretty cool voice). This quarter in French, we have to do both a children's book and a big-ass research project, but I think I know what I'm going to do for both, so it will be nice. She says the classes get harder as you go along in French, but given the pattern I've had grade-wise in French so far, I should get a 4.1 this quarter. I don't think that's possible though so I'll settle for a 4.0.

Jazz Band (11:30-12:20 Daily):
We lost Dan and our good guitarist which sucks because they were the only two non-trumpet players left from the group last year and the two non-trumpet players I got along with the best. This quarter, Doug decided he wanted all trumpets on the same part between every song. We used to switch around because as brass players, we cannot have one guy on first the whole time, especially when we plan on doing a studio recording session this month for 10 hours a day (note to you music teacher hopefuls out there, learn the limits of your brass section and plan according to that). Anyway, since I play with the trombones on a few songs, I get 4th trumpet and French Horn (which is usually Trombone 3 although sometimes it covers Alto Flute or Trumpet 4). I dislike the easiness of the range of the parts, but I understand Doug values each part equally so it's fine by me. I did have to learn 7 new parts though before our recording session though, which kind of sucks.

Jazz Improvisation (12:30-1:20 Tuesday and 12:30-2:20 Thursday):
So there's 2 classes of this, the 204 which I took last quarter and the 205 which I'm currently in. They meet at the same time, so there are about 6 of us in the 205 that have to listen to all the 204 stuff again and study along and help them and stuff as we get better on our own. It's kind of cool to do it like this because I can get down the 204 material even better to help myself in 205. I also learned that while I'm not the best at soloing, I do have the ability to read bass and treble clef, which a surprising amount of people here cannot do. For our labs, we have the 204 lab on Tuesdays and I stay later on Thursdays because that is our 205 lab. We are allowed to attend the 204 labs though and we might need to because they need more horn players. I would play my trumpet there though since they have a bone player for 204. In 205, we have another trumpet so I'll switch to horn for that and this way I can do both instruments which will be challenging and fun. Instead of recording at the end of the quarter, we're going to perform at a club, so that will be...interesting. And as a side note on the recordings from last quarter, I'm deciding which ones aren't too crappy or long to post, so I'll try to get on that soon here now that I have more time.

Symphonic Band (7:00-9:30pm Monday):
Well this is going to be a pain in the ass quarter. The songs are both extremely high for horns and they are generally boring. I've been almost falling asleep, while playing them even so that's not a good sign. This is my last quarter though so I'm sticking it out and I'm sure Victoria will be a nice little trip.

Human Biology (Online):
So the only reason I'm taking this is because it was the most interesting science credit offered online. I really wanted astronomy, but it conflicted with band. After that, the options sucked and I figured I'd rather take a 3/10 interesting class online than come in at 9:30 for a class that was only 5/10 interesting. I'm glad I made the choice, having that extra hour off is really great. It gives me time to post late like this when I forgot earlier in the day.

Campus Life:
One funny thing last week that happened at SCC was I was walking along between classes when I passed a guy my age of Middle Eastern descent and he was speaking into a cell phone and the first thing I heard him say was "So which one looks like it's going to blow up? The front one?" At first, I was like WTF, but before I could go all Jack Bauer on him, it became apparent he was talking about a car and its tires. I had a good self lol about that. Aside from that, the parking is worse since I come later, but really that's a small price to pay for not having to get up at 7:40, not having to deal with the Syre moms and their horrible driving, and the list goes on. Its a nice little reward and I think I deserve it after pulling a higher than average classload every quarter especially after the last one. Also, I haven't had a quarter off since I started college, so this is a nice way to ease my way out as I get ready to go to another school. Speaking of which, I applied to Seattle University recently because dad's bank deals with them and dad keeps telling me how great he thinks the school is though it's probably because he's happy that his bank has a customer in this economy. Anyway, it actually looks like a good alternative for me if I don't get into the UW. I already want to apply to the law school there because it's regarded as better than the UW's. I still would like to get my BA at the UW, but I'm slowly losing hope as I've been waiting 18 weeks for an initial review that I was told would take 6-8 weeks. I've called up repeatedly, but nobody gives me a straight answer or helps me in any way.

I met grandpa at a dance for senior citizens at the Northgate community center and I watched him dance for a bit, then we got lunch at Costco. After that, I helped him clean up his place a bit before going home and starting Fable 2. I like it a lot more than Fable 1 and it references some failings of the first game, which is something I always love when videogames do. On Saturday, we had my dad's 50th birthday celebration at our house. It was nice and the special roast I made came out extremely awesomely except I could have shaved off a bit more fat, but that was more of a non-issue. As things wound down, I considered falling asleep while listening to Kathryn and my cousin play foosball when my uncle came downstairs and said Grandpa fell outside. We hurried out to get him and he had fallen and bent his pinky finger back, but my aunt quickly snapped it back in which turned out to be a really good thing and made sure the finger didn't get too damaged. After we got him back inside and cleaned up a bit, my aunt and dad and I took him to the hospital to get looked at. He had to have some scans and stuff and my aunt got tired and had to leave, but dad and I stuck around. We found the NFL network (bless the wonderful souls that made that amazing network) rerunning an old Superbowl in which the Packers beat the Patriots. It was when Holmgren was coaching there, so that was pretty cool to watch as we waited for Grandpa to get the scans and other stuff done. We finally got out of there about 1am and got him situated at his place. The next day, we went to check on him and he was doing really well. I swear, our family members are built like tanks and we feel no pain and recover very quickly. At his age on another person, they could have broken a hip or any kind of stuff, but he only broke a rib and was up and walking around at his usual pace within a few hours.

Some other things that happened this weekend were I played some Guild Wars and got so bored, I had to do homework while doing it to make it more interesting. It was good I did that though as it gave me more free time on the weekend and today. I'm still up for some GW though if any of you guys get a free night and want to play. I also commentated on 6 replays with Steven and that was pretty fun. In case you want the link, here it is. One other thing before I go is that PAX is coming up and we should think about registering. Ok so I'll be posting each weekday this week. That being said, it's been a great 5 years, here's to another many. Until later, peace out.