Saturday, March 10, 2007

RIP: Brad Delp, 1951-2007

I will get to the title later. I need to recap since the last post first.

That was the day of the World War 2 party. Davis and Sai came within 2 minutes of each other at 5 and Orion and Steven took a bit longer. Until they arrived, Davis, Sai, and I (mostly I) proved just how stupid the multiplayer is in COD3.(you wanna rocket me? Well how about I run you over!) So when everyone got there, I put in Windtalkers for background noise and we played Risk. Steven won the first game only because he chose not to attack the Taliban stronghold that held for me the whole game. If he had killed me, he would have made a tie with Davis whose goal we all assumed was to kill me. That turned out to be right. So Steven and Sai's alliance was kind of hard to beat and with Davis trying to kill me, I had to allign with Orion, but it really didn't help much. In the second game, my mission was to take North America, which I made obvious and to take over Australia. I had good positions on both. In the middle of North America and the Australian choke point. Unfotunately, Sai for some reason chose to put all of his guys into Australia. So Steven and Orion allied up and I unfortunately had to survive by alligning with Sai even though I had to kill him to win. Davis wouldn't allign with us because it turned out his goal was to kill Sai. He always had something preventing him from joining sides with me. Orion won that one. So then Davis and Sai left, so the three of us left watched house.

Saturday: Well today got off to a bad start. In the computer room while I am eating breakfast, mom yells in at me "hey the lead singer of Boston died." Turns out he did which sucks because he was my favorite rock singer, so yeah. He was only 55 too, so not that old. He was a vegetarian though, so that definately killed him. Later in the day, mom was looking into her geneaology, which led her to find that she had French ancestors. I did the math and I am 1/32 French, so yeah that explains everything. That bit of my blood is corrupting the awesomeness of the rest. So unless mom finds another race, I am right now Anglo-Franco-Germanic-Dutch-Irish.

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