Monday, April 12, 2010

This title is a false statement

Excellent, I have just destroyed my robot readers. Hopefully everyone is not too tired from reading my blog every day last week (since that must be all you guys do, righT?). I hopefully will be able to get this post finished up quickly as my week this week and next will be somewhat busy. I will have time for gaming and stuff mostly on weekends, but probably during the days too. The thing taking up most of my time will be practicing for our jazz recording session coming up in a couple weeks. I need to get down a few new parts still, including a new solo (for french horn possibly!!!!1). That's all I really have to note for my intro, so how about I get going on the week?

Band was kind of boring because the songs we are playing are really high and suck and there is no way our band will be able to pull a couple of them off. Whoever chose our songs has a huge Leroy Anderson fetish, which sucks because I don't like most of his music. Why can't anyone ever have an Alfred Reed fetish?

I was super ahead of my biology class (I love it, he posts everything really early so you can do a week's worth of homework in one afternoon and be free for the rest of the week) so I played a lot of Starcraft with Ashley since Steven was playing Guitar Hero. Ashley and I are not the best team, so I decided to make a new account after about 12 consecutive losses. I made the new account both to preserve my record and to enable us to make "noobs" games without people complaining about my record. It was totally worth it as once we got noobs games going, we had much closer games and we even got some wins, which was nice.

I spent most of the afternoon playing Starcraft with Ashley again before giving up in anger at about 8:00 after playing 5 games in which I was double or triple rushed. I was even between my two allies in one game and still got double rushed. It was quite enraging, but on the plus side, I'm becoming better at finding ways to come back quickly after surviving a double rush. I did enjoy one rush that was super fail when I was zerg and I managed to get a hero sunken to kill a bunch of zealots by leading them around with my drones while they got hit by the sunken. After being double or triple rushed and killed 5 games in a row though, I was done for the night.

I found out the Korean girl in my French class had never heard of Starcraft. She did some research this weekend because I told her she should totally start playing and she said she learned that it was addictive from her Korean friend. I want to get her playing so that I can train her and then Steven and I can make her and Ashley battle each other for fun. Also, it would be nice to get to know her outside of class which I have done with a couple other people in our little group of friends from that class. After school, I played Starcraft with Ashley, then with Steven, then with both of them, then just with Steven again. It was a pretty fun night and before I knew it, it was 1:30am and I had lost an hour and a half of sleep. It was time well spent though.

I was a little sleepy that day, but I only had 2 50 minute classes, so it was not very hard to stay awake through them. I played some Starcraft with Steven after school before doing a little bit of Guild Wars by myself, then waiting for Davis to sign on to vanquish with Steven and I. Eventually, I gave up and played Fable 2.

My parents and sister went to the tulip festival and I could have gone, but I remember going a while back and I wanted to use the day to practice for jazz band. I did that and had some Fable 2 breaks as well. I think I played some Starcraft with Steven for a little bit, but the rest of the day was filled with practicing and Fable 2ing.

We were picking up our new couch for the downstairs (for my mom and sister) that day, so we had to make room for it. That involved giving our old 3 seat couch upstairs to my cousins in Federal Way, so dad and I drove down there to drop it off. After that, we drove all the way back up to Lynnwood to get the new couch to bring home. Getting it in was kind of a pain, but eventually we were able to cram it in there (TWSS!@!!). I spent the rest of the day playing Fable 2 instead of practicing which I should have done.

I had to declare a topic for our French research projects and I think I'm going to do Charles de Gaulle and the French Resistance in WW2. I walked the girl to the PUB since class got out early and tried to convince her more to get into Starcraft before I had to head off to jazz band, where I was actually able to warm up, which was nice. Now I have to do some studying before the French test tomorrow and before band tonight (bleh), so I'll post again next week, peace out.

1 comment:

blitzmoose said...

First post! Yeah I still read this! That girl you said never heard of StarCraft? I think she is Japanese or Chinese because that statement is impossible. They sort of look the same so it's hard to tell.

Also, I went to visit you and Steven and others at SCC last Friday but neither you nor Steven ever picked up your phones T_T

Also, both Ashley and I think your facial hair (and Steven's and Davis') is Sai-like(awesome/sexy). So don't let anyone tell you (or Davis or Steven) otherwise!