Monday, April 19, 2010

I should really be outside right now, but I have no obligation to post today, so I'm going to do that instead.

Howdy everybody, hopefully everyone else has been having similar weather to what we've had here the past few days. I guess that instead of spring weather this spring, we're going to get half winter weather and half summer weather and our spring will be that the two average out to normal spring weather. I think this next week, I'll be posting on Sunday rather than Monday. The reason is I will be on a Jazz Band trip from Sunday night to Thursday night and thus will miss my Monday update. I will probably have internet while I'm there (it's just in Portland), but I won't find time to post or game because we're going to be in the studio 10 hours a day and the rest of the time, we'll be picking up chicks and whatnot I assume. Me and the 45-55 year old guys in the trumpet section. Anyway, I'll shoot for making my post on Sunday and if I forget; well it looks like you'll just have a long post next time you read one. With that out of the way, I'll get into the week.

I spent pretty much all of my free time doing homework for French that I had neglected to do. Band was quite unexciting as usual. We got an idea of how we might be rooming in Victoria though. Erik and I signed up to be in the same room since we know each other most compared to how well we know other people. Somehow, Ken massively screwed up all room assignments and put eveyone with some other random person so we don't know if we're going to have to stick with them (my new roomate seems quiet if he's who I think he is, so that would still be fine) or if he's going to fix them. I assume we find out tonight since Victoria is only a month away.

We had our French test that day. I am always surprised how I can not get the material as we learn it, but suddenly when the test comes, I know it perfectly. This test was no exception to that and I'm happy with what I think I got. In Jazz Band, I found out I actually wasn't going to do that solo, so I gladly stopped working on it. After school, I played some Starcraft with Steven.

I met Grandpa at Costco for lunch, then got him some groceries and took him back to his place and went to pick up the truck from the mechanic. From there, I went to get Steven and we went downtown and met up with dad, then Richard at the Mariner's game. It was a good game and they won, so that was a bonus.

We had a rather uneventful day in both classes. In Improv, the 205 guys had a jam session to show the 204 guys how to set up an improv session. We spent the 50 minute class just playing some tunes and generally doing quite well on them I thought. It was fun and we got to get some good practice in on our songs. After that, Steven and I played some Starcraft before trying to win some beta keys rather unsuccessfully. We played Starcraft after that. Eventually, Steven had to leave and at that point, I decided to finish what I started so long ago by beating the Starcraft campaign without cheats. I had left off on Brood War, somewhere in the protoss campaign. I just started over to be safe.

That morning, I was going to try to win a beta key on my way out the door, but in typical blizzard fashion, they postponed the opportunity back a half hour. I decided (correctly) that we wouldn't learn anything important in French, so I decied to skip to have a longshot chance at winning a beta key. I did not do it, but I didn't miss anything in class, so that evened out I suppose. Before I left for school though, Steven and I played some BGH in which two guys on opposite teams were secret allies and killed everyone. It was embarassing and enraging. After Jazz Band, I met Sai at Shorewood and from there we went to get cake fixings. We decided to make Ahmad a samurai cat cake for his actual birthday which was that day. We spent most of the afternoon doing it, but I think it turned out pretty well. I'll post some pictures soon. Ahmad came over with Alex, Josh, and Tom and we all ate some cake, then they left.

I spent most of the day finishing up Fable 2 and getting mad at how poorly the achievements were done. Especially because they didn't stick to the code and made you have to get additional content to get all the achievements, which Microsoft is supposed to prevent them from doing. I still liked the game though, at least enough so that I think Fable 3 will be worth looking at.

I was going to play some frisbee with UWB for the first time since the last game of winter league, but I found out they had to withdraw this season. That is very unfortunate, but perhaps we'll get something going in the summer. Instead of doing that, I helped the family clean the garage up. We're finally going to make our long-awaited game room in there. We had one once, but it lasted all of two weeks. This time, we will also have a dartboard, which will probably get me out there more often as I have found that I really like darts.

I got back into the whole going to school thing. The producer of our studio session next week was in Jazz Band today listening for us and judging our balance and whatnot, so that made a lot of us nervous for some reason. Other than that, nothing much has happened. I'm about to do some more single player after I finish this post. Gonna do me some Dylarian Shipyards! Until later, peace out.

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