Monday, April 05, 2010

Half of a Decade of Bloggy Goodness

Well it is official, as of 7:22pm today my blog turned 5 years old. It' been a good 5 year run including my spelling and grammar suddenly-paying-attention-to of early 2007, my brief emo period of 2008, my cynical college years, failed regular post ideas, and many good anecdotes and pictures. I won't mention much more of that tonight, but each weekday this week, I will be making a post of a top 5 things on my blog. I felt like reading through all the archives and I wanted to do something with that, so I decided 4 top 5 lists would be sufficient (don't get me started on the fact that I'm only doing 4 top 5's). Anyway, check back each day for a new top 5. They should all be relatively short and shouldn't take time out of your "busy" schedules. That being said, here is the rundown on my classes:

French 3 (10:30-11:20 Daily):
The final quarter of French here at SCC. Each language only goes up to the third one, so it's all I can do. I like it though, we lost half our French 1 class and combined with the other French 1 class for last quarter in French 2 so the class was really big. This quarter, about half of that class is gone, so we have about 25 people in the class, which is nice. The group I hang out with is in it with me still, so that's pretty cool. We were actually supposed to meet in the PUB which is the big silver building where the big band dance was held, but we had too many people, too few chairs, and not enough space on the white board for the teacher; so we wound up switching to another room that is right by where we met last quarter. The class before us is an ESL class and the professor is this nice English lady that kind of sounds like the locust queen from GoW (which is a pretty cool voice). This quarter in French, we have to do both a children's book and a big-ass research project, but I think I know what I'm going to do for both, so it will be nice. She says the classes get harder as you go along in French, but given the pattern I've had grade-wise in French so far, I should get a 4.1 this quarter. I don't think that's possible though so I'll settle for a 4.0.

Jazz Band (11:30-12:20 Daily):
We lost Dan and our good guitarist which sucks because they were the only two non-trumpet players left from the group last year and the two non-trumpet players I got along with the best. This quarter, Doug decided he wanted all trumpets on the same part between every song. We used to switch around because as brass players, we cannot have one guy on first the whole time, especially when we plan on doing a studio recording session this month for 10 hours a day (note to you music teacher hopefuls out there, learn the limits of your brass section and plan according to that). Anyway, since I play with the trombones on a few songs, I get 4th trumpet and French Horn (which is usually Trombone 3 although sometimes it covers Alto Flute or Trumpet 4). I dislike the easiness of the range of the parts, but I understand Doug values each part equally so it's fine by me. I did have to learn 7 new parts though before our recording session though, which kind of sucks.

Jazz Improvisation (12:30-1:20 Tuesday and 12:30-2:20 Thursday):
So there's 2 classes of this, the 204 which I took last quarter and the 205 which I'm currently in. They meet at the same time, so there are about 6 of us in the 205 that have to listen to all the 204 stuff again and study along and help them and stuff as we get better on our own. It's kind of cool to do it like this because I can get down the 204 material even better to help myself in 205. I also learned that while I'm not the best at soloing, I do have the ability to read bass and treble clef, which a surprising amount of people here cannot do. For our labs, we have the 204 lab on Tuesdays and I stay later on Thursdays because that is our 205 lab. We are allowed to attend the 204 labs though and we might need to because they need more horn players. I would play my trumpet there though since they have a bone player for 204. In 205, we have another trumpet so I'll switch to horn for that and this way I can do both instruments which will be challenging and fun. Instead of recording at the end of the quarter, we're going to perform at a club, so that will be...interesting. And as a side note on the recordings from last quarter, I'm deciding which ones aren't too crappy or long to post, so I'll try to get on that soon here now that I have more time.

Symphonic Band (7:00-9:30pm Monday):
Well this is going to be a pain in the ass quarter. The songs are both extremely high for horns and they are generally boring. I've been almost falling asleep, while playing them even so that's not a good sign. This is my last quarter though so I'm sticking it out and I'm sure Victoria will be a nice little trip.

Human Biology (Online):
So the only reason I'm taking this is because it was the most interesting science credit offered online. I really wanted astronomy, but it conflicted with band. After that, the options sucked and I figured I'd rather take a 3/10 interesting class online than come in at 9:30 for a class that was only 5/10 interesting. I'm glad I made the choice, having that extra hour off is really great. It gives me time to post late like this when I forgot earlier in the day.

Campus Life:
One funny thing last week that happened at SCC was I was walking along between classes when I passed a guy my age of Middle Eastern descent and he was speaking into a cell phone and the first thing I heard him say was "So which one looks like it's going to blow up? The front one?" At first, I was like WTF, but before I could go all Jack Bauer on him, it became apparent he was talking about a car and its tires. I had a good self lol about that. Aside from that, the parking is worse since I come later, but really that's a small price to pay for not having to get up at 7:40, not having to deal with the Syre moms and their horrible driving, and the list goes on. Its a nice little reward and I think I deserve it after pulling a higher than average classload every quarter especially after the last one. Also, I haven't had a quarter off since I started college, so this is a nice way to ease my way out as I get ready to go to another school. Speaking of which, I applied to Seattle University recently because dad's bank deals with them and dad keeps telling me how great he thinks the school is though it's probably because he's happy that his bank has a customer in this economy. Anyway, it actually looks like a good alternative for me if I don't get into the UW. I already want to apply to the law school there because it's regarded as better than the UW's. I still would like to get my BA at the UW, but I'm slowly losing hope as I've been waiting 18 weeks for an initial review that I was told would take 6-8 weeks. I've called up repeatedly, but nobody gives me a straight answer or helps me in any way.

I met grandpa at a dance for senior citizens at the Northgate community center and I watched him dance for a bit, then we got lunch at Costco. After that, I helped him clean up his place a bit before going home and starting Fable 2. I like it a lot more than Fable 1 and it references some failings of the first game, which is something I always love when videogames do. On Saturday, we had my dad's 50th birthday celebration at our house. It was nice and the special roast I made came out extremely awesomely except I could have shaved off a bit more fat, but that was more of a non-issue. As things wound down, I considered falling asleep while listening to Kathryn and my cousin play foosball when my uncle came downstairs and said Grandpa fell outside. We hurried out to get him and he had fallen and bent his pinky finger back, but my aunt quickly snapped it back in which turned out to be a really good thing and made sure the finger didn't get too damaged. After we got him back inside and cleaned up a bit, my aunt and dad and I took him to the hospital to get looked at. He had to have some scans and stuff and my aunt got tired and had to leave, but dad and I stuck around. We found the NFL network (bless the wonderful souls that made that amazing network) rerunning an old Superbowl in which the Packers beat the Patriots. It was when Holmgren was coaching there, so that was pretty cool to watch as we waited for Grandpa to get the scans and other stuff done. We finally got out of there about 1am and got him situated at his place. The next day, we went to check on him and he was doing really well. I swear, our family members are built like tanks and we feel no pain and recover very quickly. At his age on another person, they could have broken a hip or any kind of stuff, but he only broke a rib and was up and walking around at his usual pace within a few hours.

Some other things that happened this weekend were I played some Guild Wars and got so bored, I had to do homework while doing it to make it more interesting. It was good I did that though as it gave me more free time on the weekend and today. I'm still up for some GW though if any of you guys get a free night and want to play. I also commentated on 6 replays with Steven and that was pretty fun. In case you want the link, here it is. One other thing before I go is that PAX is coming up and we should think about registering. Ok so I'll be posting each weekday this week. That being said, it's been a great 5 years, here's to another many. Until later, peace out.

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