Friday, May 11, 2007

Hmmm. AP tests are over. No more real work in my classes. How about I play some games?

Cool. Yeah. AP tests. Done. Excellent. I forgot to mention things during the week, such as Lindsey coming to study with us at lunch and Davis saying "but we are losers." and the strange library lady getting into a heated debate with Lindsey over abortion as they were arguing the same side and Davis laughing because it was legitimately funny. Also, there were a group of girls buying lolipops from me during a lunch and I was ignoring them and apparently they were rude to me. Whatever. Ah but yes. Today made me very happy. My APUSH test is done and I am free. I realized that all my other classes really didn't overwork me that much, so the year will be a piece of cake from here on out. I may have gotten only a 3 on the test though because I marked a lot of questionable multiple choices and we lose 1/4 point for a wrong answer I guess.

After the AP test, Davis, Orion, Sai, and I took Justin home and got lunch at Subway. Then we went to CompUSA and nothing was there, so we left. Then we dropped off Sai. Then Davis, Orion, and I went and did the paper route with Steven. Davis learned how to skitch(ride on skateboard while hanging off the back of a moving car) from Danniel Linn. After that Davis went home and Steven and I played DDR at Orion's house and ate dinner there as well. On the way home from Orion's house, I was at Aurora when someone knocked on my car window. It was a girl(freshman) that lives just up the street from me so I gave her a ride home because I was headed that way anyway. Then some GW with Steven. Now I am waiting for my dad to get home so we can put tires on my bike. I have a 7:30 departure time for a 25 mile bike ride. Hopefully we don't get with a lot of n00bs and will be able to finish before noon. I doubt it because the Maxsons are going and two of them don't use any gear but first. Bleh. So afterwards, I plan on having tired knees, but now I found out that my grandparents gave us tickets to the Mariners game so I guess I will be going to that, but I will be on Guild Wars around that time as well as pretty much all of sunday afternoon.

As for videogames, now that AP tests are over I have more time to play them. Davis got Pokemon so we won't see him for a while. This unfortunately has reminded me that I have still not played more than 20 minutes of Oblivion. My cousin still has it so I need to get it back from him because I am slowly going crazy with need to play it and I can only distract myself with Gears of War for so long. Peace out y'all.


zack0217 said...

don't be a bitch, get pokemon.

Jack said...

not much talk of the girl...