Thursday, April 08, 2010

5th Anniversary List: Top 5 Pictures

Over half of my total posts on this blog are pictures. I have an uncountably large amount posted onto this blog and all I know is that it is well over 1,000 pictures. Choosing just 5 was really difficult because I generally try to put up only humorous and/or epic pictures on my blog, so narrowing 1,000+ pictures down to 5 was quite challenging. For that reason, I decided to add another criteria for selecting my pictures and I seleced 5 that were both funny, memorable, and brough up a good memory of a significant event(s) that have happened in the 5 year history of this blog. The events are either something I have not covered or likely will not cover (except for one of the pictures, but I'll leave it a surprise (not that it matters because apparently nobody is reading these lists...))

This one had no original caption with it. Every spring I make a Repwnion Tour picture for those of us that play Starcraft. This one was made in the summer when Steven, Keir, and I played a lot together. Of all the Clan Teriyaki related pictures I have made, this one was my favorite. Here's to more good times on Starcraft in the future.

Original Caption: It seems like a normal picture, but look much closer to find out why Orion and I are so epic win.
This was from our trip to Atlanta for the FBLA nationals. It was a cool trip in which we made some new friends and this was one of the cooler pictures of the lot. It has also come up again a couple of times and every time I look at it, I have to laugh because nobody except Orion and I caught it until we pointed out what we had done.

Original Caption: Steven and Orion were matching.
This was from our first trip to PAX. It was probably my favorite one that I have gone to thus far and this seems like one of those pictures that kind of sums up the experience and what we all think of each other. Davis totally makes the picture.

Original Caption: IT'S SO MILDLY EXCITING!
This is one where the caption really helps the picture out. I hate to keep referencing this picture over and over because I don't want to deteriorate its humor, but I like it because the picture as well as the caption really sum up my entire Alaska trip. Hell, it could really sum up Alaska the state as well. I usually don't get a picture that can do that.

Original Caption: BOOM HEADSHOT.
This was a really cool trip we took in which we got to meet Doug and Geoff and whatever that evil guy's name was. It was really awesome to finally come that close to Doug even if the pictures we took with him were kind of lame due to many different things. I was surprised looking back at the pictures to realize how short Doug was. In the end, this is one of those pictures that captures the four of us well (I didn't post that one of us holding hands before prom or I might have included that).

There you have it, I really like all the pictures I post or I wouldn't post them, but I thought these ones stood out a little above the rest. I hope you enjoyed looking back at them again.


Davos said...

Wow. Reading that last one, I suddenly realized that I'm wearing the exact same outfit that I was wearing when that picture was taken.

David said...

That's weird, I am too.

Oreo said...

Just so you know, I am not.

So far, this post makes my top 1 list of lists that you posted for the 5th year anniversary.