Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Things I Hate: 11

Hello and welcome to another Things I Hate. That's right, it has returned from the dead! My math class online is run by a teacher that has the most terrible organization I have ever seen and after sharing with Orion some of the horror stories thus far in the quarter, he suggested I bring back Things I Hate, so I am. This week on Things I Hate: a total lack of organization.

Some background on this image, we had to take a quick survey and then we had to make a graph of classmates' answers to one of the questions asked. So he put the file up on blackboard and when I loaded it, I was this.

Now at the time, I had not read the assignment so the only logical thing I could think of was that he wanted us to organize this. I have no idea why he needed to make the question its own column and not the header for that column. Also, in the column before each question, there is a completely useless column that says something along the lines of "Question_ IDS." I don't know what that means, but it sure as hell didn't come in handy.

I mean seriously, if you're a STATISTICS teacher where the whole class is about charts and graphs, YOU WOULD THINK YOU WOULD AT LEAST KNOW HOW TO MAKE THOSE THINGS. It took me the whole week to do the assignment because every time I opened up this document, I would swear excessively at it before giving up and doing something else. It's not that hard to make a chart, do a column for each question and at the top, have the question and for the student answers, have the answer to the question. It's really simple and I'm questioning my teacher's ability to teach.

That's only one of the stupid parts of the assignment however. After reading the assignment, I noticed that he wanted us to make a graph of one set of data from this survey. This was no ordinary graph though, it had to be hand drawn. Now you may be thinking "David, that's not so bad, I hand draw graphs all the time." Well normally I would agree with you, BUT THIS IS AN ONLINE CLASS. WTF, WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO DRAW SOMETHING AND SCAN IT? I signed up for this class so that I could do things ONLINE or ON A COMPUTER. Microsoft Paint would have been just fine. He also wanted the graphs to be "beautiful, neat, and organized." I came extremely close to just submitting a word document that said "You first."

Ok well that's it for this week. I have to ease myself back into being able to hate things or at least to try to complain about stupid things in an entertaining manner. Until later, peace out.

1 comment:

Davos said...

Oh, come on David. Give me some more hate! I need something to tide over my feelings of complete douchery.