Friday, April 09, 2010

5th Anniversary List: Top 5 Posts

Yes, how predictable of me. Of course I would end my 5th anniversary quasai-celebration by reminescing about my word posts. For some reason, it was a bit easier to narrow down my posts than it was for pictures, probably because so many of them are just day by day posts that are not very consistently humorous or entertaining. I have 6 on this list actually because I was flipping back and forth between two posts, so I know you'll all enjoy that. With each post, I'll probably include a passage from it that I liked and I will include the link in case you want to go back and reread it.

Honorable Mention:
January 1, 2008 "Look below for pictures and expect some tomorrow as well as when I should be doing my homework."
This was the post about the trip my family and I took to Disneyland where we met Rachel and her family. The post was generally entertaining, but I specifically liked this part of it:
"For those of you that have never ridden the Matterhorn, I shall explain it. On most rollercoasters, you sit in a unit of about 2 usually next to another. On the matterhorn, the larger rider goes in the cart and sits against the back and puts their legs out in front and the smaller rider sits between the other one's legs. Marc rode with Shannon and said to me in line "Well it looks like you're saddlin up with Rach." All I could say was "That was an interesting way of putting it" Let me just say it was without a doubt, the best rollercoaster ride ever. EVER. I accidentally "poked" her as Keir put it, but she was nice enough not to mention it, or she didn't notice it. I hope it was the first one because otherwise it would imply that mine is very small."
It was an interesting trip and I vividly remember that ride. I felt that for that reason, I had to include this post somewhere.

August 18, 2007 "If Japanese people were water, I would have drowned in Hawaii"
This was an entertaining post due to being both interesting and funny at times. It included my family's visit to the Pearl Harbor memorial which was a really cool thing to see. It also reminds me of that 50 miler dad and I did while we were there. I was proud of that accomplishment, especially since I did it while my knees were not great (not that they are now). Also, I seemed to be at that phase where I felt it was necessary to give information on the hotness of girls I came across. It has a bunch of random stories about hot girls somehow coming into contact with me, not knowing how to cook their own food, etc. I like one part better than the rest though and the reason it made the number 5 spot is because I thought it was so good, I have actually quoted it once already so this will be the third time it appears on my blog.
"For dinner that night, we ate at the Hula Grill. It is upstairs from Dukes. Don't go, the prices are driven up because of the grill's unfortunate location(right above the best restaurant in Waikiki where people would rather wait an hour to get in than go upstairs and be seated in 5 minutes or less). The waitress there was mildly attractive. Something odd that she did was place the napkin I had on my lap for me. Like her hand was less than one inch away from touching my balls. I was also the only person in my family to which she extended this service. Also, when I said something mildly funny, she let out a very deep rapidfire laugh. Not very ladylike. Very awkwardlike."

July 20, 2008 "Oh yes, I'm back. It's time for a long post."
This was the post I made after going on the trip to the Netherlands. That has been one of my favorite trips ever and I hope that I can go back there someday and perhaps I will even get to do a semester abroad there which would be really awesome. We also went to Paris and Brussels, which was a disgusting town. I liked Paris though and that's another place I would consider going back to. My favorite part of the trip was the visit to the old homestead in Kortehemmen.
"We then went down the street to see the house my great grandparents had build in about 1910. They were the first occupants of it and since then, it has been a house, then a restaurant/bar, then a bank, then a house again. We actually knocked on the door and showed the lady there a picture of the house we had and she said to come on in and see where our family was from. The funny thing was that she had the same picture of the house in the early 1900's that we had framed on her mantle. Another funny thing was that she had been a nurse working in Kenya when our missionary friends had been there. Regardless, it was cool to be in the house my great grandparents had lived in before they came to America. I've decided that if I go to live in the Netherlands, I will live in Boornbergum or Kortehemmen. They were really nice towns."

3. October 22, 2008 "Things I Hate: 1"
Ah, my short lived "Things I Hate" series. This was probably my best one, which is unfortunate because it was the first one I did, so that means the quality just declined as I went. Soon, it became apparent that I was more or less incapable of hating things like Lewis Black, so I kind of abandoned the series before trying to resurrect it recently and failing to do so. If someone wants to take over and do this, go right ahead. I don't think I'll make any more in the future, but I can always look back at this one and laugh. My favorite of the three types of people in internet fights was this one:
"The smart-ass approach:
This one is far more annoying than the last approach because the people that use this think that they are better than everyone else on the thread because they possess a language filter in their brains. Unfortunately for them, they don't posses the "getting involved in internet fights is stupid" filter as well. People using this tactic would tend to comeback to the insult by saying something along the lines of "I resent you using the word "gay" in a derogatory sense. Some people in the world are actually homosexuals and take offense to this word being used as a synonym for stupid and on top of that, many people that throw the word around carelessly tend to be covering for their own latent homosexuality." If you made it to the end of that long winded comment, I congratulate you because I usually give up reading by halfway. The people using this tactic resort to facts that are rarely proven and try to hide their inadequate arguing skills by using big words. Way to use, dumbasses!"

2. August 31, 2007 "PAX ROX"
This was the post of our first visit to PAX, which to date is my favorite one. It was all new to us and we had some fun adventures as we wandered around all weekend experiencing gaming culture. It was probably the year of the best swag too, including my Mass Effect shirt (which I am wearing as I am posting this) and the Miniature Grawl Shaman (THAT I SOLD FOR LESS THAN 1/20TH OF ITS VALUE GAAAHHH) and many other things. The best part of the weekend though is something that has been referenced many times in our group and is the passage I chose.
"Before the tournament, we went to floor one to go to Pizza By The Slice. I was curious as to why on his menu he offered pizza not only by the slice, but by the whole pizza. We all decided to split the pizza, but when we asked, the guy said "No whole Pizza, eet ees by the slice." This prompted countless mockings throughout the weekend by Davis. We soon learned of his hatred for the evil pizza man. The man charged too much to too bad pizza."

1. May 7, 2006 "I've been having to make this post in small incriments due to the busyness of me."
If you're surprised that I seem to have picked some random post from the middle of nowhere to be my number one post, let me say you soon shall not be confused. I picked this post mostly for the passage I am going to quote. If you know me, chances are you've heard the story I'm about to tell you at least once (some of you now know what I'm talking about). Of course, I don't want to spoil it for the first time readers of this story so go ahead and read on.
"We got arby's on the way there. We had one extra sandwich, so I said I would eat it in the theater instead of popcorn. I forgot. So anyway I still had the sandwich later. I get back and it's like 10:00. Me, Steven, and Peter Kim play until 2. Today, I woke up and there was no lunch food. I got dressed and what was in my pocket? AN ARBY'S SANDWICH."

Well there we go, my four top 5 lists are completed. It's been a good five years of blogging, here's to many more and hopefully many more from you all as well. I'm going to resume my regular posting schedule next Monday, so until then, Peace out.

1 comment:

Davos said...

Okay, so I was in Spokane recently and I saw a restaurant that said PIZZA and then underneath that it said, fashionably, "By the Slice!"

I almost had a heart attack.