Sunday, March 04, 2007

I like Windows Media Player 10, no 11, no 10, no 11

Yeah so I upgraded to WMP 11 a couple of months ago, but I recently missed version 10, so I rolled back today only to realize that I hate it. I'm back with 11 and I like it now. So the rest of this past week.

Really not much to do when there is no test in chemistry. Also, individual sports got screwed because we had to play volleyball since the people set up the gym wrong. With the racket spots we have been playing, I was able to easily pwn, but I remembered I haven't played Volleyball since I was the captain of the 2nd place team in 6th grade lunch league. Go spazzes! Stupid that one kid that showed up for just the last game and screwed us up. We would have won. And that is why I hate eric molvik. Because he led the team that beat us for the only time in the whole season. Ok getting off from that tangent, that night, I started playing some SC with Steven and Ben, but I had to go at 6 because I was transporting all the auction items for the booster auction from my house to the shoreline center. The truck on the first shipment held all but 12 items for one room. That's a lot of items because it was the biggest room, so it was good to have the truck around to help.

I woke up kind of late after playing starcraft until kind of late. Later in the day, I went to my grandpa's house while the auction was going on. I played some good Xbox 360.

Curses, Sunday was teh evil. I did my homework, but then got into Starcraft for 3 hours. I might be getting addicted again so I need to control my intake. Not until I finish all my homework. Later in the day, I saved this post as a draft because I wanted to fit some more sleep in.

Man today was warm. I walked outside and was struck by its warmosity. So there was a cool war video in APUSH (is there an uncool war video?) and in Individual Sport, it was just stupid free time basketball day. I left 20 minutes early and did some homework in the truck, then appeared right outside Steven and Josh's spanish room right as the bell rang. In Chemistry, we got our super fun make your own lab thing and my lab partner was once again absent. In English, I remembered that I had left an assignment on my PC at home, but she didn't get to me by the end of class so I really dodged the bullet there. Speaking of bullet dodging, I may or may not be able to play starcraft at any given time due to the reprocussions of last semester. Ye be warned.


pronoob5 said...

im sure your weekend was great.
(implying that i did not read the post)

zack0217 said...

hahahah i enjoyed steven's comment more than i enjoyed the entire post