Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Steven knows how to please a man. I would hope so at least.
She just takes it any way she can.
Threesome with a goth guy watching!
Some of the ways Steven and I entertain ourselves in Guild Wars.
I got a couple more pictures for you later, most likely with the next post.

So on monday, it was late start for WASL, so I had some fun for the first time since MORNING STARCRAFT FRESHMAN YEAR WITH DAVIS W00T. It was replaced by MORNING GUILD WARS WITH STEVEN JUNIOR YEAR W00T. So monday was quite boring with 50 minute periods. On tuesday, more morning Guild Wars. In APUSH, we were talking about anti-semitism, and I put in that in the Catholic Bible, the Old Testament is also known as the Jewish Testament, so I was going to add that it is made not as applicable to now as the new testament, but I didn't say applicable. I said accurate. Yeah I basically said that the Old Testament is not accurate, which Mr. Guthrie was very opinionated about. I don't know what kind of thing it was that I did, whether it was a Feaux Pa(spelling?), or a Freudian Slip, but it was not good. So in band, well Steven and I got there 10 minutes late because I drove him home to get his instruemnt during break after checking in with Harshman. I felt bad because he seemed on a short fuse that day too. Zac left at noon that day and we played Seagate after that. On the opening part our soli, I played and personally I thought it wasn't that good, but Harshman gave me that look that either means "That was awesome" or "If you sound like that again, I will rip your balls off." Luckily, he liked it, so he said "Tell your bro that that's a solO now." English was speech time. Here's a part for Jack and Zach and maybe Davis. Maxwell is in my english class and he volunteered to go first for speeches because he's that kind of guy that thinks he can do anything. Well seeing him give his speech was like watching King Leonidas proving that the God King of Persia could bleed. Maxwell's powerpoint was weak and his stuttering was as well. I might do it too, who knows, but I'm not a cocky prick so it won't matter. So Steven and I are getting ready to go to the academy, which leads to post searing in Guild Wars. I'm glad we figured out that Steven's mysterious in game stalker was actually Orion. Until my next post, here are a couple more pictures. Ok well they appeared back up at the top so enjoy.

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