Saturday, March 31, 2007

Oops I slipped up. Oh well, I'll just try to post less than 5 pictures for posts now because I know its annoying.

Steven and I get some henchmen and start a band.
Wild Dodrio appeared!
Steven looked cold so I gave pronoob mage a hug. Btw rock crushes scissors fools!
Greatest magazine cover ever? Also, my backup facebook pic unless a cooler one appears.
Well friday was dandy wasnt it. Weatherwise of course, the school part was boring except for the fact that I think I might actually ace the next math test because I've known the stuff for a long time. This is the most exciting math related thing since 6th grade when Will Hough, Sara Levy, and I were sent in the hall because we were so ahead of the class and we just did the math homework and finished the whole book early in the year, so we sat around and made funny hyperstudios about will being in love with his clone. Good times. Oh yeah there was a chemistry lab too that was ok. After school, I marathoned Guild Wars for around 7-8 hours. Today, I finished solo questing. I am taking a short break from CIDs right now. Why am I of all people doing homework on a saturday? Because we film Sai's campaign video tomorrow. Prepare for pwnage.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Look, its clean! No pictures!

So yeah, monday I got a new friend in Chemistry and stuff. I did my speech buddy's intro since we had to introduce our partners. I had a good wording, but I didn't deliver it very well. I was one of the few who did it without a notecard, which is shocking because its less than a paragraph of stuff to say. So on tuesday, not much happened. In APUSH, Mr. Guthrie stepped out for a second and Harry Truman shows up. We got to talk to him and then he left. No sooner does he leave, then Mr. Guthrie shows up again. I bet he would have liked Truman.

Skip to Wednesday I guess.

So yeah on wednesday, my new friend in Chemistry got moved to the spot where that girl that stole my spot sits, so he is Orion's new friend now. So I played some Guild Wars with Steven and I will give you a number and you try to guess what it measured:
What did it measure?

Not my total experience.

Not my frames per second.

It was my ping.

Yeah somebody wasn't turning off the computer after I finished on it. Kathryn just would sign on after I got off I guess and not turn off the computer, so I will check it every day now.
Today, thursday, speeches were on. Sara's speech was not funny, but she played up a few different angles. Danniel Linn's was funny, but Orion was right in saying that he is not the right person to lead. Sam Nelson's was awkward, but I voted for him because he was good. Nick Setterberg's was, well Zack had it when he said that was how to not deliver a speech. Speaking of which, Zack saw us today, not that high chuckle as he passes us. By high chuckle, I mean chuckle while you're high. So anyway, for the vice presidential speeches, Stephen Erickson's was good, but not great. Sai had the best speech of the day and of course I voted for him. Braden's was......nevermind. Sai has made it to secondaries too now, so we will need to get videoing this weekend.

So my speech also. I thought it was okay. It went 8:52 and I was shooting for less than 7:00, soooo it was about 2 minutes long. Despite that, my speech was full of data. Despite this, Mrs. Gade said that I did really good. All the speeches today were good. I got a peek at my grade for it, it was all exceeds standard except for dressed up because I forgot to take off the sweatshirt and clear voice because I doubled back on a couple phrases. I managed to not use my notes as well even though I was holding them for something to nervously death grip while I talked. Even my own group (all girls) said that they would not usually be interested in the topic, but they intently listened to the speech.

Well mom says no online games until my math grade goes up even though I have repeatedly told her that it only changes for a test, so I might get on Guild Wars a bit later than usual today.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The only people that will get this are the people that watched the Colbert Report for Monday March 26, 2007 all the way to the end.
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Monday, March 26, 2007

Hopefully I wont be throwing pictures at you left and right once march is defeated.

I hope and believe that it is just a phase due to the solid weeklongnes and boredom enued by march. Evil evil March. Ok so here is a post idea for telling about my weekend WITH PICTURES!

Hopefully people have seen Changis Khan. Boring day. It lasted too long because I was in the getting out at 1:20 mindset because of the schedule and English took forever.
Things changed for the better when I got home. It might be hard to see, but I walked into the challenge arena and surprisingly, I FOUND THE CHALLENGE CUP ON. This was the look on my face or so I thought at least.
On Saturday, I played lots of videogames and got a haircut. Oh I also watched my favorite bond movie: Goldeneye. This picture reminds me of raping time.
Sunday, we went to lunch with Grandpa, then dad and I helped work on his taxes and I remembered to get him to help put on the army hitch. This is it. Ohh yeah. I noticed tailgaters driving a bit farther back today.
Today, Steven and I ventured into the post-apocalyptic hell known as post searing. I got stuck in a tar pit. It was annoying.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Gears of Live

Oh man I just had the best round of Gears Of War on live ever:
So its 3v3 and that map with the sniper thing in the middle. Me and my buddy run up and take over the sniper place and he takes the sniper. We don't see any of the other team, but mysteriously, our 3rd guy dies. So we wander back to our original side and he gets up in that structure for an elevated view. Then I see all three enemies coming down the sniper tower at us. I warn my partner and shoot at one with the lancer, but his ally revives him. Meanwhile I don't know what my partner was doing, but whatever. So the 3rd guy runs a different way while th 2 come at me. One takes the opposite side of the car I'm on and the other comes up and smoke tags me. He was the carmine one. His friend who was marcus stayed there. So now that I'm smoke tagged, I have a smoke grenade stuck to my back spewing out smoke. I run in squares naturally and step out once I have made a box of smoke. So then I see the carmine guy step out as well so I pwn him with the shotgun. Then I turn around and there's marcus with his chainsaw revving about to hit me. About 2 seconds before he hits me, my partner finally earns his keep and blows marcus' head clean off. I barely survived that, so I give him a thank you and then notice he just died. Then I see dom rush past me for some reason. So i follow him around or so I thought past the sniper tower to the other side of the map. I turn around and there he is lancering me, so I bust out my shotgun since I was close enough, but its too late and he downs me. So I don't even bother to press A. Then he starts dancing around my body. He won't stop, so I press A like the wind. He is behind me when I revive myself, bust out my shotgun and pelt him in the face with a couple good hits. I then had to laugh at him of course for his idiocy after the game.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

There is a post under this one so keep going down to catch up on pictures

Skyway found a new toy. Unfortunately I missed the photo op of him hanging upside down off the ironing board right before falling to the ground, so I rotated this picture to make up for missing that.
Steven is always ready to dish out the happiness.
But he always expects something in return.
This is from the site Orion showed me to which I linked below. It's the best one definately.

This is Sai's new poster: Tonight we dine in VOTE SAI CHANG for ASB vice president

Ok so I had to leave that title, because I don't know who reads this blog anymore since leaving comments has apparently gone out of style (around the same time as updating more than once a month eh?)

First things first:

Mad props to Orion for finding this, I'm putting it up since he takes forever to get onto Aim.
Now today you might have heard was boring. Well it was. The only reason I am making this post is to tell people to comment and to put up those pictures. Apush was average and in band there was no teacher because it was the day he was up at shoreline center for the band festival. I drove Steven to his house during band to get his shoes and he repayed me by giving me Charr bags for free! It's in writing now Steven, you can't go back on your word. After band, we all went to the competition and did adequate then came home. Tonight, I hope to get my lab report done so I can take the truck up to Les Schwab to get the 15 year old tires that are just now going flat replaced. One of them is going flat actually, the others just need to go because all tires have no tread on them anymore. Tonight, we shall sear like never before.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Steven knows how to please a man. I would hope so at least.
She just takes it any way she can.
Threesome with a goth guy watching!
Some of the ways Steven and I entertain ourselves in Guild Wars.
I got a couple more pictures for you later, most likely with the next post.

So on monday, it was late start for WASL, so I had some fun for the first time since MORNING STARCRAFT FRESHMAN YEAR WITH DAVIS W00T. It was replaced by MORNING GUILD WARS WITH STEVEN JUNIOR YEAR W00T. So monday was quite boring with 50 minute periods. On tuesday, more morning Guild Wars. In APUSH, we were talking about anti-semitism, and I put in that in the Catholic Bible, the Old Testament is also known as the Jewish Testament, so I was going to add that it is made not as applicable to now as the new testament, but I didn't say applicable. I said accurate. Yeah I basically said that the Old Testament is not accurate, which Mr. Guthrie was very opinionated about. I don't know what kind of thing it was that I did, whether it was a Feaux Pa(spelling?), or a Freudian Slip, but it was not good. So in band, well Steven and I got there 10 minutes late because I drove him home to get his instruemnt during break after checking in with Harshman. I felt bad because he seemed on a short fuse that day too. Zac left at noon that day and we played Seagate after that. On the opening part our soli, I played and personally I thought it wasn't that good, but Harshman gave me that look that either means "That was awesome" or "If you sound like that again, I will rip your balls off." Luckily, he liked it, so he said "Tell your bro that that's a solO now." English was speech time. Here's a part for Jack and Zach and maybe Davis. Maxwell is in my english class and he volunteered to go first for speeches because he's that kind of guy that thinks he can do anything. Well seeing him give his speech was like watching King Leonidas proving that the God King of Persia could bleed. Maxwell's powerpoint was weak and his stuttering was as well. I might do it too, who knows, but I'm not a cocky prick so it won't matter. So Steven and I are getting ready to go to the academy, which leads to post searing in Guild Wars. I'm glad we figured out that Steven's mysterious in game stalker was actually Orion. Until my next post, here are a couple more pictures. Ok well they appeared back up at the top so enjoy.

Monday, March 19, 2007

I've got it! The characters in Wild Hogs were based off the Gears of War characters! They even hired lookalikes to the Gears guys. Those tricky producers can't fool me.
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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Chenghis Khan and the Week

This may have been the face of Changhis Khan, but due to pixilation, the world may never know.

So the week finished off ok. On thursday, it was the last day of the week to come in late, so that was nice to still sleep in a bit. On friday, it was a half day, so since we had 3 classes the whole day, it was 50 minute classes. After school, Steven and I waited for Orion and Davis to get their science stuff figured out for Saturday, then I drove us to Davis' house, where we fandangoed tickets for 300 at noon and learned that we need to make a punk rock band sometime. So we went to 300 at noon after lunch at Orion's. 300 was a good movie I thought. I didn't know that Persians use mutants though. There was the giant that kills his own people as well, the fatty with swords for arms, a rhinocerous, elephants, golem(or his brother at least) and what have you. It was definately manly, but definately odd at points too. Dancing naked chick??? wtf?

So after that, we went to Shorewood for Chemistry lab time and Davis waked home from there. I learned what was wrong with my equations. I hadn't converted pressure into kilopascals. It turned out my result from the first was 57.1, and the desired result was 58.08. I also got a 96 (I messed up and was rushing) and I got a 56, so a good day for it despite Christine (partner) not being there. So I dropped off Sai who we picked up there at his house and helped Steven and Orion with teh paperxorz route then went home around 5.

When I got home, mom said how about going to see wild hogs at 7? I wanted to see it so we did and we took along my grandpa as well. At the theater, there were more old people in that movie than I had ever seen at any other movie. Grandpa would blurt out something really loud at inappropriate times and we had to silence him. Like one point, the characters were debating rather to go on the road trip and grandpa goes "Well I think they should go." There was also a fight and he said "LOOK OUT HE HAS AN AXE." The lady next to me was wierd too, she would periodically lean way forward and get really into the movie. Her funniest moment was when the rival gang rolled into town and she said "oh gee they are going to cause them so much heartache." I had to resist the urge to laught out loud at her there.

So on Saturday, I spent the whole afternoon watching movies. First, Mom, Dad, and I watched Syriana (very boring), then Dad and I watched Patton (awesome), then we all watched Little Miss Sunshine, which was actually really good. Then Steven got his new Ram and installed it, so we played Guild Wars until 1. I think I might do that now actually.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Picto Onslaught

Here is Sai with his poster that managed to stay up for a whole 2 days!!!
Here is the graphic from the poster. He says the explosion is from Pearl Harbor. Remember, he was there, defeat the fascists, vote Comrade Chang.
This is possibly the weirdest game I have ever played. Random girls come up and dance so that guys can bring up their characters to violate themselves in public?
It's true...

I am such a player.
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Cleaning My Profile and Oh Yeah There's A Post In Here Too

Here are some good things from my profile, I need to make more room:

Grandpa: Here let me show you my new chair I made.
David: Yeah it looks cool.
Grandpa (sits): Yeah its my chair for...uh.....
David: Remembering things?
Grandpa: Heh heh probably.

Keir on Global Orgasm Day:
Brittlebrit187: i bet its not higher than normal
Brittlebrit187: cus most people masturbate 3 times a day anyway

*Dinner Conversation Slows Down*
*Pause in Conversation*
Grandpa: Well, here we in the wilderness
Everyone at dinner almost simultaneously: What?
Grandpa: Well you know, because birds sit in the wilderness with nothing to do

That should be good for now. I might have to do this later. Here is the post.
So yeah tuesday was bad because I had to come early and I was doing APUSH related activities from 8:30 to 11:10. Wait, what am I saying, that was awesome, I love APUSH (not sarcasm, all my other classes generally suck). Next came band, which is usually good, but this time Harshman got his balls back and yelled at people when they sucked. In English, we just had powerpoint worktime for our speeches. I found a way to get the watermark of CORBIS images, so that made me mucho happy because CORBIS pwns. Today, I got to sleep in oh boy. That was the highlight of the day. Also, in chemistry, while Christine updated our process very detailedly, I figured out the missing links that we needed to finish the experiment, so our design works and we will need to come into class on friday to do the final experiment. Time for the band concert.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

There's nothing wierd about a grown man wearing a skirt disco dancing to a young preteen girl playing a flute is there?
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RunningInSquare3 (7:30:02 PM): and then 19 hours and 30 minutes into the day, he made a startling discovery
RunningInSquare3 (7:30:10 PM): a tag was on the front of his shirt, meaning that his shirt was on backwards
SGFshorty90 (7:30:21 PM): lol
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Monday, March 12, 2007

First Place Baby Ohhhhh Yeahhhhh

Yeah so on Sunday, I got up to go to the St. Patrick's day dash and for the first time ever, I finished first in my family. I still didn't beat my record of 31 minutes (the race is 3.4 miles). That was the year of soccer tryouts and all the running. This year I went in completely cold. Bad idea; I wound up with a time of 38 minutes and some injuries. I did manage to run the whole first mile in 8 minutes though, but then my knees hurt, so I had to jog/walk the rest. Also, we were going south and the wind was going north, bringing rain. The rain + cotton shirt + cold + nipples = chafing. Also some of the stuff I am sure Orion was thinking about. You pervert, you. So afterwards, we ate at Pyramid across from the finish line where we always eat. That was good food. Then I came home and asked for the CIDs from Sai and then had to immediately go back out to my cousin's house for his birthday party. We played Gears of War and he helped clarify two things. Turns out when you see the skull and gear logo somewhere, that means a COG tag is nearby. I came home later and did the rest of my homework and stuff. Today at school, nothing happened at all really. I did bad on the chemistry test. Also I got 37/50 on the DBQ. I had forgotten that I had not had time for a 3rd paragraph due to hand cramps and lack of healing time during the session. If I had kept up the trend, I would have gotten 42/50 or somewhere close to that. I knew it was a somewhat good essay for what I actually managed to get in. After school, I made a new record for my longest solo drive, to Lynnwood to get Guild Wars from Best Buy. Now it is installed so when Steven gets on, its time to pwn.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

RIP: Brad Delp, 1951-2007

I will get to the title later. I need to recap since the last post first.

That was the day of the World War 2 party. Davis and Sai came within 2 minutes of each other at 5 and Orion and Steven took a bit longer. Until they arrived, Davis, Sai, and I (mostly I) proved just how stupid the multiplayer is in COD3.(you wanna rocket me? Well how about I run you over!) So when everyone got there, I put in Windtalkers for background noise and we played Risk. Steven won the first game only because he chose not to attack the Taliban stronghold that held for me the whole game. If he had killed me, he would have made a tie with Davis whose goal we all assumed was to kill me. That turned out to be right. So Steven and Sai's alliance was kind of hard to beat and with Davis trying to kill me, I had to allign with Orion, but it really didn't help much. In the second game, my mission was to take North America, which I made obvious and to take over Australia. I had good positions on both. In the middle of North America and the Australian choke point. Unfotunately, Sai for some reason chose to put all of his guys into Australia. So Steven and Orion allied up and I unfortunately had to survive by alligning with Sai even though I had to kill him to win. Davis wouldn't allign with us because it turned out his goal was to kill Sai. He always had something preventing him from joining sides with me. Orion won that one. So then Davis and Sai left, so the three of us left watched house.

Saturday: Well today got off to a bad start. In the computer room while I am eating breakfast, mom yells in at me "hey the lead singer of Boston died." Turns out he did which sucks because he was my favorite rock singer, so yeah. He was only 55 too, so not that old. He was a vegetarian though, so that definately killed him. Later in the day, mom was looking into her geneaology, which led her to find that she had French ancestors. I did the math and I am 1/32 French, so yeah that explains everything. That bit of my blood is corrupting the awesomeness of the rest. So unless mom finds another race, I am right now Anglo-Franco-Germanic-Dutch-Irish.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Ma howse. Be there, or be.........a dead japanese soldier?

Oh what an average week this was. HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT ATTENTION GETTER MRS. GADE? DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW HOW TO WRITE A GOOD ONE WITHOUT ALL THOSE EXAMPLES? Sorry, I had to get that out. So yeah monday went ok. By tuesday at lunch, I once again found myself having not finished my English outline. Luckily, I dodged a bullet again (talk about lightning striking the same place twice eh?) because she didn't check. We all presented our cultural boxes. She enjoyed that I knew the Dutch side of my family so well. On Wednesday, I brought my gameboy and Pokemon Trading Card Game to school and left it in my truck. It was another lame Volleyball day in Individual sport, but we had a kinda hott sub that forgot to take roll, so I left about 30 minutes early and played a bit. I met Steven and Josh at their spanish class and then we waited for Steven and Davis to play in the SSBM tourney. It phailed miserably. Many people did not play while some played twice. Japanese club is run by some n00bs or something. Today, nothing much else happened except a hilarious radio clip with Mr. Rogers. So about this World War 2 party idea. I think it can work. There will be some Riskage, so 6 people maximum. RSVP to get your spot. We will also play some vgs and watch movies in the background until someone dies in Risk I guess. That or they can go into the next room. It would be here at my house but nobody can spend the night because relatives come this weekend for ST PATRICKS DAY DASH. I know I have first place in my family secured. I have trained by RUNNINGINSQUARES of course. So back to the party. I think we should come over here if not immediately after school, then by 5 so that we can get max playage in before the midnight deadline or something. Before you ask Sai, only if someone can't go. The others get higher priority. Even if this was your idea, its my house. So I need RSVP's from: Steven, Davis, Orion, Sai, Zach, and me. Comment to RSVP. Sorry about the short notice.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

I like Windows Media Player 10, no 11, no 10, no 11

Yeah so I upgraded to WMP 11 a couple of months ago, but I recently missed version 10, so I rolled back today only to realize that I hate it. I'm back with 11 and I like it now. So the rest of this past week.

Really not much to do when there is no test in chemistry. Also, individual sports got screwed because we had to play volleyball since the people set up the gym wrong. With the racket spots we have been playing, I was able to easily pwn, but I remembered I haven't played Volleyball since I was the captain of the 2nd place team in 6th grade lunch league. Go spazzes! Stupid that one kid that showed up for just the last game and screwed us up. We would have won. And that is why I hate eric molvik. Because he led the team that beat us for the only time in the whole season. Ok getting off from that tangent, that night, I started playing some SC with Steven and Ben, but I had to go at 6 because I was transporting all the auction items for the booster auction from my house to the shoreline center. The truck on the first shipment held all but 12 items for one room. That's a lot of items because it was the biggest room, so it was good to have the truck around to help.

I woke up kind of late after playing starcraft until kind of late. Later in the day, I went to my grandpa's house while the auction was going on. I played some good Xbox 360.

Curses, Sunday was teh evil. I did my homework, but then got into Starcraft for 3 hours. I might be getting addicted again so I need to control my intake. Not until I finish all my homework. Later in the day, I saved this post as a draft because I wanted to fit some more sleep in.

Man today was warm. I walked outside and was struck by its warmosity. So there was a cool war video in APUSH (is there an uncool war video?) and in Individual Sport, it was just stupid free time basketball day. I left 20 minutes early and did some homework in the truck, then appeared right outside Steven and Josh's spanish room right as the bell rang. In Chemistry, we got our super fun make your own lab thing and my lab partner was once again absent. In English, I remembered that I had left an assignment on my PC at home, but she didn't get to me by the end of class so I really dodged the bullet there. Speaking of bullet dodging, I may or may not be able to play starcraft at any given time due to the reprocussions of last semester. Ye be warned.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Dutch Crash Burns 3 Tons of Hash

I will post tomorrow

Dutch Crash Burns 3 Tons of Hash
By Associated Press
Fri Mar 2, 12:33
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - Three tons of hashish went up in smoke Friday, incinerated by Dutch authorities after a van carrying the illicit cargo crashed and scattered it across the road.
Detectives were hunting the van's driver and a passenger who fled the scene, leaving behind the wrecked vehicle and its $20 million cargo.
"It's not something you see every day," police spokesman Hielke Vogelzang said, adding that police were tracing the owner of the van, but "it may be stolen or leased."
The crash happened during the morning commute on a highway outside the town of Avenhorn, about 20 miles north of Amsterdam, police said.
Vogelzang said it was unknown whether the vehicle's occupants were injured, but "we're confident we'll catch up to them sooner or later."
Police said the van was heading toward Amsterdam when its driver lost control for unknown reasons. They said eyewitnesses saw the van hit a barrier, flip and clip another car before coming to rest. The two occupants ran away.
Packages of hash were scattered around the area, local media reported, and Vogelzang said that hundreds more were found stacked on wooden pallets inside the van.
Marijuana and hash are technically illegal in the Netherlands, but under the country's tolerance policy, police do not arrest anybody for possession of small amounts.
It is sold openly in licensed shops _ which, paradoxically, have no way of legally acquiring their chief product.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

It's official, I pwn CIDs now as well. On the last group of CIDs in the gradesheet, I had forgotten the last 3 CIDs, so I deleted their pages and turned them in. I got 100% on that assignment. Orion, this picture is for you because you said I should make it and you agreed that CIDs are now my bitches.
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Hmmm, I think I spoke too soon.

Yeah well I guess that we won't have two normal 5 day weeks in a row until the end of march. It was going to happen this week and next week for the first time since October, but the evil snow reared its ugly head and screwed it up. Also, there is school on my birthday, so when I turn 18, I'm buying a big gun and I'm going to shoot clouds. Also, Mother Nature has earned her sorry ass a place on my enemies list for this.
So about the week:
For the APUSH homework on tuesday, we had to type a letter as Amelia Earhart or that other guy. George Walter Putnam or something like that. I wrote mine as Amelia on my laptop of course. When I finished, I hadn't saved and I started opening up random amounts of documents and typing in them. Then I did apple q and had to do a frenzy of don't saves. I think in this I deleted my Amelia Earhart letter. Either way, when I looked for it the next morning in APUSH, it was gone. Luckily we didn't turn it in, some people had to summarize theirs. I raised my hand as one of the people who wrote as Amelia Earhart. Mr. Guthrie called on Robin to read hers (we were supposed to read them word for word). Robin tried to get out of it, but he forced a confession that she didn't have hers out of her. Then he calls on me. I have no idea how I am going to remember word for word what I wrote and I cetrainly couldn't have made it up on the spot, so I tried to weasel out of it as well. I convinced Mr. Guthrie to let me summarize it and I was able to do that. I got a B- for participating somewhat, which I guess is a fair price for my ignorance. After that, we had the socratic seminar and I really hate sitting next to Justin now. He just interrupts and yells so nobody else can talk. He wastes air talking too, the stuff he says is really unintelligent and often irrelevant. He thinks someone preventing him from using his laptop qualifies as "military action." I counted at least 6 times when I tried to talk, but he overpowered me. I finally got the chance to talk when Mr. Guthrie heard me trying and gave me the last word, which I used to shut down Justin's argument, thereby agreeing with Sara and Orion.
That was really the most eventful this week got. The rest of the week was incredibly boring until this snow day. I got up and waited for people to sign on since it was ruining my birthday and I wanted to play with people. Steven eventually signed on and we played starcraft. It was nice because I didn't mind stopping after one quick game to play CS:S with Ben and Albert. After lunch, I went to Steven's house and played some SSBM and WW. Nothing much since that point until now.